I've been impressed and surprised by recent books that are interesting, well drawn and just plain entertaining. So I thought that I would mention them and see what the rest of you think.


Batman Beyond-- Terry McGuiness lays down the foundation for his legacy as the Bat. Will they use the revelation shown in that Justice League Unlimited episode?

Freedom Fighters-- I read the previous limited series but now I'm getting it! But they do darken yet another Quality hero.

Superboy-- same hero without the cockiness and brashness. A trifle bit early Smallville-ish but enjoyable.

Victorian Undead II-- Sherlock Holmes Vs Dracula! Sure its been done before but this is high quality and filled with mystery and suspense!

Titans-- originally horrified by the new premise but am now intrigued. Plus the Power of SHAZAM!

Worth mentioning--Fables, along with new Cinderella mini continue to please. Also the Bat-Titles, Brightest Day and Justice League: Generation Lost.



Heroes For Hire-- "Hero, are you for hire?" Great start with secrets and intrigue. The return of old favorites and the re-invention of some lesser lights.

Black Panther-- an amazing read with subtle and compelling artwork. T'Challa was never more human and relatable.

New Avengers-- I like this one abit more than the main Avengers, with more drama and earthiness. But then all of the Avengers titles are good.

Thunderbolts-- back on track with an eclectic mix of characters for good, bad or indifferent. Watch out for King Hyperion!

Thor-- something is happening here, not quite sure what it is!

Worth mentioning-- really enjoying Amazing Spider-Man again after the pain of "One More Day", the confusion of "Brand New Day" and the unnecessary "One Moment In Time". The new and improved versions of the Hobgoblin, Scorpion and the Spider-Slayer, couple with the New New Venom plus the return of Doctor Octopus makes Spidey a must-read again!


The Alternates:

Doctor Who-- off to a fine start!

Jurassic Park: Devils in the Desert-- reads like a 50s sci-fi movie (in a good way). Congrats to John Bryne and the new direction.

Dracula: In the Company of Monsters-- Kurt Busiek's back! And this book I highly recommend!

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command-- Finally a Stars Wars book I want to read!

Witchfinder-- great beginning with John Severin artwork!

Thoughts? Additions? Agree? Disagree?

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  • I'd agree about Batman Beyond and Heroes for Hire. Superboy has been okay. I couldn't get behind the premise of Titans. Fraction's Thor has really left me cold so far.
  • DC

    The Green Lantern titles - Which one is my favorite varies from month to month but I am always glad to see these three titles when they're in my weekly stack.

    All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold - If my son decided that he didn't want this title any more, I'd still buy it for me. This is the characterization of Batman that I like reading.

    Justice League: Generation Lost - This is like my favorite team of Leaguers...and yet it isn't. Some are new characters with old code-names. Others are the old characters but with new characterizations. It isn't re-treading the old materials but shows how they've changed over time (and are still changing) while at the same time providing terrific super-heroic adventures.

    Worth mentioning--Brightest Day and Booster Gold, although Booster Gold needs to move beyond the broken bro-mance between the title character and Ted Kord.



    Avengers Academy is the only Marvel Universe title I'm continuing to buy now that I have Marvel's Digital service. I don't want to wait months for this one to be on my screen. The characters are like real people. I can believe that they'd act and react the way that they do. The plots are very good, too, of course.

    Ruse and Sigil haven't started yet but I'm sure looking forward to these non-Marvel Universe titles.

    Worth mentioning--I've read all the Hickman issues of Fantastic Four and available online and think they're terrific. Peter David's X-Factor, which I'm a little behind on, is also very good.



    The Walking Dead is so much better than the TV series.

    G.I.Joe: Cobra takes characters that seemed so darn silly as toys in the '80s (like Chuckles, Tomax & Xamot, Serpentor, and even Cobra-La!) and makes them real, believable characters. 

    Spike. I gave up on Buffy a long time ago and I'm pretty much just finishing Angel because it is so close to the end but IDW's Spike is a title I look forward to and will miss when IDW loses the property.

    Worth mentioning--The new Doctor Who series has been good so far but the last one started strong and, I feel, quickly went downhill. IDW's Infestation story has been very enjoyable so far.

  • Of the titles mentioned in the initial post, the only one I'm currently reading is Superboy, which I'm enjoying but am becoming increasingly impatient for some of the things previewed in the first issue. OTOH, without those preview I might not have stuck out even this long.
  • What's the new premise of Titans?
  • Currently, Titans is about a group of villains/fallen heroes working for Deathstroke. Each of the villains has some kind of need that Deathstroke promises to fulfill, eventually.


    Kurt Busiek's Dracula series is awesome!


    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! Comics and Games for Everyone!

    I used to listen to WOXY.com; It was the future of rock-n-roll! RIP WOXY

  • Thanks, Dagwan.

  • Favorites for me are:


    Secret Avengers

    Secret Warriors- for those who have been following this since issue 1, there's been some pretty good payoffs as the series is winding up.


    Invincible Iron Man


    Green Lantern

    Brightest Day

    Batman & Robin



    Sixth Gun


  • I think I bailed on Freedom Force after the third or fourth issue. I like Black Condor on the current team and that is about it, and I liked the Ray from the previous series, but he obviously isn't involved. Plus that opening story arc just didn't do it for me.


    I've been enjoying Superboy, and I love the new Black Panther series. The Francesco Francavilla art in Black Panther is awesome. Issue 150 of Thunderbolts brought me back on board as a regular reader.

  • On Titans: I want to see if Deathstroke needs these people or may even care about them. The utter downfall of Roy (Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow) Harper repelled me but now can he be redeemed? Even with Cheshire around? Combine that with Osiris, Isis, SHAZAM and the conflict of the new Tattooed Man (Ink?), there is great potential here.

    Black Panther: this is most interested that I've been in T'Challa. No longer a king, an Avenger, a technocrat, or a rich man, he is stripped of his weapons and gadgets and has been abandoned by his people and his Panther-God. He also is seperated from his wife (and her team's sales).

    I wasn't crazy about Incredible Hulks, having that many gamma-powered beings at one time but the last few issues were great. Now that I know who the Red Hulk is, he's not that interesting anymore!

  • You just want to know who that Robin-wannabe is, don't you Jeff? ;-)

    Jeff of Earth-J said:
    Of the titles mentioned in the initial post, the only one I'm currently reading is Superboy, which I'm enjoying but am becoming increasingly impatient for some of the things previewed in the first issue. OTOH, without those preview I might not have stuck out even this long.
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