One of my “gripes” about Doctor Who is that continuity is constantly being re-set so that the existence of aliens comes as a shock to people, even though the Earth has been invaded by aliens numberless times throughout human history, especially during the last sixty years, when various aliens have invaded one or more times a year.  I think that there would be major differences, some of which would be as follows:


  1. By the early 1800s at the latest, scholars would have begun to notice that virtually every culture on Earth had stories of a supernatural called something like “The Doctor” who appeared in time of trouble, defeated a great evil, and then vanished. There would be endless theories regarding this.  As the general public became aware of the existence of alien life in the last Twentieth Century, some would even guess that “The Doctor” represented some real person or group.
  2. By the Seventeenth Century, governments would begin to be aware that alien life existed, although they would immediately understand its full implications. Certainly, all governments would be aware of this by the Nineteenth Century.  There would be an unspoken agreement between the governments to keep the existence of aliens secret from the general public to avoid a panic. As alien invasions began to become more frequent in the 1960s and 1970s, the world’s governments grudgingly began to come to the understanding that the Earth’s nations could no longer afford to fight amongst themselves but must instead present a united front in the face of unknown alien dangers.  This would lead to the development of UNIT (which would never be allowed to be “underfunded”) and the eventual replacement of the U.N. by the World Zone Authority, which would not quite be a world government, but an integrated alliance of all the member nations.  I would expect an actual world government by around 2050 or 2060 at the latest.
  3. It would become increasingly difficult for the world’s governments to keep the existence of aliens secret from the general public as the 1960s and 1970s progressed. I mark the Cyberinvasion of 1986 as the point at which it became impossible to keep the secret any longer. Although the governments would do their best to control the way the news was broken, there would be an enormous political, philosophical and theological.  By the beginning of AD 2022, the general public would be aware of the existence of alien beings, although there might well be cranks who thought it was all a government plot. The average person would be aware of the existence of Cybermen and Daleks, even if they didn’t know their full backstories. Every military, intelligence and police organization on Earth would have protocols for dealing with potential alien invaders (and what to do  if they encounter the Doctor), and the public would be taught to report possible alien activity responsibly, i.e., no reporting your neighbors because you don’t like them, that sort of thing.  I would expect that the presence of the Zygons on Earth would remain secret for quite some time, possibly for as much as a century or longer. (Can Zygons in human form interbreed with humans?  If so, the population of “purebred” Zygons might slowly but steadily diminish over time.  Although once humans started colonizing space, “Earth Zygons” might set up colonies of their own, but all that goes further into the future than I intend to go here.)
  4. I would expect that Earth’s scientists would be able to reverse engineer at least some of the alien technologies. Between this and the fact that Earth’s nation would be cooperating instead of competing, I expect that this Earth’s military technology might be as much as fifty years ahead of our own. Although much of this might be kept secret from the general public.  I think enough of it would get out to the public that general technology would be at least twenty years ahead of our own.  This Earth would already be beginning to move past the internal combustion engine, and great steps would have been made towards climate control, for example


Below is a short timeline covering Earth-based stories with my notes on what effect they would have had or how they would have differed from what the TV show depicted.



400,000,000 BC: The Fourth Doctor, Romanadvoratrelundar II and Duggan battle Scaroth and Duggan battle Scaroth, who inadvertently jumpstarts the beginning of life on Earth.


140,000,000 BC: The Fifth Doctor, Nyssa of Traken and Tegan Jovanka battle the Master on prehistoric Earth.


100,000 BC:  The First Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright encounter a tribe of cave dwellers who have lost the secret of making fire. The tribe subsequently records the encounter in cave paintings.


2200 BC:  The First Doctor, Steven Taylor and Sara Kingdom battle the Daleks and the Meddling monk in Egypt.  The Egyptians make a hieroglyphic record of this visit.


1500 BC:  The Third Doctor and Jo Grant travel to Atlantis to battle the Master’s attempt to gain control of the Chronovore, Kronos.  To my mind, the fact that Atlantis actually existed in the Doctor Who universe would mean that there would be more archaeological evidence of its existence.


