I like these things because they give you a look at the direction the Marvel Universe is currently planned to go in in the next few months.   The Champions are on the cover. We'll get back to them.

We start with the first of the "Divided We Stand" posters that we've been seeing lately, including  Shooty Guy #1, Shooty Guy #2,  Jessica Jones, Maria Hill, Carol Danvers,Thor Odinson, Elektra, Giant Monster Foot, Doom-in-a-Suit holding Iron Man's helmet, Slapstick, Steve Rogers, the Black Panther, Gamora and Shooty Guy #3.

The second poster has Gwenpool, TRON Guy, Squirrel Girl, Ms. America, Purple Guy With a Green Square On His Chest, Moon Girl, New Iron Man Woman, Korean Adric Who Is the Hulk Now For Some Reason,  Hawkeye Girl, Miles Morales, Kamala Khan, and Doctor Strange With An Axe.  

A text piece in which Marvel explains that just as they did with the first Civil War, they're breaking up an Avengers line-up  I enjoyed.

Avengers 1.1 (Waid/Kitson)  "Earth's Mightiest Shoes To Fill"   They appear to be re-visiting the "Cap's Kooky Quartet" days, a period in which I have little interest.  PASS.

Champions #1 (Waid/Ramos) "Change The World"  Kid Cyclops, Korean Adric Who Is the Hulk Now For Some Reason, Kamala Khan, Miles Morales, Nova the Uninteresting Man and the Vision's daughter form a team. I'll probably be dropping the Avengers book, so I'll be giving this one a chance.  Bonus points if the old Champs show up at some point.

Occupy Avengers #1 (Walker/Walta) "Taking Back Justice"  Clint and a bunch a regular people looking determined.  This looks like an attempts to be topical or political or whatever. PASS.

Avengers #1 (Waid/Del Ramos)  "Kang War One!"  The line-up seems to be Sam, Jane, the Vision, Armored Guy, New Wasp, and Hercules.   Not enough here to hold my interest. PASS.

Uncanny Avengers #15 (Duggan/Larraz) "Going Rogue"  Steve gives a sultry over-the-shoulder look at Doctor Brother Voodoo, Jan (?), Synapse, Deadpool, Shooty Guy #3, Rogue Johnny Storm and Pietro.  Not a line-up that interests me.  PASS.

U.S. Avengers #1 (Ewing/Medina) "America Assemble"  Roberto,Sam, New Iron Patriot, Pod, Squirrel Girl Red Hulk and Captain America Dani Cage fight the Man With the Golden Skull.   This I am looking forward to.

Ultimates2 #1 (Ewing/Foreman) "Who Chained The Cosmos?"  I dunno, but I think this will be a good drop-off point for me.   This team started out OK, but has been losing my interest.

Great Lakes Avengers #1 (Gorman/Robson)  "Even The Losers Get Lucky Sometimes!" These characters have never interested me. PASS.

Squadron Supreme #13 (Robinson/Kirk)  "Finding Namor"  Oh, shut up. PASS.

Thunderbolts #7 (Zub/Malin) "Caught In The Act!"  Bucky is in chains while Steve and Songbird look on. I confess that the Winter Soldier has never appealed to me as a character.  PASS.

Invincible Iron Man #1 (Bendis/Caselli)  "I.M.Woman" Replacing Tony Stark with a black girl is an interesting idea, but not interesting enough to get me to buy this book. PASS.

Infamous Iron Man #1 (Bendis Maleev) "Iron Doom"  Replacing Tony Stark with Victor Von Doom is an interesting idea, but not interesting enough to get me to buy this book. PASS.

There's a text piece talking about the plans for these two books. Lots of swell stuff will happen, apparently.

Captain Marvel #1 (Stohl/Rosanas) "Divided We Stand"  Carol  is a polarizing figure.  Another character whose appeal escapes me.  To me, "Captain Marvel" is either Billy Batson" or "Mar-Vell". No one else suits that name. PASS.

Hawkeye #1 (Thompson/Romero) "West Coast Avenger"  Kate is looking happy, perhaps because she is far away from whatever nonsense Clint is involved in. MAYBE.

Captain America:Sam Wilson #14 (Spencer/Acuna) "#TAKEBACKTHESHIELD"  Ah, the hashtags that the kids today seem to like. PASS.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #7 (Spencer/Saiz) "Hail HYDRA!"  Is this still going on?  PASS.

Silver Surfer #9 (Slott/Alred) "Every Relationship Needs Space"  I thought he spelled it "Allred"?  PASS.

Black Panther #7 (Coates/Sprouse) "The Crew: Come At The King, Best Not Miss" The Panther, with Storm Misty and - is that Luke with a beard?  If I had a larger comics budget, maybe.  PASS.

Jessica Jones #1 (Bendis/Gaydos) "Alias: Jessica Jones"  Another character that doesn't interest me much. PASS.

