I was very tempted to call this thread Figs Watches Battlestar. It was hard to resist. Like Jeff’s Buffy thread, this is also about discussing a series that has finished and that I’ve seen very few spoilers for, so it seemed appropriate.
I don’t intend to go into Battlestar Galactica episode by episode and I don’t expect to keep to a well-disciplined viewing schedule as Jeff has done.
This is one of the few ‘genre’ shows that Mrs Figs has got into and now we are up to the second half of the second series. Episode 2.12 The Resurrection Ship Pt 2. Naturally, I’m hoping that there are no spoilers about anything we haven’t seen yet, but would love any discussion on the episodes we’ve already seen.
This first post won’t be very long. Regarding the mini-series, it was a clever move, from the DVD market standpoint. I knew Battlestar was doing well as a TV show, but I still wouldn’t have paid top-dollar for a full 22 episode series boxset going in. Too costly for such an unknown quantity. So the miniseries on one low-cost Disc was a good intro to the series. I only got it because my wife’s family gave me a voucher for a local shopping centre on a visit to Australia a few years ago and I only had $10 or something left to spend on it so I got BG on impulse.
We loved the mini-series. It was all so dark and serious. A very brave move for a TV series just starting out. I guess the unusual darkness of it all was due to
a) There was always going to be a pre-existing interest in this series. Battlestar Galactica was a recogniseable brand from our childhoods. Thus people would be prepared to allow it to seem less inviting.
b) As the basic plot was already known, everyone would be expecting the annihilation of a whole civilisation early on. (At least this new series played this as apocalyptically tragic, rather than as an excuse for Dirk Benedict to carelessly jape around every week…)
c) The previous similar series – ST:TNG and Babylon 5 - only took off critically and with viewers when the $#!& hit the fan and the main characters were put in dark and difficult situations.
d) Artistic integrity?
As I missed it the first time around, what did you all make of the mini-series back in the dark ages of 2003?
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