1200 BC: The First Doctor, Vicki Pallister and Steven Taylor become involved in the Trojan War.  Vicki remains in this time period, becoming known to history as “Cressida”.


1134 BC:  The Eleventh Doctor saves Egypt from space locusts.  Queen Nefertiti forces her way into the TARDIS. Apparently, there is some “real world” uncertainty concerning Nefertiti’s “final fate”, something I had not known before I first saw this episode.


AD 64: The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki Pallister visit Rome and meet the Emperor Nero. The Doctor inadvertently inspired the Great Fire of Rome.


AD 79:  The Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble battle the Pyroviles in Pompeii. It’s possible that the Caecilii left some record of their rescue from Pompeii from the Doctor. It’d be particularly interesting to see an archaeologist’s reaction to the “household gods” that we saw the Caecilii worshipping at the end of the episode. I could see Kate Stewart reading a report about the statue of the Doctor and thinking, “That man doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘subtle’, does he.”


AD 102:  The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams and River Song investigate the Pandorica and encounter an Alliance of races who believe that the Doctor will destroy the universe.  I feel like a sky full of starships would be the sort of thing that people would have made some record of.


AD 117: The Twelfth Doctor, Bill Potts and Nardole battle the Eaters of Light in Scotland.


AD 815:  The Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald battle the Mire in Scandinavia.  The Doctor inadvertently makes a girl named “Ashildr” immortal.


AD 1066: The First Doctor, Vicki Pallister and Steven Taylor battle the Meddling Monk in Northumbria.


AD 1190: The Twelfth Doctor, Clara Oswald, Robin Hood and his Merry Men battle the Sheriff of Nottingham and his robot knights. It would be funny if this adventure made it into the cycle of Robin Hood legends.


AD 1191:  The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright, and Vicki Pallister visit Palestine during the Third Crusade, where they encounter Richard the Lionheart and Saladin.


AD 1207: The Eleventh Doctor is living as a monk in Cumbria.


AD 1215: The Fifth Doctor, Tegan Jovanka and Vislor Turlough battle the Master in England.


AD 1273: The Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith battle the Sontaran, Linx, in England.


AD 1289:  The First Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright encounter Marco Polo and Kublai Khan in Cathay. Polo later includes a brief mention of the encounter in his Travels.


AD 1380: In Aleppo, the Thirteenth meets a young woman named “Tahira”, who is tormented by the Chagaska.


AD 1450: The First Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright visit pre-Columbian Mexico.  The High Priest Tlotoxl does his best to see to it that their visit is forgotten.


AD 1492: The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith battle Mandragora in San Martino, Italy. The uprising of the Cult of Demnos is recorded in the history of San Martino.


AD 1505:  The Fourth Doctor encounters Scaroth in Florence.


AD 1562: The Tenth, Eleventh and War Doctors, Clara Oswald and Queen Elizabeth I battle the Zygons in England. While Elizabeth I suppresses knowledge of her marriage to the Doctor, she also founds the Under Gallery, a repository for art deemed too dangerous for public consumption.  She also drafts a warning to her successors regarding the Doctor, and suggestions regarding how to deal with him.


AD 1572: The First Doctor and Steven Taylor visit Paris during the massacre of the Huguenots.


AD 1580: The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Ppond and Rory Williams battle the Saturnynians in Venice.


AD 1599: The Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones and William Shakespeare battle the Carrionites in England.  After the Doctor’s departure, Elizabeth I has Shakespeare interrogated regarding the Doctor and the Carrionites, and then warns him not to speak of them.


AD 1618:  The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin “Yaz” Khan meet King James I and fought the Morax in England. James I had read Elizabeth’s warning regarding the Doctor, but since he had been expecting a man, he did not immediately recognize her as the person he’d been warned about.


AD 1638:  The Seventh Doctor and Dorothy “Ace” McShane visit Lady Peinforte’s study.


AD 1661:  The Twelfth Doctor encounters Ashildr – now calling herself “Me” – in England.  She is in league with an alien called ”Leandro”.  The Doctor defeats Leandro’s attempt to conquer the Earth.


