
  • I live in New York. I remember watching the news and the report of a plane hitting one of the Twin Towers. I thought a small private crashed until I saw the live image of the other plane colliding deliberately into them. I actually went to work that day (at Target at the time) and saw at least thirty-forty call-outs, some having to do with looking for family members trapped in Manhatten. We all felt under siege and that another attack would happen at any time. Normalcy went out the window, and fear and caution about everything was a daily occurrance. Luckily I didn't have to travel far for work, but my LCS was downtown. I could not contact them to see if they were all right for several weeks. Happily they were ok and re-opened shortly after. There was also a convention that month that I was determined to go to, just to prove that I wasn't afraid to go into the city but it was cancelled.

    The world changed that day and it is still changing. It has had effects on our daily lives from travel to morality to politics to even pop culture. Yet through it all, hope remained alive and well and, I think, we got stronger for it.
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