Silver Age reprints for 2012

Besides the Showcase Presents reprints I've listed on a couple of other threads, here are some other Silver Age and early 1970s reprints that might be of interest to this group.


DC Universe: Secret Origins

Superman: Secrets of the Fortress of Solitude

Steve Ditko Omnibus Vol. 2 (featuring Hawk and Dove)

Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane Archives Vol. 1

Secret Society of Super-Villains Vol. 2

Flash Archives Vol. 6

Green Lantern Archives Vol. 6

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  • Thanks for keeping us up to date, Hoy!

    Marvel also has a number of reprints coming that we don't update as much. Not much of it is SA, especially compared to DC's various compilations. In part, that's because so much of Marvel's scant SA output has been collected (although new editions keep coming out), and also because they keep "updating" origins and collect that material rather than going back to the originals.

    There's a bunch of Avengers stuff coming out, of course, but not much of it is SA-based. Of most interest to me are the Marvel Firsts: 1970s volumes, following up on their earlier 1960s volume.I have much less familiarity with all those characters. I'm not sure I missed many of their first issues, but there are at least a couple in each book I don't know, so I'll check those out closer:

    -- MSA

  • Guys,

    If you ever wanted to know what the reaction to the various changes in the Avengers line-up were, or the debut of Cap's Kookie Quartett, or the return of Giant-man/Goliath.... this Avengers Omnibus is the one for you.  Basically, it collects the first three Marvel Masterworks volumes, complete with the intro pages, but it is also expected to include the letters pages, when they began.  You can read the fans' very own words and Stan's/bullpen reaction.

    As far as "significant events", you'll get the Hulk's defection, the discovery of Cap in the ice flow, the death of Zemo, the first shake-up in the line-up, the first and second appearances of Kang, the death of Ramona, the return of Goliath, and the arrival of both Swordsman and Power Man, not to mention the death of Wonderman.

    For my money, though these are significant events, I think the next 30 issues, 30-60 would be far more important, as they include the Serpent Society appearance, the end of the Cosmic Cube, the arrival of the Red Guardian, Hercules joins the team for a year, the Super-Adaptoid, the new Masters of Evil, the return of Giant-man's powers, the defection of Wanda or Pietro to magneto, the joining of the Black Panther, Vison and birth of Ultron, and Yellowjacket, and the marrage of Jan & Hank.  Plus, the definitive look at the death of Bucky through time travel and the first Scarlet Centurian adventure.

    But, we'll have to wait for that one, I guess.

  •     When I'm mining Amazon I tend to ignore most of the Marvel reprints because the Silver Age stuff is mostly available in multiple formats and I have the 1970s comics in original printings and/or Essential format. But you're right, many of the people on this board may be interested in the early 1970s Marvel characters. Sweet Christmas!


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