AD 1666:  

  • The First Doctor, Ben Jackson and Polly Wright battle smugglers in Cornwall.
  • The Fifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa of Traken and Tegan Jovanka battle the Tereleptils in and around London.


AD 1699:  The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams and Captain Henry Avery encounter the Siren.


AD 1727:  The Tenth Doctor visits Reinette Poisson in France, realizing that someday she will be Madame de Pompadour. He protects her from the clockowork robots.


AD 1744:  The Tenth Doctor once again visits Madame de Pompadour.


AD 1746: The Second Doctor, Ben Jackson and Polly Wright visit Scotland in the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden.  Jamie McCrimmon joins the crew of the TARDIS.


AD 1753: The Tenth Doctor once again visits Madame de Pompadour.


AD 1758: The Tenth Doctor once again visits Madame de Pompadour and saves her from the clockwork robots. The story of the Clockwork Robots’ attack is recorded in the history of the time.


AD 1764: The Tenth Doctor returns to Versailles, only to discover that Madame de Pompadour has died.


AD 1794: The First Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright visit France during the Revolution.


AD 1814:  The Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts free an enormous sea creature that was trapped under the frozen Thames River. The story of the sea creature spreads around London but is officially denied by the government.


Starting by this point in history at the latest, scholars will have begun to notice the many stories and legends, both in Britain and in many cultures around the world, of a mysterious person called “The Doctor” (or something similar) who appears in tome of trouble, defeats (or helps to defeat) some evil person or force and then disappears.  They would begin to debate the significance of these myths, not suspecting they concern a real person.


AD 1816:  The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin “Yaz” Khan meet Mary Shelley, Percy Shelley, Lord Byron and John Polidori and battle Ashad the lone Cyberman in Switzerland.


AD 1823: The Sixth Doctor and Perpugilliam “Peri” Brown battle the Master and the Rani in England. George Stephenson describes this incident in his private notes, which are not published.


AD 1834:  The Thirteenth Doctor and Ada Lovelace encounter the Master in London.


AD 1851: The Tenth Doctor, Jackson Lake and Rosita Farisi battle the Cybermen in London. Legends of the silver giant that appeared  in London re widespread, although the government denies the story.


AD 1866:  The Second Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon battle the Daleks in England and on Skaro.  They meet Victoria Waterfield, who joins the crew of the TARDIS.


AD 1869: The Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Charles Dickens battle the Gelth in Wales.


AD 1870:  The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams visit Mercy, Nevada, and get caught up in the feud between Kahler-Tek and Kahler-Jex.  I suppose it’s conceivable that no word of the electric lighting that Jex provided the town reached the outside world.


AD 1872:  The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki Pallister visit the Mary Celeste while being pursued by the Daleks.


AD 1879: The Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler battle a Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform in Scotland. Queen Victoria founds the Torchwood Institute. Victoria would have had at least some idea of who the Doctor was from the information provided by her predecessors, but it’s still entirely possible that she was disappointed by him when they met.


AD 1881:

  • The First Doctor, Steven Taylor and Dodo Chaplet become involved in the events surrounding the so-called “Gunfight at the OK Corral” in Tombstone, Arizona.
  • The Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts encounter Ice Warriors and British soldiers on Mars. The surviving British soldiers would have had interesting stories to tell once they made it back to Earth. How much they would have been believed is another.


AD 1883:  The Seventh Doctor and Dorothy “Ace” McShane battle Light in Perivale.


AD 1890:  The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Vincent van Gogh battle a Krafayis in France.


AD 1892:

  • The Fourth Doctor and Leela battle Magnus Greel in London.
  • The Eleventh Doctor, the Paternoster Gang and Clara Oswald battle the Great Intelligence in London. Clara is killed.


AD 1893:  The Eleventh Doctor, Clara Oswald and the Paternoster Gang battle Winifred Gillyflower and Mr. Sweet in Yorkshire.


AD 1894: The newly-regenerated Twelfth Doctor, Clara Oswald and the Paternoster Gang battle the Half-Face Man in London. It’s not stated who gathered the remnants of the robots from the restaurant, whether it was the Paternoster Gang or maybe Torchwood.


