Thanks, Pal! I'm not feeling quite that ancient yet, although a guy known as Mr. Silver Age can't be a spring chicken by now. I do kind of know how your best buddy was feeling in TTA #43. Talk about an inescapable death trap! -- MSA
As is the long-standing tradition around here (and all the other "heres" where we've long-stood over the years), every year I honor my pal Mr. Age with comic books that best reflect all that silvery wonderfulness that he has helped to inspire through his Aged career. That is to say, I share images of comic book covers posted to the GCD, in full acknowledgment that the thought is really what counts here. If I really were to give Mr. Age all the money symbolized on these covers, it would be seen as merely a venal gesture lacking in sincerity. With these comic book covers, on the other hand, there's nothing but sincerity as far as the eye can see.
So, following the above mentioned tradition, I was about to go to the GCD to look up something to respond to Dave's last post and got stopped dead in my tracks by something on the home page. This won't make you rich, Mr. Age, but..
And just in case you haven't got your glasses on...
Wow, that's amazing! Not so much that they decided to list me, but that they went to the trouble of finding the year, too! I'm not sure where they got that from. Or why they bothered tracking it down.
No doubt I'm included because, were you to Search for me in the GCD database, you will find that I have a number of writer credits. I had not expected that Lady Death one, though.
Thanks for carrying on the tradition, Dave! This year, you managed to gift me with some comics I haven't read, although I do have one of them, of course. I actually may have read the other two, but they didn't stick with me so well.
I knew about the Dr. Wonder and Imaginary Tales gigs, and I'm assuming the Lady Death article is just one of the many, many articles you did for WIZARD over the years. If the GCD ever gets down to the granular level of including articles written for all the zines over the years, heck, just about all of us will end up there (actually, I'm already on GCD as a contibutor to the WINDY & WILLY entry). But didn't you also do a text page or something for one of those Marvel/DC mashup projects?
I did the letters pages to the Marvel Amalgam issues way back when. That's why Tom Brevoort is always my favorite comics editor, since he had the insight to hire me. Combine that with the intro I wrote for DC's Greatest Imaginary Stories, and I have received checks from both DC and Marvel, which I find pretty astonishing, along with my GCD writer credits, for a writer who's never even attempted a comics script.
Fonske also seems to be the name of a Dutch comic book character by Marc Sleen, but ironically, none of the issues have been posted to the GCD. -- MSA
If GCD's got the year right -- and you should know -- then I've been reading your column since you were (a lot) younger than I am now. I'm not sure what the significance of that is, but there ya go!
Wow! That Imaginary Stories collection has been on my bedroom shelf for a while now. Great stories, but there your name is on the introduction! Small world.*
(After a quick glance through it, I see Moore's 'Aren't they all' comment really didn't sit well with you, at all!)
Thanks, Pal! I'm not feeling quite that ancient yet, although a guy known as Mr. Silver Age can't be a spring chicken by now. I do kind of know how your best buddy was feeling in TTA #43. Talk about an inescapable death trap! -- MSA
I guess we could say that every year is your Silver Anniversary.
As is the long-standing tradition around here (and all the other "heres" where we've long-stood over the years), every year I honor my pal Mr. Age with comic books that best reflect all that silvery wonderfulness that he has helped to inspire through his Aged career. That is to say, I share images of comic book covers posted to the GCD, in full acknowledgment that the thought is really what counts here. If I really were to give Mr. Age all the money symbolized on these covers, it would be seen as merely a venal gesture lacking in sincerity. With these comic book covers, on the other hand, there's nothing but sincerity as far as the eye can see.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Age!
So, following the above mentioned tradition, I was about to go to the GCD to look up something to respond to Dave's last post and got stopped dead in my tracks by something on the home page. This won't make you rich, Mr. Age, but..
Who's Fonske?
Wow, that's amazing! Not so much that they decided to list me, but that they went to the trouble of finding the year, too! I'm not sure where they got that from. Or why they bothered tracking it down.
No doubt I'm included because, were you to Search for me in the GCD database, you will find that I have a number of writer credits. I had not expected that Lady Death one, though.
Thanks for carrying on the tradition, Dave! This year, you managed to gift me with some comics I haven't read, although I do have one of them, of course. I actually may have read the other two, but they didn't stick with me so well.
Fonske is a Spanish cartoonist, the young whipper-snapper: No doubt he's saying, "Who's Craig Shutt?"
-- MSA
I knew about the Dr. Wonder and Imaginary Tales gigs, and I'm assuming the Lady Death article is just one of the many, many articles you did for WIZARD over the years. If the GCD ever gets down to the granular level of including articles written for all the zines over the years, heck, just about all of us will end up there (actually, I'm already on GCD as a contibutor to the WINDY & WILLY entry). But didn't you also do a text page or something for one of those Marvel/DC mashup projects?
Thanks for the info on Fonske. All I could find was some statue in Belgium where it looks like the guy is pouring beer over his head:
I did the letters pages to the Marvel Amalgam issues way back when. That's why Tom Brevoort is always my favorite comics editor, since he had the insight to hire me. Combine that with the intro I wrote for DC's Greatest Imaginary Stories, and I have received checks from both DC and Marvel, which I find pretty astonishing, along with my GCD writer credits, for a writer who's never even attempted a comics script.
Fonske also seems to be the name of a Dutch comic book character by Marc Sleen, but ironically, none of the issues have been posted to the GCD. -- MSA
Happy Birthday, Mr. SA!!!
If GCD's got the year right -- and you should know -- then I've been reading your column since you were (a lot) younger than I am now. I'm not sure what the significance of that is, but there ya go!
Wow! That Imaginary Stories collection has been on my bedroom shelf for a while now. Great stories, but there your name is on the introduction! Small world.*
(After a quick glance through it, I see Moore's 'Aren't they all' comment really didn't sit well with you, at all!)
Anyway, Happy Birthday Mr Shutt!
* but I wouldn't like to hoover it.