I gotta take a break from a biology text book and as I was reading a few old comics I noticed a similar theme for some heroines. As I notice more I'll post them.




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  • With the Ant-Man covers I guess when you've got an insect size foe putting him in a jar just seems natural :)

  • Avengers 18

    Avengers 18.jpg

  • Also Avengers #26.

  • I just have to say I love that issue AND that whole period in Avengers history!1936107942?profile=original



    Just look at it!!


    You can SMELL comics like this can't you??

    Luke Blanchard said:

    Also Avengers #26.

  • What about Avengers #34 too Mark...?



    ...and ...does Ms Marvel #12 count...?

  • Was that her first costume change?

    Richard Mantle said:

    I just have to say I love that issue AND that whole period in Avengers history!1936107942?profile=original



    Just look at it!!


    You can SMELL comics like this can't you??

    Luke Blanchard said:

    Also Avengers #26.

  • I'm not sure if being encased in crystal is the same thing. In glass after all you can move around, being encased in crystal is like being frozen in a block of ice.

    Richard Mantle said:

    What about Avengers #34 too Mark...?



    ...and ...does Ms Marvel #12 count...?

  • I don't think the Wasp was wearing a costume there. I believe she and Hank were on a cruise ship and she flew off to warn the Avengers in her bathing suit.

    Wanda always wore a bathing suit, so what is it that makes Jan seem so much sexier than Wanda does?

  • Wanda wore a bathing suit with a body stalking and that wimple thing in her hair.

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