AD 1902:

  • The Fourth Doctor and Leela battle a Rutan scout on Fang Rock.
  • The Eleventh Doctor takes John Liddell from this time, later returning him there along with Queen Nefertiti.


AD 1903: The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin “Yaz” Khan, Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla battle the Skithra.  I have to wonder what effect just knowing that things like the TARDIS are possible would have on geniuses like Edison and Tesla.


AD 1911:  The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith battle Sutekh in England and on Mars.


AD 1913:  The Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones battle the Family of Blood in England.


AD 1914:  The First and Twelfth Doctors return Captain Archibald Lethbridge-Stewart to his own time.


AD 1920: Kathy Nightingale is trapped in this time by the Weeping Angels.


AD 1921: The First Doctor, Steven Taylor and Sara Kingdom briefly visit a Hollywood film studio.


AD 1925: The Fifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa of Traken and Tegan Jovanka discover the secret of the Cranleigh family.


AD 1926: The Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble and Agatha christie battle a Vespiform at Eddison Manor.


AD 1930:  The Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones battle the Daleks in Manhattan. Someone must have cleaned up the Dalek technology left lying around Manhattan’s sewers after this adventure.  I think it likely that the U.S.A. had some organization like Torchwood in place by this time. I don’t know that they would have had the capacity to reverse engineer much of it at this point in time, tempting as it is to imagine the U.S. Army with Dalek weaponry in the Second World War.


AD 1935: The Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Victoria Waterfield battle the Great Intelligence in Tibet.


AD 1938:  

  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams and River Song meet Adolf Hitler and the Teselecta.
  • The Eleventh Doctor meets Madge Arwell.
  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams and River Song battle the Weeping Angels in New York City.


AD 1941: 

  • The Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Captain Jack Harkness deal with a crashed Chula warship. Jack joins the TARDIS crew. Torchwood would certainly have taken an interest in the “miraculous cures” accompanying these events.
  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Winston Churchill battle the Daleks during the Second World War.
  • The Eleventh Doctor becomes caretaker for the Arwell family and helps Reg Arwell return home safely from the War. I’m sure that Reg Arwell and his crew were interrogated closely regarding how their plane found its way to where Reg’s family was staying.


AD 1943:

  • The Seventh Doctor and Dorothy “Ace” McShane battle Fenric in England.
  • The Thirteenth Doctor, Ada Lovelace and Noor Inayat Khan battle the Master in Paris.


AD 1947:  The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin “Yaz” Khan encounter the Thijarians in India during Partition.


AD 1953:  The Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler battle the Wire in London.


AD 1955:  The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin “Yaz” Khan stop the time traveler Krasko from interfering with Rosa Parks’ historical actions.


AD 1959:  The Seventh Doctor and Melanie “Mel” Bush battle the Bannermen in Wales. The two CIA agents, Hawk and Weissmuller, carry news of the encounter to their superiors.


AD 1963: 

  • The First Doctor kidnaps Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright from London. They and their student, Susan Foreman, are reported missing.
  • The Seventh Doctor and Dorothy “Ace” McShane battle the Daleks and Davros in London. I’m sure that Torchwood kept busy gathering up the Dalek technology left over after this encounter. I’ve always thought of this encounter as the one which led to the U.K. to push for the creation of what eventually became UNIT.


AD 1964: The First Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright return to London, albeit in miniaturized form.  They battle the villainous businessman, Forester.


AD 1965: 

  • Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright return to London using a captured Dalek time machine, which subsequently self-destructs. They are interrogated by UK government agents who provide a cover story for them in return for their silence.
  • The First Doctor, Steven Taylor and Sara Kingdom briefly visit Liverpool and London.


AD 1966: 

  • The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki Pallister briefly visit the Empire State Building while being pursued by the Daleks.
  • Dodo Chaplet inadvertently joins the crew of the TARDIS.
  • The First Doctor, Dodo Chaplet, Ben Jackson and Polly Wright battle WOTAN in London. Dodo subsequently remains behind while Ben and Polly inadvertently join the crew of the TARDIS.  WOTAN was created based on remnants of alien technology retried by Torchwood, which is why artificial intelligence technology is more advanced that it was in our 1966. The remaining War Machines are collected by the British military for study and possible future use.
  • The Second Doctor, Ben Jackson, Polly Wright and Jamie McCrimmon battle the Chameleons at Gatwick Airport. After the battle, Ben and Polly leave the crew of the TARDIS.  The Doctor and Jamie discover that the TARDIS has been stolen.  They pursue the thieves.


