The Captain's Comments

Alice in Leatherland #1

Black Mask Studios | $3.99

Writer: Iolanda Zanfardino | Art/Cover: Elisa Romboli

I've looked up whatever Google could find on this book, since Black Mask doesn't send me DRCs. It's called an LGBTQIA+ rom-com, as the lead character is a Black, lesbian writer of children's story books (which, obviously, we can all relate to) who leaves her rural setting when her girlfriend cheats on her, for the wild-n-wooly sexual landscape of San Francisco. It's written and drawn by a real-life couple with a short but respectable oeuvre.

I can't tell if the Alice in Wonderland reference carries beyond the title, and the general theme of being a child-like explorer of a strange place. (Will it follow the plot of the book, or an original plot? Unknown.) I found a preview, which only covered the early break-up, so that didn't help me guess where this was going.

I've included Alice in Leatherland only because A) I really like the cover art, and B) the "leather" reference makes me wonder if this is a BDSM kind of rom-com. While non-binary material is all the rage today, as are many other formerly taboo sexual topics, I don't think BDSM has made the leap to mainstream yet. There's A-lister Stjepan Sejic's Sunstone, Golden Age Wonder Woman (which wasn't advertised as such) and certainly bondage gear has been appropriated for years (mainly for bad guys). But other than that I can't think of much. So, depending on content, Alice in Leatherland might be notable for that reason (or not).

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Song of Glory HC

Cavan Scott (W), Martin Tunica (A), Michael Atiyeh (C), and Karl Kopinski (Cover)

FC, 72 pages $17.99 HC, 7” x 10”

I don't know beans about the video game, but I love me some Vikings. I haven't read this yet, but I will, just for the Odin-worshiping, pillaging and berserking. (Hold the rapine, please.)

Also, here's Something I Realized at Today Years Old: "Assassin's Creed" is a play on the Apostles' Creed. Boy, do I feel stupid.

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #1 (of 6)

DC is obviously happy about this, as the publisher has been burying me in PR about it. I mean, every issue gets a press release and preview! (Which I'll pass on.)

In the first issue, a crack appears in the skies of Gotham, sucking in Batman (and apparently some related characters, to be revealed later). He arrives with no memory, and must figure out who he is, where he is and how to get home. In the course of this, the creators promise, the series will reveal secrets about the Fortnite world never before revealed. Variant cover artists will include Arthur Adams, Amanda Conner and Jim Lee, and the whole thing wraps up July 6.

Also, "each print issue of Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point will include a redeemable code for bonus DC-themed Fortnite digital items, inspired by the events in the comic, starting with the new Rebirth Harley Quinn Outfit. U.S. Subscribers to DC Universe Infinite will receive the series for free, including the bonus digital codes. Fans who redeem all six codes will also unlock a new Armored Batman Zero Outfit for their Fortnite character."

As a non-gamer, I have only a vague understanding of what all that means. But I assume it's exciting to those who do play Fortnite. (Which appears to be a very large number of people.)


Champions #6

Marvel | Teen+ | $3.99

Writer: Danny Lore | Art: Luciano Vecchio | Cover: Toni Infante | Variant: Carlos Pacheco

Marvel is touting a new direction and a new creative team for this series. I guess the old team of Eve L. Ewing, Simon Di Meo and Bob Quinn weren't cutting the mustard.

So, the team is still dealing with Kamala's Law, which outlawed teen superheroes. (Wait, are adult superheroes legal? What happened to the Sokovia Accords Superhero Registration Act? You know, I read that whole "Civil War" megillah and don't remember. However, I did not, and will not, read "Civil War II." Life is too short. But, evidently, it's OK to pull on a mask and fight crime in the Marvel Universe, as long as you're over the age of 21. Probably 16 in Kentucky, as long as you're married to your legal guardian, provided they are also your cousin.)

I'm not a regular reader of Champions, but looking at the current lineup I'm kind of impressed. The team appears to be comprised of Ironheart, Ms. Marvel, Nova, the Miles Morales Spider-Man and Viv Vision. That's not only a powerhouse team, but one that doesn't include a single uninteresting character. It was boring characters (looking at you, Amadeus Cho Hulk) that turned me off to Champions in the first place, so I'm much more open to reading about this team.

