
  • Here is a link to the image.

    I like the layout but hate the art. That is very ugly my eyes. Your mileage may vary.
  • I agree. I like the idea but the art isn't working for me.

    Cavalier said:
    Here is a link to the image.

    I like the layout but hate the art. That is very ugly my eyes. Your mileage may vary.
  • Here's the other cover for B&R 13 -- I suspect this is the one Larfleeze was talking about:


  • That's better, Rob. I still don't love it but it's better art than the other.
  • I really like it -- it's a neat idea, well-executed.
  • Frank Quitely is GOD!

    They seem to be deliberately going for garish campy day-glo colours on all the B&R books. They're unlike anything else colour-wise.

    I laughed out loud when I realised what was going on in that picture. Very Damian!

    I think Frederick Wertham would have a lloooott to say about that first cover linked to up there...
  • Honestly? Meh and Yuck, respectively. But that's just me.
  • Can't say I'm overly impressed by either cover. I'll still be reading it, though.
  • You suspect correctly! That's the one!

    Rob Staeger said:
    Here's the other cover for B&R 13 -- I suspect this is the one Larfleeze was talking about:


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