The Unstoppable Wasp #1 (Whitley/Charretier)  "Nothing's More Unstoppable Than A Teenage Girl"   I'll probably sample an issue or two.

Doctor Strange #12 (Aaron/Bachalo)  "Bloody Reunions" Looks lie a bunch of Doc's old enemies are coming back to haunt him.  Hope he doesn't need my help, 'cause I ain't gonna be there for him.  Never was big on the sorcerer characters.

Doctor Strange:Sorcerers Supreme #1 (Thompsn/Rodriguez)  "Ripped From Their Time To Save Ours!" PASS.

The Mighty Thor #15 (Aaron/Dauterman) "The Asgard/Shi'ar War"  I picture a list of names on a dartboard. two darts are thrown.Whoever the darts hit, they're at war with each other.  PASS.

The Unworthy Thor #1 (Aaron/Coipel) "Ultimate Redemption?"  Odinson finds the Ultimate Thor's Mjolnir.  I'm pretty sure someone here saw this coming months ago.

Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #11 (Leth/Williams) "Black Cat Scratch Fever!"  Felicia looms over Patsy, Jubilee and third woman. PASS.

Black Widow #7 (Waid/Samnee)  "No More Secrets"   "Hey, Laughing Boy! No more secrets!" PASS.

Moon Knight #10 (Lemire/Smallwood)  "Personalities Disordered"  Looks like he's having a battle royal with himself. PASS.

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #16 (North/Henderson) "She's Here To Eat Some Nuts, Kick Some Butts...And Fly Somewhat"  This book justifies Marvel's existence all by itself.  Woo-hoo!

Punisher #7 (Cloonan/Dillon) "Into the Wild"  Frank goes into the woods, apparently. PASS.

Daredevil #15 (Soule/Garney)  "Man Without Faith"  PASS.

Kingpin #1 (Rosenberg/Torres)  "Man Without Flaw"  PASS.

Bullseye #1 (Brisson/Sanna) "Man Without Hope"  "I'm detecting a pattern, Captain."  PASS.

Power Man & Iron Fist #10 (Walker/Greene)  "Harlem Burns!"  Are these two back together again? Wow, that brings back memories. PASS.

Iron Fists #1 (Andrews/Chan) "A Double Dose of Living Lessons!"  Danny's got a cute little girl sidekick. Awww!  PASS.

The Totally Awesome Hulk #15 (Pak/?)  "Big Apple Showdown" Korean Adric meets up with Kamala and Cindy. How about that? PASS.

The Unbelievable Gwenpool  #7 (Hastings/Gurihiru)  "G.W.E.N.P.O.O.L."  I'm really enjoying this book.It's an incredibly stupid idea that they're somehow carrying off really well.

Uncanny Inhumans #15 (Soule/Walker)  "No Reign Is Eternal" An unhappy-looking Medusa is shaving her head. That looks unpromising. PASS.

Mosaic #1 (Thorne/Randolph)  "Hero With A Thousand Faces"  No idea what that is about. Is it the new Captain Universe? PASS.

Ms. Marvel #12 (Wilson/Miyazawa)  "Not So Marvelous"  Kamala looks unhappy. I will continue trade-waiting this book.

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #13 (Reeder & Montclare/Bustos) "Smarty-Pants"  I really wanted to like this book, but it just couldn't hold my interest.  PASS.

Death of X #1 (Lemire & Soule/Kuder)  This one gets a big two-page spread. The top half shows Cyclops being unhappy about all the mutants being dead.  The bottom half shows Medusa being happy about all the new Inhumans.  "Ha-ha", she's thinking. "Sucks to be you, you mutant freaks!"

There is a text piece explaining tha tthis book will cover the eight months between Secret Wars and now. PASS.

Cage! #1 (Tartakovsky)  "Christmas Comes Early" Old-school Luke Cage as done Cartoon Network style, I guess. Good for dol-school Luke Cage fans, I suppose.

Gamora #1 (Perlman/Checchetto) "Deadliest Woman In The Galaxy"  Another character I was never interested in. PASS.

Star-Lord #1 (Zdarsky/?) "Grounded And Busted"  Peter is arrested by the NYPD. PASS.

Rocket Raccoon #1 (Rosenberg/?) "Grounded And Hounded"  Rocket ends up in the pound.  PASS.

Thanos #1 (Lemire/Deodato) "Ongoing Evil" PASS.

The Clone Conspiracy #1 (Slott/Cheung) "Dead No More" Spidey confronts a guy in a Sutekh mask.  PASS.

Silk #13 (Thompson/Ford)  "One Big Happy Family"  Cindy iS webbed to a chair, while Jonah and Anya feed her cake. OK.  PASS.

Prowler #1 (Ryan/Campbell)  "You Only Live Twice"  The Prowler buries himself.  PASS.

