
  • Spoilers in black!


    Doctor Fate!

    Green Lantern!

    The table!

    The painting!

    The geekfest!


    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's a pretty lame website, but I did it myself, so tough noogies

    Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!

  • It's in our video collection on the first page, dude!
  • The freeze frame is pretty fuzzy, but that's definitely The Star-Spangled Kid on the left, looks like Mr. Terrific on the right, and I think I see Wildcat and Hour Man in there as well.

    I don't think I've watched Smallville since early in the 1st season ... but I'd tune in for this!
  • Doc Beechler said:
    It's in our video collection on the first page, dude!

    I almost never go there.

    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's a pretty lame website, but I did it myself, so tough noogies

    Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!

  • How can you not? It's the first page!
  • Doc Beechler said:
    How can you not? It's the first page!

    I never go there, either. I always come straight to the forums. Plus, there's nowhere I can view any of the videos, anyway. :(
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