Legend of Bold Riley 1

  This caught my attention because of the cover.  Inside is an Indian or Far Eastern tale that reminds me of a sword and sorcery Conan or Red Sonja story, but with more clothing and no blood.  The main character is a princess who renounces her thrown for a life of adventure and wanders a land called "Prakkalore" with a sword and a good appetite for liquor.  As an intro story this works well.  Definitely a nice change of pace if nothing else.  I'll be interested to see how the next few issues go.

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  • I had to look it up.

    Apparently "Bold Riley" is an old English sea shanty whose origins are unknown. It's been re-written and update several times over the decades, but that's where the name and concept come from, of a sailor who is always going away leaving girls who pine for him.

    Apparently the pining girls is still an aspect of the comic-book Bold Riley, despite the gender shift and transplant from England to an imaginary Eastern land. Here's the description of the GN from comiXology (which is apparently being printed as serialized issues):

    The Legend of Bold Riley

    Leia Weathington's sword-and-sorcery epic The Legend of Bold Riley is illustrated by Leia and a host of talented artists. "Who is Bold Riley?" you might ask. She has hunted the wildest game and dallied with countless beautiful girls, but still longs to know the world beyond the city walls. Princess Rilavashana SanParite, called Bold Riley, leaves behind her station and sets out to travel through distant lands and find forgotten ruins, fearsome enemies, inscrutable gods and tragic love. Includes a foreword by fan-favorite comics and TV writer Jane Espenson (Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Once Upon a Time).

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