Cojacaru the Skinner #1 (of 2)

Dark Horse | 32 pages | $3.99

Writers: Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden | Art/Cover A/Cover B: Peter Bergting | Colors: Michelle Madsen

This is the latest book in Mike Mignola's universe. No, not the Hellboy universe, his other universe.

That's the one where history diverged in World War I, when the bloodshed and suffering awakened the Red King and a literal plague of evil that turned people into a Whitman's sampler of horror. Lord Baltimore fought these evils in the late teens and 1920s, followed by Lady Baltimore during what was World War II in our history. Joe Golem is also part of this universe.

Joining these worthies is Cojacaru the Skinner, "the strange and enigmatic bane of Eastern European witches, [who] has been dead many years." But her ghost is summoned in World War II by the besieged Allies for a two-issue adventure.

That will be followed by the Imogen of the Wyrding Way one-shot and the two-issue The Golem Walks Among Us! The first issue (the only issue in the case of Imogen) of each will have a variant cover that combine to form this triptych:

I recognize the Baltimores and Joe Golem, but the rest, I think, we're destined to meet in these various, uh, "Other Mignolaverse" series.

Dark Horse does send me DRCs — except for Mignola books. (I guess they figure he doesn't need the boost.) So I haven't read this issue. But I will, as I eventually get all the Mignola books in HC, Deluxe or Library editions. They're that good.

Chances are you'll read this before I do.

Girls of Dimension 13 #1

Aftershock Comics | $4.99

Writer: Graham Nolan | Art/Cover: Bret Blevins

Stories starring women, and/or groups of women, are a dime a dozen these days. That's not a bad thing, but it's no longer a sufficient reason by itself to support a book. These grrl-power titles have to compete with the rest of the industry quality-wise, which knocks a lot of them out of the running.

I mention this one this week because it looks strong enough to succeed. The story involves four women summoned to a mysterious building in New York, where they will eventually find out they all have super-powers, which are to be used to guard a gateway to the other 12 dimensions, which are ruled by an evil being named Abraxis, who wants to add us to his collection.

That's an interesting premise. And the art above isn't bad, so I'm giving The Girls of Dimension 13 a mention.

Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors #1

IDW | 36 pages | $4.99

Writer: Erik Burnham | Art/Cover A: Dan Schoening | Cover B: Photo | 1:15 incentive variant: Vic Hollins

Yeah, this is obviously aimed at kids. That doesn't mean adult Gojira fans can't read it, just that they may find it a bit too simplistic. For them I recommend the books by the Legendary studio's comic book arm.

Anyway, if you have any pint-size kaiju enthusiasts in your household, they might like this. And some adults may too, although they won't admit it.

Knights of Heliopolis

The Knights of Heliopolis

Titan Comics | $24.99, £21.99

Writer: Alejandro Jodorowsky | Art: Jeremy

Jodorowsky's stories can get pretty far out there, which is often the reason I like them. This one, though ... well, it may be a little too far out.

The PR says it's a "supernatural spin" on Alexandre Dumas' The Man in the Iron Mask, and while our lead is the hidden offspring of 18th century French royalty, that's as far as the comparison goes. Instead, it's a mind-bending story without, it feels, a plot outline. But among the conglomeration of characters and events called Knights of Helipolis are secret alchemical societies; a hermaphroditic lead who is also a mutant and has sex with both women and men, including Napoleon, who is also a mutant; chaste aliens who become trapped on Earth if they have sex with anyone; immortality; Jack the Ripper (who is not what she seems, and yes, I said "she"); Charlotte Corday (who not only assassinates Jean-Paul Marat, but is also revealed as wetnurse for Marie Antoinette's children) and doubtless more stuff that bounced off my cranium without sinking in as my eyes glazed over and I entered a fugue state of non-causation.

If I had to characterize it, I'd say it was an LSD trip through 100 years of French history. But even that falls short. I'm not necessarily recommending it, but I'd be curious to see other reactions. And the art is really nice.

The Many Deaths of Laila Starr #1

BOOM! | $3.99

Writer: Ram V | Art: Filipe Andrade | Letters: AndWorld Design

Here is another interesting-looking first issue, this one from BOOM! Studios. Alas, BOOM! is another publisher that doesn't send me DRCs. But I am intrigued by what the PR tells me.

