From Marvel Entertainment

Sept. 16, 2011


History Is Made On The Marvel Comics App!

New York: Marvel Entertainment, the top comic publisher in the world, has announced the release of digital comic collections on the Marvel Comics app <> , featuring the world's most popular super hero icons! This marks the first major digital release of super hero comic collections, featuring some of the most acclaimed and influential stories from the last decade.


"We've heard the fans asking for collections on the app and we're happy to deliver them today at an unbeatable price," said Peter Phillips, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Marvel Digital Media Group. "This is only the beginning of some exciting new developments to make the Marvel Comics app <>  an even bigger success."

The collections launching today on the Marvel Comics app <>  are:

*       Astonishing X-Men Vol.1: Gifted
*       Captain America: Winter Soldier Vol.1
*       Invincible Iron Man Vol.1: Five Nightmares
*       New Avengers Vol.1: Breakout
*       Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage
*       Thor By J. Michael Straczynski Vol.1
*       Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1: Power and Responsibility
*       Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol.1: The Fantastic
*       Ultimates Vol. 1: Super-Human
*       Ultimate X-Men Vol. 1: The Tomorrow People

"From the  moment Marvel made history as the first major publisher to enter the digital comics space in 2007 to this momentous announcement today, our goal has always been the same-grow this industry," explained David Gabriel, Marvel Senior Vice President of Sales. "For this launch we've chosen some of our top collections that we're confident will both resonate with new readers and encourage them to visit their local comic shop via an ad in each collection."

Experience some of the biggest comic book stories of all time in collected form, just by opening the Marvel Comics app <>  on your iPad ®, iPhone ® or iPod touch ® right now!

And don't miss the release of Castle: Richard Castle's Deadly Storm, an all-new original graphic novel inspired by the ABC hit series, debuting September 28th in stores and on the Marvel Comics app <> .

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  • I like it when digital collections are available. I've even bought a few, including the final Boneyard collection.
  • I don't know if this was in the works already, but it looks to me like DC's big move is pushing Marvel to at least label everything as "history in the making." Or, for all I know, this was thrown together in a brainstorming session to counter all of DC's publicity. At any rate, from Marvel's recent publicity push it looks to me like Marvel is feeling a little heat ...


    ... and that's a good thing. Competition is healthy!

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