
  • Sorry, just the light from the ring...
  • I don't think Hollywood will ever get those little face masks to look right!
  • That's because in real life a simple domino mask would look ludicrous. At least with GL I won't be bothered by the use of make up around the eyes under the mask that simply disappears when the mask is pulled of (like it did in Batman Returns). The ring can make the make up vanish faster than a roll of wet naps.

    Philip Portelli said:
    I don't think Hollywood will ever get those little face masks to look right!
  • Maybe it's just me, but he looks a lot like Sinestro there. Just color his skin pink...

    "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

    Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's much better now!

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  • I think it looks pretty good. I've got to remember to pick up that issue of EW.

    Costume sparks debate.

    Me, I think it looks about as good as it's gonna get in a live-action movie. Of course, the costume is a digital effect.
  • I just heard Ryan Reynolds got hurt filming a stunt. Maybe they should get Tyson Beckford to play John Stewart to be his alternate? Or just get John Stewart from "The Daily Show"!
  • Well, if I am not mistaken (I am not the world's expert on GL), doesn't the ring generate the costume? So it's not actually cloth, but rather ring-energy anyway, thus the digital nature of it seems to fit.

    Maybe they could get Guy Gardner to step in...

    George said:

    Costume sparks debate.

    Me, I think it looks about as good as it's gonna get in a live-action movie. Of course, the costume is a digital effect.
  • Since he didn't get the comic role I think he was born for (Jonah Hex), I vote for Josh Holloway to play Guy Gardner.


    Rich Steeves said:
    Maybe they could get Guy Gardner to step in...
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