I tried to put my partial thesis up on Google Docs, but it eliminated all the footnotes. I'd like to get it up somehow, though, since you've all had a hand in it, and I'd like for you all to see and comment on the progress.

If anybody has any ideas, let me know. I'm not even halfway through, but I'd like comment on what I've done so far. And it might be fun!

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  • You could stick it up as a pdf attachment to this discussion?

    I'd certainly love to read it...
  • I've love FOR you to read it. My wife thinks I'm crazy to post it -- she says I'm just asking for people to rip me a new one. But I think people have contributed, so have a right to read it. Plus, why not? Isn't this the future, where we all cloudware stuff?

    Anyway, OLD Captain Comics, who is a crotchedy old-fashioned journalist, would welcome the smart folks here to argue/criticize/contribute, and NEW Captain Comics, who is very avant-garde and all into the blogger/social media/cloudware hoo-ha, BOTH would welcome comments, critiques, and criticism. I just have to figure out the tech, is all.
  • I'm obvoiusly very OLD SCHOOL to think that a thesis is something that you can stick on a pdf and stick on a discussion board.

    Aren't there issues of your examiners thinking that some of the content had been generated by others who are not yourself? If someone gives you a good line of discussion after reading an early draft or something.

    I know nothing about thesuses though. Thesiii?

    Cloudware is a term I have never encountered before today...

    The world of tomorrow is passing me by...
  • Any content in academia, and any content in journalism, have to pass the same test, and I've been passing that test for 30 years, and it's second nature to me now.

    In other words, I'm not putting anything into a story or into a paper that I didn't generate myself or can't attribute. Never have, never will. And if anyone -- like a dean or whatever -- wants to tackle me on that, he's in for a fight. And I'm probably older than he is. :)

    So I'm not too worried about that. I'll take on all comers.
  • Cap, Word 2007 lets you safe to PDF...keeping your footnotes, then you can attach it here like figs suggested or up on
    http://www.scribd.com/ .
    Captain Comics said:
    Any content in academia, and any content in journalism, have to pass the same test, and I've been passing that test for 30 years, and it's second nature to me now.
    In other words, I'm not putting anything into a story or into a paper that I didn't generate myself or can't attribute. Never have, never will. And if anyone -- like a dean or whatever -- wants to tackle me on that, he's in for a fight. And I'm probably older than he is. :)
    So I'm not too worried about that. I'll take on all comers.
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