Hey Kids (?)! Comics!

Wow! Look at what family-friendly Comics Buyers Guide is publishing!


Is this why we can't get sequels to Baby Boomer Comics and 1,000 Comics You Must Read?





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  • Brent actually asked me for a scan for one of the pages in the first one, and when he told me about the second one, I thought he was joking about the name. They've definitely come a long way from the Chet Krause days.

    I never understand how replacing a couple of letters preserves the sanctity of writing that stuff. Is it that one precise combination of letters when printed in that sequence that is obscene, or is it how we say the words to ourselves that they've written and what they want to convey? 

    Ideally, if these sell well enough, there are more options they can do that might involve Mr. Age or Tony. I don't know how amenable Tony is, but I'm always interested in any format that gets those "vintage" AMSA columns more readers. So we'll see when these come out.

    -- MSA

  • I was surprised to see these "books" were only 64 pages. That's not even 1 page per Motherf*#!er!


  • I look at them as special issues. As such, the potential for other topics and special collections would be significant based on that general format.

    I'm not sure how much you can extrapolate from these picture books--kind of the way DC put out a book of 1950s reprints to see if there was a market for a new series for a character--but it at least shows they're looking at new approaches and trying to expand opportunities. That' s my story.

    -- MSA


  • So much for subtlety.

  • They were obviously looking to make some money without much labor. As usual, it was one more thing for the editors to do, so there wouldn't be any added budget, keeping expenses low. They still had to print and distribute them, though. Today, as digital editions, they might have a better chance.

    They didn't offer much value, so I don't know that many readers bought into it. Once these came out, of course, I discussed with Brent the possibility of doing an AMSA book in the same format. It would've had far more meat, but it would have cost them money, both for my involvement and due to the heavier detail in the layouts. So it didn't take off.

    -- MSA

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