Over the weekend of April 20-22, I was an invited guest at the second annual Pulp Ark convention in beautiful Batesville, Arkansas, sponsored by Pro Se Productions.
Of course, Pro Se is also my publisher, so that goes without saying. ;-)
In any event, I would like to share my experiences with everyone here.
The day started off with a preview visit by all the local area fifth graders. The convention put on a two hour special event including music by the Order of Tyr (video game music meets heavy metal), Professor A. D. Venture discussing imagination, magic tricks by Big Daddy Cool (Johnny Dellarocca), Megan Smith as the Pulptress, actor Felix Silla (Buck Rogers, Addams Family, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi) and readings of selected highlights by various Pro Se Press authors in attendance, including yours truly.

The convention proper began at one local time, with events such as a panel on how pulp promotes literacy, and examining the classic pulp characters of yesteryear, before the night closed with a full concert by the Order of Tyr.
I got to talk to several people during the day, between answering questions from the fifth graders during their visit, renewing acquaintances with Doctor Art Sippo, Erwin R. Kennedy, and Fuller Bumpers; meeting new friends like writers Sean Taylor and Ashley Magnin, and even had a nice chat with Felix Silla.
So overall, quite an interesting day for only my second professional convention appearance.
Art Sippo (left), Aubrey Stevens (center) and long time comic book colorist turned pulp archivist Anthony Tollin (right), discuss classic pulps Friday afternoon.
Below, me giving a brief reading from Hugh Monn, Private Detective on left.
Below right, Felix Silla with fans.
Then a little later on I went to attend the celebrity spotlight hour on Pulp Ark 2012's guest of honor, actor Felix Silla.
There I am about to take my seat amongst the crowd and the next thing I know, Silla himself is inviting me to sit next to him on stage!
And if that wasn't enough of a shock, I ended up being the moderator of the hour on Felix's behalf! After introducing him, I asked a couple of starting questions before prompting the audience for theirs.
Doctor Art Sippo recorded the event for a future podcast on THE BOOK CAVE and I cannot wait to hear it myself.
In all honesty, I kept expecting to wake up and discover the whole thing was a dream.
My one regret is that it was only a hour long, for Felix Silla has seen and done so much in a decades spanning career during the better years of the movie and television industry and I'm sure there are many more stories waiting to be told.
A couple of those were touched upon later when Felix was part of a panel discussing Pulp's influence on Hollywood and vice versa. Silla was on stage with film producers Dan Baker and Al Bohl, fellow actor Stephen Jared, and screenplay writer Don Thomas.
Felix Silla is one of the most down to earth, ordinary celebrities you could ever hope to meet. Other than the fact that I was polite and respective of him, as well as knowledgable about the entertainment industry in general and Felix's career specifically, I still do not know what I did to deserve such an honor, but it is a memory I shall always treasure
Then Chuck Miller making it to the Pro Se table swelled our ranks. Books, autographs, and conversations went fast and furious that day. At our peak, the group consisted of Chuck, Ashley Mangin, Megan Smith, Nancy Hansen, Fuller Bumpers, Don Thomas, Tommy Hancock, and myself. I hope someone got a group shot of us that I can post later.
Day Two concluded with the presentation of the 2012 Pulp Ark Awards, including Howard Hopkins winning the Lifetime Achievement Award posthumously, and me accepting the Best cover Award on behalf of David L. Russell, who painted the cover for my debut novel: Hugh Monn, Private Detective.
Then Pulp Ark auctioned items to benefit the Ozark Hills Literacy Project before presenting Lord of the Louisiana Jungle, the documentary covering the creation of the very first Tarzan film ever produced, the 1918 silent adaptation of Tarzan of the Apes featuring Elmo Lincoln and Enid Markey.
At left, Executive Producer Al Bohl is shown with a DVD, which includes both his work and the original movie.
The day began with another complimentary breakfast at the hotel. I was already there eating when Felix Silla walked in. The man sat down at my table and we had a brief chat over our respective meals before each of us had to get ready for Day 3.
My first and only panel of the day was discussing Gumshoes and Flatfeet: Private Detectives, Flatfeet (police officers), and others in pulps with Ashley Morgan, Sean Taylor, Del Garret, and myself.
Then the bulk of my final convention hours involved manning the Pro Se Press table, meeting fans, selling (and autographing when appropriate) books, and saying goodbye to friends old and new as they packed up in the later hours to head home, rest, and prepare for whatever convention they are scheduled for next.
The very last thing that happened at the convention was a concert by a young singer named Ryan Hoyle. I do not know much about him beyond the fact that he's a local Arkansas talent, but he can sing, with a song list that includes Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, and other crooners. If you ever get the chance to hear him perform, do so!
Felix Silla posing with a fan who brushed her VERY long hair over her face to pose as Cousin Itt.
Felix originated the role on the original Addams Family television series with John Astin and Carolyn Jones.
Here we have Felix with a "friend".
Silla was an Ewok in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, most notable as the one flying a makeshift hang glider during the climatic battle on Endor.
Here is a character that should be quite familiar to long time comic book readers or movie fans.
But I have no idea why he was at Pulp Ark 2012, let alone who or what he was watching.
Time for a few more photos with your humble indulgence.
Women write New Pulp too! On their panel Sunday morning we have, from left to right: Nancy Hansen, Megan Smith, Ashley Mangin, Jen Mulvilhill, and Andrea Judy.
At left, The Society for Creative Anachronism performed on the outdoor stage Saturday that held many events over the course of the convention. That's the Order of Tyr's drum set in the background.
I hope everyone liked this brief look behind the scenes.
There will be a Pulp Ark 3 in 2013, and I plan to attend.
Thanks for the report. It sounds like a good time!
Very nice, Lee. Thanks for the pics and info!
I wish I hadn't had to back out at the last minute. Looks like I missed out on a lot!