The plot is that humanity is about to discover immortality, so Death gets fired. Moreover, she (why is Death a she?) is relegated to living out her now-finite days in the body of twentysomething Laila Starr, an art student in Mumbai. But she has the chance to course-correct, by killing the destined discoverer of immortality as a baby. Will she?

So there's the moral dimension. There's also the wonderful, unusual setting of India's second-largest city, with (gulp) 20 million residents.

But there's also the added dimension — or maybe lens is a better word — of magical realism. Which I love in prose, and can't wait to see play out in comics. I'm sure that's why the art finds occasionally falls between Abstraction and realism, because the story will, too.

My Dog Jojo one-shot

Uncivilized Comics | $6.00

Writer/Art/Cover: Gabrielle Bell

"Gabrielle Bell gets the massive task of helping her reclusive mother find a dog. The canine must be good with cats, scare bears, and keep deer from eating the garden. When they meet Jojo — who is not qualified — Mom immediately decides to take her home. Gabrielle channels her inner dog-whisperer to make Jojo feel at home. Everyone has a different approach to the shy and fragile Jojo — but they all share an immediate love for the troubled dog."

This will make me cry, won't it? Yes, yes it will.

Assuming I read it. The art below isn't to my taste. Would this be considered from the "primitive" school? I don't care for it, but others probably do.

The Mighty Valkyries #1 (of 5)

Marvel Comics | Teen+ | $4.99

Writers: Jason Aaron, Torunn Grønbekk | Art/Cover: Mattia de Iulis |  Headshot variant: Todd Nauck | Heroes Reborn variant: Carlos Pacheco | Variant: Skottie Young

I was delighted when the Valkyries made their return during  the "King in Black" event, although I didn't actually read about them there. As I have made abundantly clear on this site, I categorically refuse to read anything involving Venom. There's too much stuff I want to read to waste time on stuff I don't.

So I don't really know what Valkyries emerged alive from "King in Black," and there were only four to begin with. The PR mentions Jane Foster, and the new character who only goes by "The Valkyrie," but the other two aren't mentioned. Did they snuff it?

Well, if it's only two, I can live with that. Because the Valkyries are the sort of fantastic, visually arresting element that drew me to Norse mythology as a kid in the first place. Strange concepts of life and death! Ancient magic! Untrustworthy gods! Armored women on winged horses flying out of the sunset!

This new series promises all those things, and it's written by Jason Aaron, who has a good track record with me. So two Valkyries or four, they've got my attention. (Although I'd prefer an army. Really, being "Choosers of the Slain" is too much work for just a pair of 'em.)

Nightwing #79

DC Comics | 32 pages | $3.99 | Card Stock cover $4.99

Writer: Tom Taylor | Art/Cover: Bruno Redondo | Card Stock variant: Jamal Campbell

I guess DC has a lot of confidence in this series. This is the second issue of the "Infinite Frontier" soft reboot, and it's getting the PR treatment, while the first issue is getting a second printing next week.

Night-fans (Wing-fans?) have some tasty bits in this new series. Dick and Babs are friends again, with the possibility of more. (Come on, you know those two are endgame.) Dick has a new three-legged dog (awwww!) which is variously referred to as Doggo and Bitewing, but for which DC has run a naming contest. (Voting ended March 31, but the winning name has yet to be announced.) And a new villain named Heartless will debut in this issue, about which they have told us nothing.

The Old Guard: Tales Through Time #1 (of 6)

Image Comics | 32 pages / Mature / $3.99

Writers: Andrew Wheeler, Greg Rucka | Art: Jacopo Camagni, Leandro Fernández | Cover A: Leandro Fernández | Cover B: Jacopo Camagni | Interconnecting "Battlefield" variant: Leandro Fernández

As is almost common these days, I've enjoyed both the film and comics version of this series. I was already an enthusiastic reader of Andromache of Scythia when Charlize Theron brought her stunningly to life in the 2020 movie.

