From Marvel Comics

July 29, 2011




Next year, immerse yourselves in the Marvel Universe like never before as the world’s greatest super heroes star in a line of all-new graphic novels with Marvel: Season One! Aimed at new and old readers alike, the first wave featuring Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, Daredevil and The X-Men, brings readers a complete story, modernizing the seminal origins of these characters while also offering new revelations for long-time fans. There will be one graphic novel on sale each month starting in February.


“With Marvel Season One we’ve assembled a group of great creators who’re delivering exciting, iconic, in-continuity stories of our most popular heroes,” said Tom Brevoort, Marvel SVP/Executive Editor. “If you’re a new fan, you can start your journey into comics with Season One and if you’re a seasoned fan you’ll find some thrilling new insight into your favorite characters.”


The complete first wave of Season One graphic novels includes:

  • Fantastic Four: Season One by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Stephen King’s The Stand, Television’s Glee) and David Marquez (Secret Warriors), on-sale in February 2012
  • X-Men: Season One by Dennis Hopeless (Legion Of Monsters, Lovestruck) and Jamie McKelvie (Generation Hope, Phonogram), on-sale in March 2012
  • Daredevil: Season One by Antony Johnston (Daredevil) and Wellinton Alves (Nova), on-sale in April 2012
  • Spider-Man: Season One by Cullen Bunn (Fear Itself: The Deep, Sixth Gun) and Neil Edwards (Fantastic Four), on-sale in May 2012


“Marvel: Season One is all about bringing new readers to comics and comic stores around the world”, said David Gabriel, Marvel SVP of Sales. “We’ve been working on these for over a year and can’t wait for fans to see the results—they’re stunning! More news about the promotional and incentive plans for retailers will follow in the next few weeks.”


Whether you’re picking up a comic for the first time, or looking to add more to your comics reading experience, then it’s time to discover the world’s greatest super heroes all over again in Marvel: Season One!


Stay Tuned for updates and announcements over the next few weeks. 


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  • Reboot, anyone?
  • Just as I continue to be amazed that the original Robin costume has not been retconned out of existence, I am amazed the original Daredevil costume likewise has not been retconned out of existence.
  • Sounds interesting. I know I'll be getting the Spider-man one. Cullen Bunn is an awesome writer.
  • Are these in response to the success of Superman Earth One? (Or is it Earth 2? Honestly, having trouble remembering that one...) I'm trying to figure out the advantage to having yet another origin story for any of these characters. My guess is that, like the Superman book, these are being aimed at the bookstore crowd and not so much the comics readers. At least that's my take...

  • I do not like the trend of trying to make comic books more like TV shows ("Last time on Hulk..." and so on). i prefer comic books to television. I don't want comics to become more like it. "Season One"? No, sir... I don't like it, not one bit.

  • Jeff of Earth-J said:

    I do not like the trend of trying to make comic books more like TV shows ("Last time on Hulk..." and so on). i prefer comic books to television. I don't want comics to become more like it. "Season One"? No, sir... I don't like it, not one bit.

    I see the logic, though -- general audiences are more familiar with TV tropes than those of the comics.

    I've even begun to wonder if some titles -- Mighty Thor, for instance -- wouldn't do better if they weren't ongoing serials, but instead a series of miniseries about big events ... or "seasons," if you will. Thor's a big character, let him do big things in 6- or 12-issue chunks, later collected in TPB. I'm not really interested in Thor's downtime in between adventures, and have never cared for the various mortal identities editors seem to think are so necessary. If I want to see him interacting on Earth, there are four Avengers titles he can appear in. Besides, it would make Mighty Thor more like the Elder Eddas than ever -- at a remove, episodic, and mythological.

    If some titles went that way, calling them "seasons" instead of miniseries would be nothing more than semantics, and if that sold one additional book it would be worth it.
  • These sound like stories I might buy for eight year old Alex.
  • I'm always confused why Iceman needed boots (of all things) when he first started out. Maybe this will answer that puzzler.
  • is very difficult to run with icy feet!
  • Lumbering Jack said:
    I'm always confused why Iceman needed boots (of all things) when he first started out. Maybe this will answer that puzzler.

    That's where he keeps his wallet.

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