The problems with my browser (and the computer crashing repeatedly) seem to have been eliminated after that massive CD-backup project yesterday.
So, just updated the blog again. Now have SPACE CONQUERORS! posted from the beginning in 1952 up to June 1953 (so far).
Story & art by AL STENZEL.
Later artists in this series include George Evans, Lou Fine, Alden McWilliams, and Gray Morrow!
I'm so looking forward to reading these, as I never have before (with the exception of one year with McWilliams in the late 60's, which is what got me hooked originally.)
Back on this after a few days. I downloaded the next 6 months's worth. Apparently, 6 months worth of issues is all my computer can manage with this BOY'S LIFE "Wayback Machine" Google Books site, before I need to REBOOT to overcome crippling memory overload. Crazy.
Anyway, just processed and posted the next 3 months, and I see I've already reached the point where GEORGE EVANS took over the art from Al Stenzel. It's amazing how I can recognize his style due to a few of the faces being so similar to the way he drew faces in that one issue of SUPER-VILLAIN TEAM-UP. (I half wonder why he only ever did 1-1/2 issues of SVTU, and not consecutively; did he perhaps not like "the Marvel Method" in the early 70's?)
The first clue was that the art went from clean but simple to a LOT more detailed. This was a BIG improvement. I'm not a huge George Evans afficiado, but so far, this is some DAMN NICE stuff!
Check it out, the Evans pages start with the August 1953 issue.
I've got these finished up to the end of 1958.
I believe I have correctly identified the point where LOU FINE took over from George Evans. Cleaner rendering, less "gritty", more of an "early Gil Kane" look (if Kane knew what he was doing-- heh). I suppose one also could say a bit more "generic Johnstone & Cushing", which is how it was described in the ALTER EGO article I read some years ago. (Another fan suggested it looked to him like Neal Adams' work.)
Just reached a milestone in this project this morning-- the beginning of the "Galaxy One" era, which was clearly inspired to some degree by FORBIDDEN PLANET. The entire run of the strip from the beginning up to this has now been cleaned up and posted at my blog. And now I get to enjoy the part I've been really looking forward to!
Just wanted to put the word out that, as of today, I've finished the entire SPACE CONQUERORS! project at my blog. Wow! From 1952-72, with art by Al Stenzel, George Evans, Lou Fine, Alden McWilliams & Gray Morrow, it's been an fun ride (and not a little bit of work cleaning these up).
If anyone has any info about artists I'm missing, I'd appreciate it. Several people have suggested, before I ever started this, that there may be several other artists involved, but at the moment, nobody can quite be sure, because most of them tended to work in the "Johnstone & Cushing" house style.
The beginning:
The ending:
There are credits for some of the stories here (in French).
Thanks. Nothing I didn't know already. HOWEVER...
Space Conquerors! Boys' Life (May 1963)
script: Al Stenzel; art: Lou Fine (replacing George Evans in the early '60s until his death in 1971. Alden McWilliams took after him until October 1972.)
TOTALLY wrong!!! Fine took over in the late 50's. McWilliams took over in the mid-60's, then was replaced by Gray Morrow in the late 60's. Fine came back, but when he passed away, Morrow returned for the last story in 1972.
I've appreciated some of the comments and information I've found at various blogs, but having looked at the art very closely, it's pretty obvious in places where they changed artists, and the French site is clearly in error on the entire 2nd half of the run.
I remember reading some of these in Boys Life in early 1960s and thought they were great... could never finish a whole story though... I do recall some time travel trip where they went to Aztec Indians and watched a ball in hoop game but fled when it was over, cause the winners could claim anything they wanted from the audience and losers. Does this sound familiar?
That sounds like it might have been part of the "PHILMONT SCOUT RANCH" strip that ran for awhile in the mid-60's.
Kirk G:
"I flipped around your incredible blog and skimmed a few of the storylines. They get more complex, and even include images of the Discovery from 2001: A Space Odessey as the decade draws to a close.Let's do a little math. Let's call the period of publication roughtly 20 years, from Sept. 52 to Oct. '72.... Given 12 months, 12 installments per year, that's roughly 240 installments, or maybe 241 if you include the final one. Not a bad collection. And see, that math wasn't so difficult, without even counting them all up, eh? LOL!"
I looked up on my list... as far as I know, here's how it breaks down by artist:
Sep'52 -- Al Stenzel
Aug'53 -- George Evans
Jul'58 -- Lou Fine
Sep'62 -- "GALAXY ONE" storyline debuts!!!
Mar'66 -- Alden McWilliams
Jan'68 -- Gray Morrow
Sep'70 -- Lou Fine returns
Feb'72 -- Gray Morrow returns
Mar'72 -- Lou Fine
Jun'72 -- Gray Morrow (last 4 strips)