Google Plus

I just got on Google+ today, and I like it a lot better than Facebook.  It appears I have a good number of invites available, so if anyone wants one, send me an email or message me here.  I just need the email YOU mainly check.

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  • Yep.

    Mark S. Ogilvie said:
    I've never even looked at a facebook page.  Is google plus free?
  • Ack!!!


    They apparently turned off the invite ability.  As soon as it comes back I'll let you know here.  Still, let me know if you want it when I'm able to add more.

  • I made a quick list of those who emailed me for an invite and didn't get in under the wire.  I'm betting they open it up again next week, and when they do, I'll add everyone.
  • Invites are back!  If you want one, please let me know ASAP, as I don't know how long they'll be there.
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