
  • Well, they said that the border between the DCU and Vertigo was gonna get looser...they weren't kidding...
  • Pretty cool and a darn good move. I'll probably be buying an issue that I normally wouldn't.
  • Looks like a "buy" to me.
  • JMS and Cornell are certainly making Superman and Action books that a lot of fans are talking about...
  • It kinda makes you both nervous and excited. Will Swamp Thing be able to sprout in the DCU again??
  • I can't remember where I read it (maybe here), but I saw that the borders between Vertigo and the regular DCU have been dissolved by editorial edict.

    Philip Portelli said:
    It kinda makes you both nervous and excited. Will Swamp Thing be able to sprout in the DCU again??
  • Philip Portelli said:
    Will Swamp Thing be able to sprout in the DCU again??

    Only in an innuendo-free way.
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