From Heroic Publishing

Sept. 1, 2012

League of Champions #14

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The gauntlet has been thrown down! And it's up to our heroes in the League of Champions to save the world from the sinister threat of the Lords of Chaos! But is that really what's going on? Or is there more to the mysterious AURA than meets the eye? The answers begin to unfold in the long-awaited 14th issue of The League of Champions, featuring FLARE and the all-new GIANT versus the MOUNTAIN MASTER by Dennis Mallonee and Chris Marrinan, DOCTOR ARCANE and the all-new TIGRESS in battle against the FOREST FIEND by Dennis Mallonee and the late great DICK GIORDANO, plus ICESTAR and SPARKPLUG versus the DESERT DESPOT, by Dennis Mallonee and Terry Pallot.
Liberty Comics #7

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The Golden Age lives again when the LIBERTY GIRL returns in two all-new adventures. First, it's a Rob Jones solo stunner when the Liberty Girl takes on the Imperial Japanese heroine know as ZERO. Also in this issue, in "A Tale of Malice," by Wilson Hill and Franco Urru, it's Christmas 1932, and the original GIANT finds he has hand full trying to control the demon that lives within the soul of the woman he loves. Finally, when a renegade sorcerer threatens New York City on the eve of World War II, America's bronze goddess of freedom finds she has "Bigger Problems" to deal with in this new adventure by Peter Aitken, Russ Manning award nominee Craig Cermak, and Rob Jones.
Champions #57

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It's an all-new adventure of the savage TIGRESS, by Dennis Mallonee and Oski Yañez, as she joins forces with Skylark Smith and Felicity Bliss on her final mission to track down and destroy the sinister SERPENT! Also in this issue, for the first time in color! Sparkplug's quest to find her long-missing brother TOMAS brings her face-to-face with an old and dangerous enemy! "Rematch!" is brought to you by writer Lou Mougin with artists Scott Clark and David Spurlock, and features the return of King's Gambit's QUEEN.
Champions Adventures #5

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In this issue, witness the debut of Flare's classic costume! And while the Champions were away, their Enemies did play! The League of Enemies has been organized, and the League of Champions is about to face its greatest threat in this classic adventure by Dennis Mallonee, Howard Simpson, and Dell Barras. Also in this issue, the mystery of the wonderful WINTER WONDERLASS continues in an all-new bonus featurette by Dennis Mallonee and James Webb.
Adventures of Chrissie Claus #5

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It's a Champions Christmas special, with a surprise visit from Santa's li'l elfin granddaughter, CHRISSIE CLAUS! And what a surprise it is! Because when it's time for Icestar and Icicle to make the Champions' annual visit to the Children's Hospital, it's Icicle who channels Chrissie! And the story Chrissie tells once they get there has a few surprises in it for Icestar, too! This classic Christmas treat is by Dennis Mallonee and Lou Manna.
Murcielaga She-Bat #14

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It's a flashback to the past for America's foremost Latin heroine in Part One of "Blood Sisters," by Powell, Statema, and Schaefer. Also in this issue, RHESUS stars in Chapter Five of "Rings for a Demon," with story by Spike Steffenhagen and artwork by Stanisci and Kleinbergen.
Champions #58

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THE SENSATIONAL G-GIRL returns for an all-new adventure! Remember the G-Girl's recent championship wrestling match? Well, that was for charity, and unfortunately did nothing to help the Jensen family's finances. And now, the G-Girl's obnoxious little brother Jimmy's latest idea on how to go about raising some spending capital is definitely going to get him in hot water with Billi Jayne. "Candid Camera" is brought to you by the creative team of writer Dennis Mallonee and artist Gaetano Petrigno. Also in this issue, for the first time in color, everyone's favorite frosty little sneak thief ICICLE returns for Chapter Two of "Icicle: The Movie," by Dennis Mallonee, Lou Manna, and John Flaherty.
Champions Adventures #6

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There are two great adventures in this sixth issue of Champions Adventures! With Sparkplug out of the picture for a while, Flare decides it's high time for ace reporter Jimmy Dooley to start paying attention to the fact that Icicle has a crush on him, too! But the way our glittering heroine goes about trying to persuade Mister Dooley to be Icicle's beau might not have the effect she expects. Meanwhile, the League of Enemies is not sitting idle. "The Training of the Enemies" is by Dennis Mallonee, Howard Simpson, and Dell Barras. Also in this issue, Icicle finds herself "Alone Against the Enemies!" How can one little girl hope to take on half a dozen of the Champions' greatest enemies all by her lonesome? Find out in this extraordinary adventure by Dennis Mallonee and Mark Propst, also featuring a cameo appearance by the awesome Eraserhead!

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