
As I pondered a bit about the original X-Men, I remembered how the Beast got stronger, faster and hairier in Amazing Adventures #11. Jean Grey was improved from Marvel Girl to Phoenix in Uncanny X-Men #102. (And yes, I know about all the retcons but let's keep this simple). The Angel was transformed into the deadlier and far more offensive Archangel in X-Factor. And Iceman's powers have been expanding for years.

But what about Cyclops? Has Scott's power ever been increased in a storyline? Do you think that his power has increased? Could he be one of the few Silver Age Marvel characters who has not been upgraded?

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  • Just a tangent, but Bobby Drake's powers were 'unlocked' by Loki in Thor back during the Simonson run.


    I don't recall any expansion of Cyclops' powers, but perhaps it's because he was generally regarded as the most powerful original X-Man in the first place. 


    Iceman, Angel, the Beast and Marvel Girl were all seriously outclassed power-wise by Cyclops, at least back in the Silver Age. I still think that the Legion of Substitute Heroes could have taken them back then.

  • I don't think that Cyclops's power has actually increased but his ability to use his powers, his "power stunts," has improved. I'm talking about things like hitting an object to change its trajectory to a specific direction or pin-point targeting.
  • You both make great points. There could also be improvements to Cyclops' visor which could be a factor as well. It's just strikes me odd that with the others' upgrades, not to mention Iron Man's, Henry Pym's, Spider-Man's, the Fantastic Four's as examples, that Marvel never tried to "improve" on the Brooding Blaster.
  • Since Cyclops was pretty powerful to begin with, I think Marvel's writers upgraded him in other ways. He's become a better and better leader, to the point where his tactical skills may actually rival those of Captain America at this point. He's also gotten quite a bit better dealing with people on a personal level. This was a guy who was a near-terminal wallflower in the beginning, who has come out of his shell with a vengeance.


    I would like to know what happened to his ability to control his blasts without a visor/glasses, as revealed in Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men. That's a pretty major upgrade.


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  • I confirm 'Tec445's recollections.  I believe it was noted in that story that Cyclops' eye beams were stronger than ever, and thus the required "upgrade" to one of Scott's older visors.
  • Yep, that's the one I was going to mention.
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