AD 1968:

  • The Second Doctor, Jamie MacCrimmon and Victoria Waterfield battle the Great Intelligence in London. The Doctor meets Colonel Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. After this adventure, the formation of UNIT (United Nations Intelligence Taskforce) is approved by the UN. Lethbridge-Stewart is promoted the Brigadier and made the head of UNIT’s British branch.
  • The Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, (now) Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart Battle an invasion of Earth by the Cybermen in league with Tobias Vaughn. This invasion confirmed the need for UNIT. However, while UNIT does its best to cover up the existence of aliens, from this point onwards, the general public becomes increasingly aware of their existence.


AD 1969:  

  • The Second Doctor, Ben Jackson, Polly Wright and Jamie McCrimmon battle Professor Zaroff in a remnant of Atlantis.
  • The Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones are temporarily trapped in this time by the Weeping Angels.
  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, River Song and Richard Nixon battle the Silents in the United States.


AD 1970:

  • The Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Victoria Waterfield battle mutant seaweed in northern England.  Victoria elects to remain behind when the Doctor and Jamie leave. Victoria is subsequently debriefed by UNIT.
  • The newly-regenerated Third Doctor is exiled to Earth by the Time Lords. He joins Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Liz Shaw and UNIT in battling an invasion by the Nestenes. The Doctor becomes UNIT’s scientific advisor.
  • The Third Doctor, Liz Shaw and UNIT battle some newly-awakened Silurians. UNIT subsequently alerted its bases worldwide to be on watch for any Silurian activity.
  • The Third Doctor, Liz Shaw and UNIT free alien ambassadors captured by General George Carrington.
  • The Third Doctor, Liz Shaw and UNIT prevent Eric Stahlman’s drilling project from destroying the Earth. The Doctor witnesses the destruction of a parallel Earth. Liz Shaw subsequently leaves UNIT.


AD 1971:  

  • Jo Grant joins UNIT as the Doctor’s new assistant. The Master comes to Earth. The Third Doctor Jo Grant and UNIT defeat a renewed Nestene invasion, this time in league with the Master.
  • The Third Doctor, Jo Grant and UNIT defeat the Master’s attempt to conquer the Earth using an alien mind parasite.
  • The Third Doctor, Jo Grant and UNIT defeat the Axons’ attempt (in league with the Master) to drain the Earth of its energy.
  • The Third Doctor, Jo Grant and UNIT defeat the Master’s attempt to gain control of the power of the Daemon Azal.


AD 1972:

  • The Third Doctor, Jo Grant and UNIT defeat an attempt by the Daleks to re-write Earth’s history.
  • The Third Doctor and Jo Grant defeat an attempt by the Seas Devils in league with the Master to conquer the Earth.
  • The Third Doctor, Jo Grant and UNIT battle the Master’s attempt to gain control of the Chronovore, Kronos.


AD 1973:

  • The Time Lords send the First and Second Doctors to help the Third Doctor, Jo Grant and UNIT battle Omega. After the battle, the Time Lords rescind the Doctor’s exile.
  • The Third Doctor, Jo Grant and UNIT battle the insane computer BOSS. Jo Grant leaves UNIT and marries Cliff Jones.
  • The Third Doctor investigates the disappearance of several scientists. He meets Sarah Jane Smith.


AD 1974:

  • The Third Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith and UNIT battle Operation Golden Age. The appearance of several dinosaurs around London is widely documented.
  • The Third Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith and UNIT battle Rex Lupton and the giant spiders of Metebelis III. The Third Doctor regenerates.
  • The Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald rescue time traveler Hila Tacorien and an alien creature from a pocket universe.