This miniseries is an anthology of backstories about our main characters, contributions from not only co-creators Rucka and  Fernández, but also Vita Ayala, Brian Michael Bendis, Kelly Sue Deconnick, Matt Fraction, David F. Walker, Horacio Altuna, Rick Burchett, Valentine De Landro, Justin Greenwood, Kano, Nicola Scott and more.

This issue gives us two stories. The first is the history of Andy's labrys (and a subtle reference to the Ship of Theseus thought experiment we all learned in WandaVision). The second stars Nicolo "Nicky" di Genova and Yusuf "Joe" al-Kaysani, "lovers since they tried (and failed) to kill each other in the First Crusade." They spend an evening in Berlin's Eldorado nightclub in 1932, which involves drag queens and Nazis, words that rarely find themselves in the same sentence.

Spider-Woman #11

Marvel Comics | Teen+ | $3.99

Writer: Karla Pacheco | Art: Pere Pèrez | Cover A: Junggeun Yoon | Cover B: Pere Pèrez | Heroes Reborn variant: Carlos Pacheco

Jessica Drew returns to her original, Marie Severin-created costume in this issue, which Marvel seems was worthy of two long press releases. I'm not much of a Spider-Woman fan (too many origins, too many other characters with the same name, too old to remember the cartoon with nostalgia), but I'm sure there are some people out there excited about this development. So here's a preview.

The Stringer HC

NBM | 8 ½ x 11 | 152 pages | HC $24.99/Ebook $16.99

Writer: Ted Rall | Art: Pablo Callejo

Ted Rall, who has been both a journalist and a world traveler, possibly at the same time, writes this story of a foreign correspondent who is facing what all journalists are facing in these trying times. Of what use is someone who digs up facts in a post-factual world? How do you make a living when the entire journalism field is in a tailspin, with foreign news the first to be cut?

Thankfully, Rall doesn't orient the book around that alone, a reality I already find depressing enough. That's the background, while in the foreground the protagonist discovers a way to make a lot of money — if he jettisons his principles.

Well, now you're talking. I don't know what the protagonist's decision will be, but either way it's going to be interesting.

Thistlebone HC

Rebellion/2000AD | $17.99

Writer:  Tom Eglington | Art: Simon Davis

I'm fascinated by British comics. I know, I know, a lot of them in the 1960s and '70s were juvenile and a bit silly. But the art was always top-notch, and I feel like they reveal a parallel universe — what U.S. comics could have been, if they hadn't taken a different direction.

Anyway, here's the description of this one: "Britain, 2019. The secluded rural village of Harrowvale holds a dark past — years earlier, on a farm bordering the vast tracts of woodland, it hosted a cult that was seeking to escape civilization and find purity in the old ways, worshipping an ancient deity called Thistlebone. Led by the charismatic Jasper Hillman, their pagan beliefs grew ever more radical to the point where they held the young Avril Eason captive with the intention of sacrificing her. But Avril escaped!"

I'll probably like this for the same reason I'll like Mighty Valkyries.

The Hollywood Reporter has a preview and interview HERE.

The Walking Dead Deluxe #13

Image Comics | 36 pages | Mature | $399

Writer: Robert Kirkman | Art: Dave McCaig, Charlie Adlard | Cover A: Dave McCaig, David Finch | Cover B: Dave McCaig, Tony Moore | Cover C: Julian Totin Tedesco

How many new ways can Image figure out to induce you to buy a story you've already read, and probably own in two or three formats already? How about connecting variant covers? Here they are, for The Walking Dead Deluxe #13-18:

Way of X #1

Marvel | Teen+ | $4.99

Writer: Si Spurrier | Art: Bob Quinn | Cover: Giuseppe Camuncoli | Wraparound variant: Federico Vicentini | Variant: Skottie Young

Oh, thank God.

I was afraid, with Nightcrawler leading this issue, it was going to be all about his efforts to create a new mutant religion. I can't think of anything I'd enjoy less.

But, says writer Si Spurrier, it's not. "That’s kinda where it starts, for sure. Nightcrawler realizes something’s wrong with the hearts and minds of mutantkind and sets out to fix it. But as he quickly discovers, this isn’t a job for priests and prayers. … The question is, what do they have to become in order to fight it? Preachers? Cops? Executioners? Or something entirely new?"