Spider-Gwen #15 (Latour/Rodriguez)  "Miles And Gwen Sitting In A Tree..."  Interesting. We shall see.

Spider-Man #12 (Bendis/Pichelli)  "...K-I-S-S-I-N-G" We shall see...

Spider-Woman #13 (Hopeless/Fish) "Trick Or Treat!"  Jess battles the Hobgoblin.  PASS.

Spider-Man 2099 #21 (David/Sliney)  "Family Feud"  No idea what this is all about. PASS.

Venom #1 (Costa/Sandoval) "Lethal Arrival" Blech. PASS.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1 (Conway/Stegman)  "One More Chance" Possibly, possibly.

Deadpool #21 (Duggan/Hawthorne)  "Madcap Recall"  Why do so many repulsive character have books? PASS.

Deadpool & The Mercs For Money #4 (Bunn/Coello)  "Mo' Mercs Mo' Monkeys" Is that Machine Man? What's he doing with that crowd?  PASS.

Slapstick #1 (Brown & Van Lente/Brown & Norton) "Don't Try This At Home, Kids"  Pass.

Solo #1 (Duggan & Thorne/Diaz)  "Alone Again...Naturally". So, Shooty Guy #1 is Solo. I'm not big on Shooty Guys.  PASS.

Foolkiller #1 (Bemis/Talajic) "The Doctor Is Insane"  And Shooty Guy #2 is Foolkiller. PASS.

"Coming Soon..."  Nova's Helmet!

And on the back cover... "Guardians of the Galaxy Grounded" "The Epic Final Arc" Yeah, OK.

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  • So, no A-Force? Is that book being cancelled?

  • This is the magazine I mentioned in the “Civil war II” discussion (although obviously I only looked at the pictures). Random reactions to Bob’s comments from me…

    "Divided We Stand" twists the meaning of the original slogan.

    “A text piece in which Marvel explains that just as they did with the first Civil War, they're breaking up an Avengers line-up I enjoyed.

    They specifically mentioned you? Wow!

    “Bonus points if the old Champs show up at some point.”

    Let me know if they do.

    Regarding the Great Lakes Avengers, it surprises me that anyone other than John Byrne would be interested in these characters. If Marvel were to revamp any old John Byrne’s throwawy concepts, I would vote for the characters from that “Lost Years” title (whatever it was called).

    I’ve been reading Squadron Supreme since the beginning waiting for them to address Namor’s beheading. I’ve gotta keep reading now.

    I became a fan of the original Thunderbolts after the fact, and the new series had a strong lead-in with Pleasant Hill. It needs to pick up the pace, though, to hold its own with the Spencer Cap books.

    “I thought he spelled it "Allred"?

    He does.

    I liked the Wasp in the FCBD special which led me to pick up one issue of Avengers, but she didn’t seem to be in the next issue after that, so I stopped buying. May try this if comes on a light week.

    “An unhappy-looking Medusa is shaving her head.”

    And she’s holding the scissors with her hair. This looks ill-advised to me. She’d better be careful which strands she cuts. Why would she cut off the thing that gives her her power (such as it is), though?

    “I really wanted to like [Moon Gilr and Devil Dinosaur] , but it just couldn't hold my interest.”

    Same her (both counts).

    Speaking of the Hobgoblin, I’m still feeling burned by that three issue mini-series that tied in with… what was it? Siege? Issue #3 continued in the other series… it didn’t even have a proper ending. What a gyp!

    As usual, your comments are more entertaining than the comics themselves. I’m going to have to take a closer look at some of them, though, maybe even read some of the text this time.

  • Squadron Supreme #13 (Robinson/Kirk) "Finding Namor" Oh, shut up. PASS.

    Is Dory looking for him? Ate they looking for his body or his head?

  • The Unworthy Thor #1 (Aaron/Coipel) "Ultimate Redemption?" Odinson finds the Ultimate Thor's Mjolnir. I'm pretty sure someone here saw this coming months ago.

    So then they will have two Thors, one of each gender?

  • Richard Willis said:

    The Unworthy Thor #1 (Aaron/Coipel) "Ultimate Redemption?" Odinson finds the Ultimate Thor's Mjolnir. I'm pretty sure someone here saw this coming months ago.

    So then they will have two Thors, one of each gender?

    Apparently so.  

  • The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #16, Ms. Marvel #12 and Spider-Gwen #15

    Tradewaiting and enjoying all three.

  • Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1

    I said I'd follow it as a series if it came back and I plan to.

  •  On Squadron Supreme, shouldn't that be 'finding Namor's corpse'?

  • Mark S. Ogilvie said:

     On Squadron Supreme, shouldn't that be 'finding Namor's corpse'?

    You'd think so, wouldn't you?

  • I'm not as excited for this as I was for the first "Marvel Now", or at least as much as I was once it started coming out. But I guess we'll see. I have hope for some of these books.
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