
  • Yay!
  • What you have to look forward to...

    A killer opening line - "My name is Alex Drake - and your guess is as good as mine."
    A malevolent force that is hell bent on bringing Gene Hunt down
    Alex's TV playing up
    Stars - lots and lots of stars
    The colour Red
    More and more visits from Manchester
    And the occasional snatch of "Life on Mars"....
  • Mike:

    Are you referring to Series 2 or Series 3? BBCAmerica is just getting around to showing Series 2 -- which I gave up on and watched on a website of questionable legality a year ago. So none of your hints sound especially familiar to me, but that may just be because I've forgotten too much.

    Good news is that this bodes well for the prospect of eventually getting to see Series 3.
  • Mea culpa - you're only just getting Season 2? In which case - watch out for Operation Rose...

    Doctor Hmmm? said:

    Are you referring to Series 2 or Series 3? BBCAmerica is just getting around to showing Series 2 -- which I gave up on and watched on a website of questionable legality a year ago. So none of your hints sound especially familiar to me, but that may just be because I've forgotten too much.

    Good news is that this bodes well for the prospect of eventually getting to see Series 3.
  • Of course, if you're interested in A2A Series 3, I'm pretty sure that YOU can find the first few episodes on a TUBE somewhere without too much trouble.

    I'm just sayin'.

    Fire up the Quattro!
  • Tonight, by 10 pm BST, I will know the answer.

    and then I get to sit on it for a while whiel you lot sweat - that'll teach them for makign me lose Lost from ym viewing experience...
  • Oh


  • Mike Williams said:



    I hate you.

    {But not for long. I caught episodes 1-7 earlier this week. And I know where to find 8.}
  • The Ashes to Ashes finale was a trending topic on Twitter tonight. I might have to start seeking out season three. For now, I'm just two episodes into season two on BBC America.
  • Well, now ....
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