Having just read Invincible Iron 501, I decided to start this thread. Without going into too much detail about the story, I'll just say the villain is Dr. Octopus, one of Spidey's villains. So far it seems like a good story.


That's what this thread is about. Do you like it when another hero's nemisis takes time off to give another hero trouble? I guess it depends on the story and if the meet up is plausable. What are some of your favorite stories? It's ok if you want to list some that might include a group of heroes going after one of them's villain. But I'm focusing on stories like the example about where it's Tony and Doc Ock, no Spidey.


One good one is from the late 90s when the X-men and Shang Chi face off against the Kingpin. I can think of a lot of examples from Marvel, but what about DC? One comes to mind is Judd Winnick's run of Green Arrow, Ollie tangled with the Riddler a few times as well as some other Rogues.


Go ahead and share some of your favorite stories. Also what are some hero/villain matchups you'd like to see?

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  • I always thought Whiplash would have been a better match for Daredevil than for Iron Man.


    Likewise, Frank Miller matched up The Kingpin with Daredevil; he was a much better fit against him than against Spider-Man.


    And I recall that, early on in the John Byrne run on Superman, he had The Joker take him on.

  • How many times had Batman fought against Lex Luthor? That matchup just makes sense. Maybe not Bats vs Luthor but at least Bruce Wayne in a business duel with Luthor.

  • I really enjoy those, Jason. Wayne vs. Luthor satisfies my urge to see Luthor beaten on his own turf occasionally.


    And while I was researching my thesis, I ran across a bit I'd forgotten about. Bruce Wayne is the current owner of The Daily Planet -- and the reason he is, is because he rescued it from Luthor. Which forever stifles the question, "why doesn't Luthor put The Planet out of business?" It's because he did, and Wayne rescued it (after a weird thing about selling it to Perry White for a dollar in return for a favor from Lois, a story I hope is Mopeed). And now Wayne protects it, and there's nothing Luthor can do. Nyah, nyah, Lexie!

  • The hero/villain match-up never made any sense to me. I think it makes much more sense in a shared universe for whichever super-hero is around to take on whichever villain is doing evil at any particular given time.
  • Marvel always had their villains switch heroes from the Sandman fighting the Fantastic Four and the Hulk, Electro battling Daedevil and Mister Hyde facing Captain America. There are many examples of this, usually involving Spidey's foes which would make an interesting topic on its own.

    As for DC, if we don't include Justice League or the team-up books (or Super Friends, for that matter), off the top of my head, Luthor was part of "The Death of Batman" storyline. Weather Wizard and Captain Boomerang also opposes Batman. Wonder Woman faced Blockbuster and Klarion the Witchboy, the Teen Titans endured Doctor Light and the Fiddler. Aquaman swam against the Shark and Weather Wizard. Superman dealt with Gorilla Grodd, Major Disaster and Solomon Grundy. He also fought Star Sapphire and Chemo. Superman and Batman teamed against Sinestro. Hawkman also flown opposite Weather Wizard and Kite-Man. The Elongated Man went nose-to-nose with Mirror Master.

    Let me look through some of my indexes and I can A) be more specific and B) have some more examples!

  • Thanks for the info, Cap!

    Captain Comics said:

    I really enjoy those, Jason. Wayne vs. Luthor satisfies my urge to see Luthor beaten on his own turf occasionally.


    And while I was researching my thesis, I ran across a bit I'd forgotten about. Bruce Wayne is the current owner of The Daily Planet -- and the reason he is, is because he rescued it from Luthor. Which forever stifles the question, "why doesn't Luthor put The Planet out of business?" It's because he did, and Wayne rescued it (after a weird thing about selling it to Perry White for a dollar in return for a favor from Lois, a story I hope is Mopeed). And now Wayne protects it, and there's nothing Luthor can do. Nyah, nyah, Lexie!

  • There was a storyline in Captain America back in the '90s that involved the Red Skull and the Kingpin. It's been too long since I've read it, so I barely remember the details, but I do recall one scene in which the Kingpin tells off the Red Skull, declaring he's a capitalist and thus has no respect for and use for the Skull's Nazism.


    Kind of like that bit in The Rocketeer movie where the mobsters team up with the FBI agents to fight the Nazis. Paul Sorvino's head mobster: "I may be a crook, but I'm 100 percent American!"

  • Acts.




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  • Captain America and the Falcxon faced off against Mr. Hyde and the Scorpion. Blacklash (a renamed Whiplash) fought Spider-man a few times.


    One of my all-time favorites was when Ra's al Ghul fought the Legion of Super-heroes.

  • CK snagged two of the first three that popped into my head in his very first response. The other one I had in mind was the Rhino, who started out as a Spidey villain then became a foe of the Hulk. CK reminded me of "Acts of Vengeance" (evidently Dagwan, too), but also the Red Skull and the X-Men (from the '90s when he stole the SHIELD helicarrier).
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