AD 1975:  

  • The Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, Harry Sullivan and UNIT battle Hilda Winters and the Scientific Reform Society. UNIT subsequently speeds the development of the disintegrator gun.
  • The Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smooth, Harry Sullivan and UNIT battle the Zygons in Scotland and London. Harry Sullivan remains behind when the Doctor and Sarah Jane leave. The appearance of the Skarasen in London is widely documented. There is an increasing public belief in aliens.
  • The Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith and UNIT battle the Kraals.


AD 1976:

  • The Fourth Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith and UNIT battle the Krynoids and Harrison Chase in Antarctica and England.
  • The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith battle Eldrad on Earth and Kastria. The Doctor leaves Sarah Jane on Earth when he is summoned to Gallifrey.


AD 1977: 

  • The Fourth Doctor, K-9 and Leela battle the Fendahl in England.
  • The Fifth Doctor, Nyssa of Traken, Tegan Jovanka and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart battle Mawdryn at Brendon Public School in England.


AD 1978: The Fourth Doctor, K-9 Mark II and Romanadvoratrelundar I battle Cessair of Diplos and retrieve the third segment of the Key to Time in Cornwall.


AD 1979:

  • The Fourth Doctor and Romanadvoratrelundar II battle Scaroth in Paris.
  • The Fourth Doctor, K-9 Mark II and Romanadvoratrelundar III battle Skagra in Cambridge, England, and Shada.


AD 1980: The Twelfth Doctor battles the Fisher King in Scotland.


AD 1981:  The Fourth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa of Traken and Tegan Jovanka battle the Master of Earth and Logopolis.  The Fourth Doctor regenerates.


AD 1982: The Fifth Doctor, Nyssa of Traken and Tegan Jovanka investigate a missing Concorde.


AD 1983:

  • The Fifth Doctor, Nyssa of Traken and Tegan Jovanka battle Omega in Amsterdam and on Gallifrey.
  • The Fifth Doctor, Nyssa of Traken, Tegan Jovanka and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart battle Mawdryn at Brendon Public School in England. Vislor Turlough joins the TARDIS crew.
  • The Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald encounter Martian Grand Marshal Skaldak aboard a Soviet submarine.


AD 1984:

  • The Fifth Doctor, Tegan Jovanka and Vislor Turlough battle the Malus in England.
  • The Fifth Doctor, Tegan Jovanka and Vislor Turlough battle the Daleks in England. Tegan Jovanka leaves the TARDIS crew.
  • The Fifth Doctor and Vislor Turlough battle the Master on Lanzarote and Sarn. Kamelion is destroyed.  Turlough leaves the TARDIS crew.  Perpugilliam “Peri” Brown joins the TARDIS crew.


AD 1985:

  • The Sixth Doctor and Perpugilliam “Peri” Brown battle the Cybermen on Earth and on Telos.
  • The Sixth Doctor and Peri Brown and the Second Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon
  • The Sixth Doctor and Peri Brown and the Second Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon battle the Sontarans and the Androgums in Seville.


AD 1986: The First Doctor, Ben Jackson and Polly Wright battle the Cybermen at Snowcap Base in Antarctica. The First Doctor encounters the Twelfth Doctor, Captain Archibald Lethbridge-Stewart and the Testimony. The First Doctor regenerates. The Doctor’s presence is reported to UNIT.  UNIT personnel collect any Cybertechnology that they find in the aftermath. The worldwide presence of the Cybermen and the explosion of Mondas so near the Earth makes it impossible for then world’s governments to deny the existence of aliens. As this begins to sink in, there is a revolutionary effect on human society.


AD 1987:  The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyle return to the day her father died. Rose attempts to prevent his death,  but fails.


AD 1988:

  • The Seventh Doctor and Dorothy “Ace” McShane battle the Cybermen and Lady Peinforte at Windsor.
  • The Seventh Doctor and Ace battle the Master in Perivale and on the Cheetah Planet.


AD 1994:  The Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald visit the children’s home where young Rupert Pink lives.


