I was watching the Savage/Warrior "retirement" match on disk last night, and it came to the ending where Elizabeth threw Sherri out of the ring, and the thought came to me, "Both of these women are dead now, it's depressing."
Ok, how about this for an idea. We take it in turns to post a favourite (British spelling) comic cover every day. This went really well on the comic fan website that I used to frequent. What we tried to do was find a theme or subject and follow th
ASSORTED CRISIS EVENTS #1 Writer: Deniz Camp (20th Century Men, The Ultimates, Absolute Martian Manhunter). Artist: Eric Zawadzki (Heart Attack, House of El). IMAGE, $4.99.
I was a big fan of Ultraman when I was a kid. In the early ‘90s I discovered there was a new “Ultraman” show, but unfortunately I was more interested in acquiring episodes of the old show on VHS than I was episodes of the new one. Somewhat later I di
This thread is a companion to the "A Cover A Day" discussion. Click here to visit that discussion. It is intended for the discussion of potential new themes and topics for "A Cover A Day", voting on these themes, and the gathering and reporting of
I'm starting this thread for the little things that I've discovered while re-reading my old books. This will probably be trivia of the most trivial nature but it is what it is!
Today I picked out TWO things from Detective Comics #446 (Ap'75):
I didn't entirely get the intended construction of the jokes in the Sunday Bizzaro (Sp??) strip yesterday . ( The strip appars to be not online , as it is a King Features Syndicate strip , who - Gasp !!! - appear to think they're in the comics busi
Dynamite's Dark Shadows: Year One condenses the 19-week television storyline into six issues and, I must admit, does a pretty good job of it, eliminating most of the meandering soap opera storytelling. It is not, however, canon. What writer Marc Andr
Between 1987 and 2004, Fantagraphics Books published 50 softcover volumes of Hal Foster's masterpiece Prince Valiant from the beginning (February 13, 1937) through strip #2271 (August 17, 1980). In 2012, the same publisher began a rerelease of the sa
Only episode two of this six-parter exists in the BBC vaults. It is available on the “Lost in Time” set but it’s nice to be able to at least hear the rest of the story, which begins when the TARDIS materializes on a Himalayan mountainside in 1935. Ne
So - I know I've only been here a week, but I thought I might be able to brighten up everyone's lives a little with a new thread devoted to comical cartoons based around superheroes. I have loads of funny material that I've picked up over the years.
This is the third volume to feature the work of Denny O'Neil & Luke McDonnell, and the third to feature an introduction written by McDonnell. I've said this before, but Luke McDonnell strikes me as a really nice guy. Did you know that, in preparation
I started threads for Oni Press's other "EC" titles, so I might as well start one for Cruel Kingdom as well. For some reason, I assumed Cruel Kingdom would be an ongoing narrative, but it's not; it's an anthology (sword & sorcery in this case), just
This release (described as a "mini-series) from 2018 comprises four individual hour-long episodes. I think I listened to one of them, but was too concerned with where (or even if) they fit into continuity to really enjoy it. Maggie and Quentin were n