That sounds far more interesting, and is in line with the doubts and questions many of us have been entertaining since Jonathan Hickman's revamp began. What is going on in the hearts and minds of mutants? How is it that people who made very deliberate efforts to kill each other in the past are getting along so well now? (Blob serving drinks to X-Men? All is forgiven for Jason Wyngarde, who awakened the Phoenix and raped who he thought was Jean Grey? WTF?)

So mutants have created an Eden. The question is: What serpent is at the heart of it?

"Way of X" isn't just the name of a book, it's also the name of the latest X-event, drawing in other books as well. And I'm as curious as anybody.

Way of X is a smart, psychedelic tale about faith, science, culture, love and law," Spurrier says. "And Bamfing. Bamfing just for the joy of it.”


Women of Marvel #1 one-shot

Marvel | Teen+ | $5.99

Writers: Natasha Alterici, Sophie Campbell, Nadia Shammas, Elsa Sjunneson, Anne Toole, Mariko Tamaki, Zoraida Cordova | Art: Eleonora Carlini, Joanna Estep, Skylar Patridge, Kei Zama, Maria Frölich, Peach Momoko, Rachael Stott, Nina Vakueva, Marika Cresta, June Brigman | Cover: Sara Pichelli | Variant:  Amanda Conner with colors by Rachelle Rosenberg | Variant: Peach Momoko | Variant: Maria Wolf with colors by Mike Spicer

As mentioned above, a book that stars women isn't unusual any more, nor is one with an all-female creative lineup. This one-shot has both, but it has a selling point few others do: Marvel's terrific cast of female characters.

You Promised Me Darkness #1

Behemoth Comics | $3.99

Writer/Art/Cover A: Damian Connelly | Cover B: Yuko | Cover C: Cordelia | Cover D: Prism | Cover E: Anti Everything

I haven't been able to find out much about this book, but I am absolutely gobsmacked by the covers. Behemoth is small enough that I don't have a lot of confidence about the interiors, but I'll check it out (if my LCS carries it) just for the covers alone.

Here's the solicitation blurb:

"Approximately every 75 years, Halley's Comet orbits around the sun, and every time this happens people around the world are born with incredible abilities, special auras that grant them with supernatural skills, but those auras can also be cursed. Yuko and Sebastian, two siblings with special auras are constantly running from an evil being, known as the "Anti-everything," who feeds from these special auras, getting stronger with each intake. This being is obsessed with these brothers' auras and will not stop until he feasts on them."


After School Hanako Kun GN

Alice & Zoroku Vol 8 GN

Alice in Leatherland #1

Alien #2

Amazing Spider-Man #64

Ancient Magus Bride Vol 14 GN

Art of Mass Effect Trilogy Expanded Edition HC

Asadora Vol 2 GN

Assassins Creed: Valhalla Song of Glory HC

Asterix Omnibus Papercutz Edition Vol 4 HC

Astro Mouse and Light Bulb Vol 1 Vs Astro Chicken GN

Avatar the Last Airbender: Rift Omnibus TPB

Avengers #45

Batman vs. Ra’s al Ghul #6

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #1

Batman/Superman Vol 2: World’s Finest

Bequest #2         $4.99

Billie Holiday GN

Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #2 (of 5)

Black Widow by Kelly Thompson Vol 1: The Ties That Bind TPB

Blade Runner Origins #3

Blue Flag Vol 7 GN

Captain Marvel #28

Captain Marvel Vol 5: New World TPB

Carnage: Black, White and Blood #2 (of 4)

Catwoman #30

Champions #6

Chess #1 (of 5)

Cirque Du Freak Manga Omnibus Vol 2 GN

Cojacaru the Skinner #1 (of 2)

Complete Emily the Strange: All Things Strange 2nd Edition HC

Crimson Flower #4 (of 4)

Dai Dark 1 Vol 1 GN

Dark History of a Reincarnated Villainess Vol 2 GN

Dawn of X Vol 15 TPB

DCeased: Dead Planet

Deadpool by Joe Kelly Complete Collection Vol 2 TPB

Demon Girl Next Door Vol 2 GN

Dethany and the Other Clique GN

Die Die Die Vol 2 TPB

Disney’s Tangled: Story of the Movie in Comics HC

Eternals #4

Exciting Comics #10

Firefly Brand New Verse #2 (of 6)

