ClarkKent_DC replied to Captain Comics's discussion Important news about KC
"Hi, all.
First, thank you, Cap for those ebullient words of praise. I didn't know I was thought of in such terms, and it humbles me.
To all of you, my apologies that I haven't been posting here with any frequency, or any regularity, because I've…"
8 hours ago
ClarkKent_DC replied to The Baron's discussion Movies I Have Seen Lately
"We saw Captain America: Brave New World while we were on a vacation trip to Philadelphia. It opened on Valentine's Day, and although my wife was willing to go then, I was the one who talked her out of it, on the ground that it isn't romantic fare.…"
ClarkKent_DC replied to Captain Comics's discussion 'One World Under Doom'
"Captain Comics said:
FANTASTIC FOUR #28 One month ago: Reed is still banging his head on the wall trying to learn magic, so Sue Googles "science plus magic" and gets Dane Whitman. 
I read that story and was a little baffled that Reed was having so…"
Feb 24
ClarkKent_DC replied to Captain Comics's discussion Comics Guide for week of Feb. 24, 2025
"Captain Comics said:
Continuing the thought experiment, I thought "What would make Batman more interesting without fundamentally changing him?" and again, I thought, take him back to his roots. Make him less a superhero, and more of a…"
Feb 24
ClarkKent_DC posted a discussion
Yesterday, I was flipping channels on the TV and came across Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It's like Ocean's Eleven or Ocean's Thirteen or Barney Miller for me; I can always drop what I'm doing and watch Barney Miller.I came in late in the…
Feb 9
ClarkKent_DC replied to Rob Staeger (Grodd Mod)'s discussion Absolute Power
"Captain Comics said:
A lot happens, but it's all plot stuff we've been told already is going to happen. So I don't mind being a bit spoiler-y.
Waller floods the Internet and broadcast media with video of supeheroes attacking…"
Feb 4
ClarkKent_DC replied to Rob Staeger (Grodd Mod)'s discussion Absolute Power

Captain Comics said:
I understand your rage at Waller, and I share it. But my understanding of the awfulness of people has been buttressed astronomically as I've grown older, helped along by such things as a convicted felon running for president…"
Feb 4
ClarkKent_DC replied to Rob Staeger (Grodd Mod)'s discussion Absolute Power
"Okay, I read Green Arrow #13 (didn't find #12). Coming in on the tail end of whatever was going on in the book before that, it didn't make a lot of sense to me, but I did appreciate the notion of the Arrow family taking a relaxing vacation on a…"
Feb 4
ClarkKent_DC replied to Rob Staeger (Grodd Mod)'s discussion Absolute Power
"ClarkKent_DC said
* One thing I liked in Suicide Squad: Dream Team is the way writer Natalie Maines characterizes Bizarro. He's as childlike as ever, but Maines dispenses with the confusing Bizarro double-talk. I wish more writers would follow…"
Jan 23
ClarkKent_DC replied to Rob Staeger (Grodd Mod)'s discussion Absolute Power
"Okay, I have the 2024 Free Comic Book Day Absolute Power Special Edition, the Absolute Power Ground Zero Special, all four parts of Absolute Power proper, all three parts of Absolute Power: Origins, all seven parts of Absolute Power: Task Force VII…"
Jan 23
ClarkKent_DC replied to Richard Willis's discussion Jules Feiffer Dead at 95
"I like this cartoon, but as it applies to today's times, it's more like ...
"Once there was a people who discovered -- through his own statements and actions -- that their leader had no values, no morals and no ethics. And some of them said:…"
Jan 22
ClarkKent_DC replied to The Baron's discussion The List of 1,203 Super-Heroines
"One more for you: The Wonder Woman of China (Peng Delian), a member of the Justice Leagu of China, from New Super-Man.
Jan 11
ClarkKent_DC replied to Rob Staeger (Grodd Mod)'s discussion Absolute Power
"I have been searching in comics shops all over my area and even in neighboring states (really) for the disparate parts of Absolute Power, including the spinoffs and tie-ins and even the "Countdown to Absolute Power" setup issues, something I haven't…"
Jan 2
ClarkKent_DC replied to The Baron's discussion Earliest Versions of Popeye and Tintin Enter Public Domain
"Is Bobby London -- the guy who illustrated the notorious Popeye strip from the late '80s and early '90s -- still in business?"
Jan 1
ClarkKent_DC replied to Commander Benson's discussion Deck Log Entry # 254 Merry Christmas 2024!
"My best to the Good Mrs. Benson, and thanks that she was attended to swiftly and the prognosis is positive. There's nothing like a Christmas miracle."
Dec 26, 2024
ClarkKent_DC replied to Jeff of Earth-J's discussion Miscellaneous New Universes
"I collected Next Men, which can easily be read as John Byrne's way of doing the X-Men "right," in his mind. Here, at least, he was putting real effort into his work."
Dec 17, 2024