Double the Vampblade AND the voodoo queen Zombie Tramp!

Katie Carva is a comic shop manager by day and the Glarkian space vampire hunter Vampblade by night. Lately, things have been going on a downward spiral for her. Her hometown of Detroit and her friends were completely destroyed by the Glarkian invasion and she now finds herself trapped in an alternate universe with another Vampblade. To make things even worse, now the queen of the undead, Zombie Tramp, has sent her to Hell!

Readers can continue to enjoy double the Vampblade action, as well as an appearance from the fan-favorite character Zombie Tramp! Plus with Katie literally on a journey through Hell, things well get even more twisted and messed up for our blade wielding heroine.

Creator/writer Jason Martin (DANGER DOLL SQUAD) comments: "This isn’t the first time Vampblade and Zombie Tramp have crossed paths, and it’s probably not the last. But Katie may get more than she bargains for when she asks Janey to send her to Hell to help undo a wrong that’s been haunting her since season two. Plus, you know, it’s really fun to see more of Hell and all the insanity it brings!"

VAMPBLADE VOLUME 8 collects issues 5-8 from season three of the hit Danger Zone series. Preorder the trade paperback with the Diamond item code SEP181380. Or pick it up in a comic store near you on November 28, 2018.


Writer(s): Jason Martin

Artist Name(s): Marco Maccagni, Winston Young

Cover Artist(s): Marcelo Costa

128 pgs./ M / FC / $14.99 

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