So I bought my first brand new full price video game in a really long time yesterday. It's the new Deadpool game. I'm not much of a gamer. If I buy a game or borrow a game I'll play it and possibly beat it or get frustrated and put it on the shelf. Anyways while Deadpool got middle of the road reviews it looked like something I might enjoy and seemed easy enough for me to play.
Well, it's entertaining. If you like Deadpool you'll get a kick out of the game. The character is spot on and the story so far is very true to a Deadpool comic. The coolest part is that the video game version of Deadpool also breaks the fourth wall much like his comic book counter part.
Here's the bad part. I was hoping it'd be easy. It is, almost too easy. I've been playing on veteran mode which is medium difficulty. It's also a pretty short game as well. I played maybe 2-3 hours and from what I can tell I'm maybe half-way through. A hardcore gamer or even more enthusiastic gamer could probably beat this in a night.
Final verdict. This is a funny game and very entertaining. However, so far it's pretty easy and from what I see offers no real incentive for replay. It's worth checking out if you're a fan of the character but not for the $39 cover price. I would recommend waiting for a used copy at a better price or wait a year when it gets the price knocked down.
Ok, so I wasn't exactly halfway through. It is a little bit harder than I originally stated. However, the challenges are repetitive, IE throwing more villains at you at once. Still fairly entertaining game. There are challenges that unlocked during the course of the game. These are similar to the ones in the Akrham games where you have to clear out the enemies before time expires.
I didn't mention this is a pretty violent game as well. Well, it's cartoony violence, still has an M rating though. Also in the extras menu check out the bios for all the characters featured in the game. Pretty hilarious.
You know, Deadpool seems like a videogame even as a comic book. So this seems like a natural.
I haven't read many Deadpool comics but this game feels like it could have been one of the story arcs.