It seems like both the hardcore collectors and the casual reader have been focusing on the new revelations and movie incarnations of longtime Avengers, QUICKSILVER and the SCARLET WITCH. I have been a fan of both characters since I read those Silver Age Avengers stories that were reprinted in Marvel Triple Action. They are the second longest brother/sister act at Marvel. Their backstories, parentage, abilities, love lives, offspring and mental stability have been the source of many a famous and infamous comic. Despite all that attention, there are still mysteries and secrets about the Silver-Haired Streak and the Curvy Conjurer. I spent a lot of time on this one and hope that you will forgive any attempt of being scholarly. Also this goes beyond the Silver Age though of course, it starts there.
It must be added that there are huge SPOILERS if you never read the comics.
But some visual aids, if you will!
We also learned that when Wanda was born, she was infused with chaotic energy from the Elder Demon CHTHON which eventually transformed into a menace (and not for the first or last time!).
And hilarity ensued!
Now for the question/observations:
More to follow!
Makes for an uncertain life when you don't know your past. I thought them being the Whizzer's kids worked best.
Actually it works best if Quicksilver is the Whizzer's son and the Scarlet Witch is Magneto's daughter!
Bova told both Robert Frank and later, Pietro that they were twins and while she s a benign figure, she is also subject to the will of the High Evolutionary. Nothing is certain.
It was established that neither of them had very clear memories of their childhoods due to "traumatic experiences". Both of them? About the same events? Could Magneto have suppressed them? Altered them? What about the High Evolutionary? Chthon?
I don't know. It should be noted however that Spider-Woman, too, had memory troubles and was raised in Wundagore.
After they "betrayed" Magneto by joining the Avengers, Magneto kept going after them but not to kill them. He wanted them back in his Brotherhood under his control. Was this evidence that he knew he was their father? Or thought he was?
I don't think so. Magneto thought of them as assets, that is all.
Fairly recent events have focused on the ethnicity of Wanda and Pietro. If Magneto is their father, then they're European Jews. If it's Django Maximoff, they're gypsies. If it's the Franks, they're Americans. How important is their heritage as a story point?
It shouldn't matter any. European Jews are not necessarily distinguishable from Americans anyway, and the Maximoffs were already adoptive parents (the only kind that counts IMO) as opposed to blood relations as of Django's first appearance. Their true heritage is unrelated to their genes.
That said, it does make plot sense to make an issue of their ethnicity. Unfortunately, that would be realistic.
Was there anyway in the 70s to prove who their father was? Were there blood tests?
Nothing comparable to the current DNA tests, but it would still be possible to attempt to check their blood types, at least. That rarely gave any conclusive answers, but could conceivably establish that someone couldn't possibly be their biological parent, and it would be easy enough to attempt.
Wanda seemed to take both the Whizzer and Magneto at face value from their unsubstantiated stories alone. Good thing she never met Darth Vader!
And if they are the children of Magneto, a mutant, wouldn't that make them NOT mutants?
No, even by the crazy version of genetics that exists in the MU that would not be a problem. Mutants can have mutant children, as evidenced by the examples of Syrin, Cable and Rachel among others.
Given all the layers, add-ons and participants in the maternity/paternity of the two and all the reasonable doubt about what the true story is, are we even sure that Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are siblings? They don't resemble each other and their powers are not connected. Do they believe that they're related because that's what they have been told their entire lives?
They obviously do (whether it is the truth or not), and it could be an interesting tale if it turned out that they are not. But I seem to recall having read that recent events put that possibility away.
However, I expect Magneto to eventually reveal that he somehow faked those events. He has all the correct motivations to want to convince Wanda that he is not her father, even if he actually is.
Some general questions: