(Chaos War) Dead Avengers

Dead Avengers is a three-issue mini-series which spun out of Chaos War. It features Captain Marvel, the Swordsman, Vision, Dr. Druid, the female Yellowjacket and Deathcry. If you’d’ve pressed me, I wouldn’t’ve been able to identify the latter two as Avengers, and Dr. Druid tops my list of characters most ill-suited to be Avengers (now following Spider-Man and Wolverine, of course). I thought the Vision was back among the living, but I guess not. The Swordsman is a favorite of mine, and I’ll be filing this series in my “cosmic” box along with other Captain Marvel stories. I really have no complaints about the composition of the team. The story begins with the six titular (formerly) dead Avengers standing amidst the scene of a battle strewn with the bodies of Avengers presumably “killed” in Chaos War #3. I’m not reading Chaos War, so if the series is off to a confusing start, the reader is in no worse a position than the main characters themselves, who have no idea how they returned from the dead or why. The plot is punctuated by flashbacks (so far one of the Swordsman and one of the Vision) bring the reader up to speed on who these characters were in life. For the cliffhanger, the Grim Reaper and Nekra appear in a full-page panel. I decided to buy this series because it’s only three issues in length, but it was Tom Grummett’s art that really won me over.

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  • I was puzzled by the Vision's appearance as well.

    I suppose, since the "living" Vision has an entirely different personality, and no emotional connection to the memories of his former life (although the actual memories are there), he could be considered a new person. Vision 2.0, as it were.

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  • I wasn't aware that Deathcry and the female Yellowjacket were official Avengers, but I guess this makes it so if they weren't. And I seem to recall that Captain Marvel wasn't, either, and when some story said he was and a reader objected, Marvel said he was made an Avenger posthumously. Does anybody else remember that, or did I dream it?

    There is a new Vision with Young Avengers who's supposed to have the brain patterns or something of the original, or maybe just the body. I'm a little confused on that score, since he doesn't act at all like the old one. Got a girlfriend right away, instead of agonizing over the Pinocchio syndrome for years. So I guess the "brain" or "soul" or whatever of the original is dead. Or something.
  • The current Vision is, IIRC, Iron Lad's armor (and maybe some of his persona) imbued with the original Vision's OS; so he functions technologically like the Vision, but has the personality of Iron Lad.

    I think?
  • Captain Marvel being awarded Avengers status posthumously was mentioned originally in the first Marvel Handbook and confirmed when Monica (Captain Marvel II/Photon/Pulsar/?) Rambeau joined.

    Deathcry was an Avenger/90s stereotype/female Wolverine who was around when I dropped out of comics for a couple of years. I don't have any direct info other than she's Shi'ar.

    Yellowjacket II was never an Avenger. She was part of the Masters of Evil, though she apparently reformed. She reluctantly accompanied the Avengers in battling the High Evolutionary in Avengers Annual #17(?) because her stolen borrowed costume's signal-device dragged her there! And when did she grow wings like the Wasp?

    Doctor Druid--what's the term?---Oh, yes...meh.

    The Vision has bad Ultron memories and is made to feel decidingly unhuman. Can't be happy to see the Grim Reaper. I want to be optimistic but with the Original Human Torch and the Golden Age Vision in the excellent Invaders Now!, it still don't look good for our Sulking Synthezoid!

    Glad to see the Swordsman back in the spotlight after thirty-five years! Though he was a member briefly (from #114 to 129 with his death in Giant-Size Avengers #2), he's a sentimental favorite!
  • Ugh. More junk with "Avengers" in the title - you'd swear it was the 80s and Avengers had an "X" in its title, these days. I guess we've gone from "X" book fascination to "A" book fascination.

    I do not ever remember Captain Marvel being made an Avenger either, and TOHOTMU doesn't count to me. Spider-Man annual 16 (?) might have said something - I don't remember if it said Mar-Vell was an Avenger, or WITH the Avengers.

    So... this is an offshoot book from an offshoot book (Chaos War - because, y'know, most wars are so orderly, organized and neat...)? I didn't think it would take Marvel long to start going overboard on the cross-company events. Really, I'm surprised it took them this long... the word "crisis" has been around for a LONG time...

  • It's okay. They're doing a Chaos War: Dead X-Men mini as well!

    Does anyone else find it odd that Mar-Vell never became an Avenger, despite several guest appearances? And how come he didn't recognize the Swordsman? They battled together against Thanos in Avengers#125.

    And why no Jack of Hearts, Ant-Man II or the real Wasp?

  • Philip Portelli said:
    It's okay. They're doing a Chaos War: Dead X-Men mini as well!

    Does anyone else find it odd that Mar-Vell never became an Avenger, despite several guest appearances? And how come he didn't recognize the Swordsman? They battled together against Thanos in Avengers#125.

    And why no Jack of Hearts, Ant-Man II or the real Wasp?

    Because they are all, already alive, and are just biding their time to make a great entrance.
  • Something has to be up because if Deathcry and the second Yellowjacket are needed to fill a roster, then there got to be a real good reason!

  • Jan is still alive, according to Dan Slott's run on Mighty Avengers. 

    Philip Portelli said:

    It's okay. They're doing a Chaos War: Dead X-Men mini as well!

    Does anyone else find it odd that Mar-Vell never became an Avenger, despite several guest appearances? And how come he didn't recognize the Swordsman? They battled together against Thanos in Avengers#125.

    And why no Jack of Hearts, Ant-Man II or the real Wasp?
  • With all these dead heroes running around, could Chaos War be Marvel's Blackest Night/Brightest Day with similar ramifications?

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