Superman, Batman: The Silver Age Dailies

superman-silver age dailies

IDW Publishing’s Library of American Comics is partnering with DC Entertainment to reprint rare newspaper strips starring Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. The archival collections will debut in July with Superman: The Silver Age Newspaper Dailies, Vol. 1: 1958-1961.

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  • That's a very cool collection--I posted a note about it to my Facebook page earlier today after Hoy Murphy alerted me to it (but didn't think to post it here--oops).

    It should be a lot of fun. As the pictures indicate, a number of the stories also appeared in the comics. But I think in some cases, the stories were adapted from the strip into the comic book, rather than the other way around. On top of that, owing to the strip's rhythm, the stories probably feature different action even if they are similar.

    So a bunch of Siegel, Swan and Boring I've never read? Heck, yeah!  I'm in!

    -- MSA

  • For a brief time the Batman newspapers strips were reprinted in a British weekly anthology called Smash! I've not read these strips since then so I will definitely be interested in revisiting them.

  • Say, who's that red-haired man wearing a Superman costume just behind Supes' right elbow?  He looks vaguely familiar, like I saw him once or twice as a pre-schooler during that period.  Any help?

  • Isn't that the ugly Superman? Was he a wrestler or something?

    Ah, here we are.

    Kirk G said:

    Say, who's that red-haired man wearing a Superman costume just behind Supes' right elbow?  He looks vaguely familiar, like I saw him once or twice as a pre-schooler during that period.  Any help?

  • ...A recent ALTER EGO piece on Mort , too , also showed a Super-guest appearance by a real wrestler of the time , who worked barefoot ( Ike era MMA ????????? ) . BTW , was that Steve Allen guest appearance in the Superman NEWSPAPER STRIP in the era being covered ?????????

    Dandy Forsdyke said:

    Isn't that the ugly Superman? Was he a wrestler or something?

    Ah, here we are.

    Kirk G said:

    Say, who's that red-haired man wearing a Superman costume just behind Supes' right elbow?  He looks vaguely familiar, like I saw him once or twice as a pre-schooler during that period.  Any help?

  • ...But , for the intended main point here ~ Saints and Hallelujah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Now , can we , later , get to the Atomic Age Superman dalies , which apparently some interesting emphasizing-humorous-angles-a-bit-more-for-the-adult-post-WWII-audience angles to them ??????? :-) Puulleaze ?????????

  • The Wonder Woman newspaper strip is news to me by the way. Was this just published in the 1940's, I was wondering how it fit into the Silver Age?

  • The Wonder Woman strip ran from May 8, 1944 until December 1, 1945. Here are the first and last episodes, which were reprinted in Hogan's Alley:


    I think they're doing collections of Superman, Batman and WW strips. The first volume they're doing is SA Superman. The others will be from other time periods. The WW one won't be very thick.

    -- MSA

  • Ah, thanks. I was sort of hoping for a 'silvery aged' WW, but it obviously is not to be.

  • ...A ways ago , in ALTER EGO , an example of a sampleof a - never sold, just a sample- Green Lantern newspaper strip, which had turned up as a sale on EBay orsomething , was reproduced.

      Alan , the GA GL , and I believe Doiby was in the one strip, too .

      Anybody know anything about this ???

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