The Flash #769

GI Joe: A Real American Hero — Serpentor Uncoiled

Girl in the World 2nd Ed GN

Girls of Dimension 13 #1

Godzilla Monsters & Protectors #1

Golden Japanesque Yokohama Karentan Vol 2 GN

Golden Kamuy Vol 21 GN

Grimm Spotlight Mystere Voodoo Dawn

Guerilla Green OGN

Gung Ho Sexy Beast #4

Haha #4 (of 6)

Hana-Chan & The Shape of the World GN

Hellblazer: Rise and Fall

I Walk with Monsters #5

Jim Henson’s Storyteller: Tricksters #2 (of 4)

JLA: Tower of Babel Deluxe Edition

Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters #2

Justice League #60

Knights of Heliopolis HC

Knock Em Dead #5

Lady Baltimore: Witch Queens #2 (of 5) 

Legend of Dororo & Hyakkimaru Vol 3 GN

Lost Angeles #1

Lovesickness Junji Ito Story Collection HC

Luna #3 (of 5)

Mann’s World #4

Man-Thing by Steve Gerber Complete Collection Vol 3 TPB

Many Deaths of Laila Starr #1 (of 5)

Markiplier #3 (of 4)

Mighty Morphin / Power Rangers #1 Limited Edition HC

Mighty Valkyries #1 (of 5)

Mint Chocolate Vol 2 GN

Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Kanna Daily Life Vol 8 GN

MMW Black Panther Vol 3 HC

MMW Mighty Thor Vol 20 HC

Monstress #33

Moonshine #24

My Boy Gn Vol 7

My Dog Jojo one-shot

My Room is a Dungeon Rest Stop Vol 4 GN

Nightwing #79

Nomen Omen #14 (of 15)

Nuft & Last Dragons Vol 1: Great Technowhiz GN

Old Guard: Tales Through Time #1 (of 6)

Orcs #3 (of 6)

Orphan & Five Beasts #2 (of 4)

Pantomime #6 (of 6)

The Phantom: The Complete Sundays Vol 9 1966-1970 HC

Plunderer Vol 7 GN

Post Americana #5 (of 6)

Power Rangers #6

Power Rangers Unlimited: Heir to Darkness #1 2nd Ptg

Radiant Black #2 2nd Ptg

Radiant Black #3

Rain Like Hammers #4 (of 5)

Raw Hero Vol 4 GN

Red Sonja #26

Reincarnated as Villainess in Otome Game Vol 1 GN

Resonant #9

Sacred Six #8

Sasaki & Miyano Vol 2 GN

Scooby Doo, Where Are You? #109

So I’m a Spider, So What?  Vol 9 GN

Specter Inspectors #1 (of 5) 2nd Ptg

Specter Inspectors #3 (of 5)

Spider-Man by Stern Omnibus: Hobgoblin Unmasked HC

Spider-Woman #11

Star Wars Doctor Aphra #9

Stray Dogs #3

Stringer GN

Suicide Squad: Bad Blood

Superman: Red & Blue #2

Sword #5

Syrup Yuri Anthology Vol 3 GN

Taarna (2020) #5 (of 6)

Thistlebone HC

Thunderbolts Omnibus Vol 1 HC

TMNT #116

Trials of Ultraman #2 (of 5)

Ultraman Vol 15 GN

Ultramega by James Harren #1 2nd Ptg

Ultramega by James Harren #2

Unikorn #1

Usagi Yojimbo #19

Vengeance of Vampirella #17

Vietnam Horror #2

Voyage to the Stars #4 (of 4)

Walking Dead Deluxe #13

Way of the Hive: Honey Bees Story GN

Wayward Sons #3

Way of X #1

Witch Part 8: Teach 2b Witch Vol 1 GN

Women of Marvel #1

World of Betty & Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #4

World of Black Hammer Library Edition Vol 2 HC

Wynd Book 1: Flight of the Prince Exclusive Variant HC

X-Factor Epic Collection: Angel of Death TPB

X-Force #19

You Promised Me Darkness #1

Young Shadow GN

Yowamushi Pedal Vol 17 GN

Zo Zo Zombie Vol 10 GN

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