Does the/any newspaper in your area run any continuity strips ?

( I do assume you BUY a/the paper in a foolscap form...Or else the Captain will be heartbroken ! <SNIFF> <SOB> )

  Here in Santa Cruz , the Sentinel runs ALLEY OOP , daily only...dropping it on Saturday , however , from the classified section in which it runs , except that this week they dropped it Friday and carried it Saturday...

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  • Dick Tracy runs in The Washington Times;


    The Washington Post carries Judge Parker, Mark Trail, The Amazing Spider-ManDoonesbury, Classic PeanutsSally Forth, Curtis, Sherman's Lagoon, Brewster Rockit: Space Guy!, Big Nate, Prickly CityOn the Fastrack, Baby Blues, Barney & Clyde, Candorville and Zits.


    What's that? DoonesburyClassic PeanutsSally ForthCurtisSherman's LagoonBrewster Rockit: Space Guy!Big NatePrickly CityOn the FastrackBaby BluesBarney & ClydeCandorville and Zits don't count as "continuity" newspaper strips? Why not? They tell continued stories in daily installments.

  • The Dallas Morning News runs Judge Parker and Prince Valiant.


    I would include Doonsbury and Funky Winkerbean under CK's more liberal definition, but not some of the others (which DMN also runs).

  • ...Yes , I meant " continuity " in the " classic " sense there , but in fact , certainly after it was up , I realized that it could turn into a " Current newspaper strips in general " thread - which would be fine by me !

      The Sentinel , here , is part of this ---" Bay Area News Group " ??? - mini-conglomerate that includes newspapers from here ( Which , I believe , is not considered to actually be the " San Francisco Bay Area " , though Craigslist says I haven't left " the Yay " either . ) ( I lived in San Francisco before , though I think I did say/status that , then . ) , San Jose , Contra Costa County , and Oakland . The San Jose Mercury News is the the big/alpha dog here , all the other papers have said on their masthead " An edition of the S. J. M. N. "...its/" our " (??) Sunday comics section is the same as San Jose's , it even says so on thesection  masthead , while the Oaktown and CC ones were identical to each other and slightly different from the more " southern " papers' Sabbath mix . No continuities in either Sun. , IIRC .

  • ...I remember that " the Merc " carried REX MORGAN , M.D. daily but not on " the seventh day . Anymore .
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