AD 1996:

  • The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki Pallister visit a haunted house at the Festival of Ghana while being pursued by the Daleks. I’ve always wondered how “Peking” was able to cancel this festival.
  • The newly-regenerated Eleventh Doctor first meets Amelia Pond.
  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, young Amelia Pond and River Song battle to re-set the universe and close the cracks in time.
  • The Twelfth Doctor inadvertently gives young Grant Gordon “super-powers”.


AD 1997:  The Seventh Doctor, Dorothy “Ace” McShane, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and UNIT battle Morgaine and the Destroyer in England. Morgaine was subsequently allowed to return to her own world after making restitution and giving her solemn oath not to trouble Earth again.


AD 1999:  The newly-regenerated Eighth Doctor and Grace Holloway battle the Master in San Francisco.


AD 2005:  The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler battle the Nestene Consciousness in London. Rose begins travelling with the Doctor.


AD 2006: 

  • The Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Mickey Smith battle the Slitheen in London.
  • The Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith and captain Jack Harkness battle Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen in Cardiff.
  • The newly-regenerated Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler battle the Sycorax in London.


AD 2007:

  • The Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith, Sarah Jane Smith and K-9 Mark III battle the Krillitanes in London.
  • The Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler and Mickey Smith battle the Cybermen on an alternate Earth. Mickey remains on the alternate Earth when the adventure is over.
  • The Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler battle the Abzorbaloff in London.
  • The Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler and Mickey Smith battle the Daleks and the parallel Earth Cybermen in London. Rose, Jackie and Mickey remain on the parallel Earth.   This invasion is the final impetus leading to the U.N. being reorganized as the World Zone Authority – not quite yet a world government, but instead a strong alliance of all members in the face of alien invasion. UNIT is renamed the “Unified Intelligence Taskforce”. The independent national organizations like Torchwood are folded into UNIT.
  • The Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble battle the Empress of the Racnoss in London.
  • Sally Sparrow and Larry Nightingale battle the Weeping Angels with helpful clues from the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones.


AD 2008: 

  • The Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones battle the Judoon and the Plasmavore on the Moon. Martha Jones joins the crew of the TARDIS.
  • The Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones battle Professor Richard Lazarus in London.
  • Sally Sparrow meets the Tenth Doctor and gives him the information he will need to defeat the Weeping Angels.
  • The Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones and Captain Jack Harkness battle the Master in London.
  • The Tenth Doctor and Astrid Peth battle Max Capricorn aboard the space vessel Titanic, but Astrid is killed in the battle.
  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amelia “Amy” Pond and Rory Williams battle Prisoner Zero.


AD 2009:

  • The Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble battle Matron Cofelia in London. Donna Noble joins the TARDIS crew.
  • The Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble and Martha Jones battle the Sontarans on Earth and in space.
  • The Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Rose Tyler, Sarah Jane Smith, Mickey Smith, Captain Jack Harkness, UNIT and Torchwood battle Davros and the Daleks. Donna Noble leaves the TARDIS crew.
  • The Tenth Doctor, Lady Christina De Souza and UNIT battle to prevent the Swarm from reaching Earth.
  • The Tenth Doctor and Wilfred Mott battle the Master’s attempt to turn humanity into clones of himself. The Doctor and the Master battle Rassilon.


AD 2010: 

  • After visiting all of his companions, the Tenth Doctor regenerates.
  • The Eleventh Doctor returns to Leadworth. Amy Pond joins the crew of the TARDIS.
  • The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond bring Vincent van Gogh to present-day France to show him how he will be remembered by history.
  • The Eleventh Doctor meets Craig Owens. Together, they investigate a camouflaged spaceship.
  • Amy Pond marries Rory Williams.


AD 2011: 

  • Amy Pond, Rory Williams and River Song witness the apparent murder of the Doctor in Utah.
  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams encounter a Tenza living in Britain.
  • The Eleventh Doctor and Craig Owens battle the Cybermen in Colchester.
  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams and River Song battle the Silents and Madame Kovarian.


AD 2012: 

  • The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler battle a Dalek in Utah.
  • The Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler encounter an Isolus in London.
  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams visit New York City, but get caught up in an adventure with the Weeping Angels in the past. Afterwards, they return to 2012 with River Song. However, Amy and Rory are sent back to the past by a surviving Angel. I’d like to think that the Doctor at the very least alerted UNIT about that last Angel before taking off to have a good cry.


