The long awaited second issue of The Signifiers is now available! Featuring a discussion with Tom (Godland) Scioli (including previously unpublished Scioli art), The Signifiers #2 also contains the next chapter of Landlark, the Heat-Seeking Dwarf and a preview of The Emotionists.
The Signifiers #2 is a B&W, 52-page indie comic, the cosmic sequel to one of 2010's best reviewed comics.
Advance praise from creators:
"With The Signifiers #2, you have produced the comic book equivalent of The Beatles' Revolver....Their best album and your best comic book."
- Verl Bond, World Without Love
"I find your comics to be a wonderful merger of Bob Burden dada and '70s Kirby surrealism, all with some of the prettiest brush work and spot blacks around."
- Rafer Roberts, Plastic Farm
"The Signifiers #2 is another grand work of inspired madness! Salvador Dali meets late Jack Kirby with some David Lynch thrown in. The artwork is gorgeous...It’s all very bold and uncompromising."
- Van Reid, The American Zig-Zag
Copies of The Signifiers #2 can be ordered via PayPal - or, order issues 1 and 2 at a discount:
Autographed upon request. Ask for a free catalog and free Signifiers mini poster, too!