Who has already seen Captain America? I saw it last night.
It's a good movie. I know a lot of people are saying it's their favorite of the Marvel movies. Not sure I'd go that far. It came close. I had a headache when I saw it so I may need to see it again. Don't get me wrong, I really liked the movie. There were only a few things that dissapointed me.
Here's the good stuff:
- The cast is good. Chris Evans pulled off the role, nicely. He embodied the role of Cap. He was nice, did the right thing, was a good leader, and a total badass when it come to fighting. I forgotted he was the one who played the cocky Human Torch in the FF films.
- The 40s retro vibe of the film works really well.
- Back to the cast. While they were all good I especially liked Tommy Lee Jones and Stanley Tucci.
- The Howling Cammandos were cool, but not given a whole lot to do.
- The modern day book ends were pretty good too.
- The first hour plus of set up and origin is really well paced and done well.
- The film ties-in with Thor in a cool way.
- The love story was pretty good too.
- Stay after the credits. It'll make your geek heart explode with joy.
The no-so-great stuff:
- Hugo Weaving as the Red Skull was just ok. He was clearly a bad dude but to me the Red Skull is more menacing and scary. Of course I haven't read much with him, so for all I know his portrayal may be dead on. I know Weaving can do menacing and scary though, the guy's a good actor.
- At a certain point in the film, the action speeds up towards the conclusion. It feels rushed and the pace is off from the first half of the film.
- The ending book mark was not bad but the film just ended. From the end and the bit at the end of the credits it's clear Cap is distraught about his predicament. However not as much as you would expect someone to be who missed 70 years of their life.
I thought Weaving was fantastic as the Skull. Any more "menacing" and it would have gone over the top into camp. I agree that it just ended. This particular Marvel movie seemed to be the most obviously a set up for the Avengers movie.
Speaking of the Human Torch. Did you catch the Easter Egg?
(Easter Egg Spoiler)
When Steve and Bucky are at the World's Fair, one of the exhibitions is "The World's First Synthetic Man," and we briefly see the original Human Torch in a glass display!
I thought the guy in the display was important but didn't know who he was.
I liked Weaving as the Skull, I just have a different idea of the Skull in my head. I think it's probably wrong. He was good I suppose I was expecting him to be slightly different. Like I said I haven't read much with the Red Skull so my idea of him is not based on much of anything. However as a screen villain, he was good.
I don't always mind abrupt endings but this one seemed too abrupt. I do like the last line "I had a date" or maybe it was "I missed a date". Anyways it did work and was sad. Steve got to be a hero and the man he aspired to be, he just didn't get to take a girl dancing. He also missed out on 70 years too.
Captain America is certainly MY favorite of the Marvel movies so far. It had me in tears of joy at least 3 times during the movie, which hasn't happened to me since the end of the first Spider-Man.
I audibly gasped when I saw the Human torch and had to explain what he was to folks I was there with.
Despite the changes to the original timeline, I thought Bucky was handled well, including his "death" scene.
I would have liked to see at least a couple of "Heil Hitler!"s and swastikas to remind us of the origins of the war, but I understand that there are a number of countries the movie couldn't be shown in if they had. At least they mentioned Nazis and Hitler by name.
I loved the way they used the original costume and shield.
It looks like the costume for Cap in the Avengers movie (glimpsed briefly in the trailer) will be a lot closer to his original comics costume than the militarized versions in the movie or the Ultimates. This makes me happy!
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Check out the
Cap clobbers Harry Potter at box office.
My wife and I just got back and loved it. Some quick thoughts:
Come on, 2012!
Peggy's got too much taste for that.
I just hope that we get to see the same actress (except blonde, natch!) play Sharon Carter in modern times.
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx
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