AD 2013:

  • The Eleventh Doctor visits Amy Pond and Rory Williams at Christmastime.
  • The Eleventh Doctor meets a different version of Clara Oswald. They battle the Great Intelligence in London.
  • The Tenth, Eleventh and War Doctors and Clara Oswald help negotiate a settlement between UNIT and the Zygons. The Eleventh Doctor meets the Curator. Accepting a substantial number of secret alien refugees must’ve a hard sell for UNIT to the member governments.


AD 2014: 

  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Wiliams, Brian Williams and UNIT battle the Shakri.
  • The Twelfth Doctor recruits Clara Oswald to help him find a theoretical “perfect hiding” creature.
  • The Twelfth Doctor, Clara Oswald and Danny Pink battle a Skovox Blitzer at the Coal Hill School.
  • The Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald battle the Boneless in Bristol.
  • The Twelfth Doctor, Clara Oswald and Danny Pink must cope when the Earth is suddenly covered with forests. There must have been a significant surge in forestry and plant biology after this incident. (I could never accept the episode’s suggestion that people would simply forget such a thing.  That’s been the series’ go-to excuse far too often.)
  • Danny Pink is killed. The Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald battle Missy and the Cybermen in London.
  • The Twelfth Doctor, Clara Oswald and Santa Claus battle the Dream Crabs.


AD 2015:

  • The Twelfth Doctor, Clara Oswald and UNIT deal with a revolt among the Zygons living secretly on Earth.
  • The Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald work to prove their friend Rigsy’s innocence, only to discover that it was a trap by Me. Rigsy is spared, but the Doctor is trapped and Clara is killed.


AD 2016:  The Twelfth Doctor, Nardole and Grant Gordon (secretly the super-hero known as “The Ghost”) battle the Shoal of the Winter Harmony.


AD 2017:

  • The Twelfth Doctor and Nardole meet Bill Potts. They battle sentient oil. Bill joins the TARDIS crew.
  • The Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts battle Dryads in a house that Bill is renting with some friends.
  • The Twelfth Doctor, Bill Potts and Nardole battle the Monks’ invasion of Earth.
  • The Twelfth Doctor, Bill Potts and Nardole visit NASA’s HQ.


AD 2018: 

  • The Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Victoria Waterfield defeat Ramon Salamander’s attempt to take control of the World Zone Authority.
  • The newly-regenerated Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin “Yaz” Khan battle Tzim-Sha in Sheffield, England.
  • The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin “Yaz” Khan meet Jack Robertson and battle giant spiders in Sheffield.
  • The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin “Yaz” Khan encounter the Solitract in Norway.


AD 2019:  The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin “Yaz” Khan battle a Dalek reconnaissance scout in BritaIn. They receive immediate assistance from UNIT when the Doctor contacts them, and UNIT troops with advanced weaponry arrive and defeat the Dalek with relative ease


AD 2020:

  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond and Rory Williams battle the Silurians in Wales. Rory Williams dies.
  • The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin “Yaz” Khan battle the Master and the Kasaavin.
  • The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin “Yaz” Khan discover that the Judoon are pursuing a fugitive in Gloucester in the UK. The Doctor discovers that the fugitive, Ruth Martin, is actually a previous incarnation that she does not recall.  Graham, Ryan and Yaz meet Captain Jack Harkness, who gives them a warning about a lone Cyberman. The Thirteenth Doctor helps the Fugitive Doctor escape Gat, a Time Lord agent.
  • The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin “Yaz” Khan battle the Praxeus all over the Earth.
  • Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair and Yasmin ”Yaz” Khan have visions and/or encounters with the immortals, Zellin and Rakaya.


AD 2021: The Thirteenth Doctor, Graham O’Brien, Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin “Yaz” Khan Captain Jack Harkness battle mutated Daleks created by Jack Robertson.  Since the existence of Daleks (although not their entire backstory) is known to the general public, Robertson made extensive changes to the casings of his “creations” so that they bore no resemblance to actual Daleks.

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