No longer will I have to comb through eBay and Amazon for those out of print individual volumes and mini-box sets commanding several hundred dollars each!

For those of you going "huh?", Science Ninja Team Gatchaman is probably better known in North America as "Battle of the Planets", "G-Force", or "Eagle Riders".

ADV Films released the series last decade unedited with the original Japanese track (with English subtitles) as well as a new English dub.  And no 7-Zark-7 or the leader of the team sounding like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo!  Yay!

But the releases soon became out of print and ADV closed its doors a couple of years later.

But now it will be re-released in late October as a complete set along with the 3-episode OVAs produced in the 90s!

And less than a 100 bucks on DVD from Rightstuf!

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