"Hi, all.
First, thank you, Cap for those ebullient words of praise. I didn't know I was thought of in such terms, and it humbles me.
To all of you, my apologies that I haven't been posting here with any frequency, or any regularity, because I've…"
"We saw Captain America: Brave New World while we were on a vacation trip to Philadelphia. It opened on Valentine's Day, and although my wife was willing to go then, I was the one who talked her out of it, on the ground that it isn't romantic fare.…"
"Captain Comics said:
FANTASTIC FOUR #28 One month ago: Reed is still banging his head on the wall trying to learn magic, so Sue Googles "science plus magic" and gets Dane Whitman.
I read that story and was a little baffled that Reed was having so…"
"Captain Comics said:
Continuing the thought experiment, I thought "What would make Batman more interesting without fundamentally changing him?" and again, I thought, take him back to his roots. Make him less a superhero, and more of a…"
Yesterday, I was flipping channels on the TV and came across Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It's like Ocean's Eleven or Ocean's Thirteen or Barney Miller for me; I can always drop what I'm doing and watch Barney Miller.I came in late in the…
"Captain Comics said:
A lot happens, but it's all plot stuff we've been told already is going to happen. So I don't mind being a bit spoiler-y.
Waller floods the Internet and broadcast media with video of supeheroes attacking…"
Captain Comics said:
I understand your rage at Waller, and I share it. But my understanding of the awfulness of people has been buttressed astronomically as I've grown older, helped along by such things as a convicted felon running for president…"
"Okay, I read Green Arrow #13 (didn't find #12). Coming in on the tail end of whatever was going on in the book before that, it didn't make a lot of sense to me, but I did appreciate the notion of the Arrow family taking a relaxing vacation on a…"
"ClarkKent_DC said
* One thing I liked in Suicide Squad: Dream Team is the way writer Natalie Maines characterizes Bizarro. He's as childlike as ever, but Maines dispenses with the confusing Bizarro double-talk. I wish more writers would follow…"
"Okay, I have the 2024 Free Comic Book Day Absolute Power Special Edition, the Absolute Power Ground Zero Special, all four parts of Absolute Power proper, all three parts of Absolute Power: Origins, all seven parts of Absolute Power: Task Force VII…"
"I like this cartoon, but as it applies to today's times, it's more like ...
"Once there was a people who discovered -- through his own statements and actions -- that their leader had no values, no morals and no ethics. And some of them said:…"
"One more for you: The Wonder Woman of China (Peng Delian), a member of the Justice Leagu of China, from New Super-Man. https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Peng_Deilan_(Prime_Earth)
"I have been searching in comics shops all over my area and even in neighboring states (really) for the disparate parts of Absolute Power, including the spinoffs and tie-ins and even the "Countdown to Absolute Power" setup issues, something I haven't…"
"My best to the Good Mrs. Benson, and thanks that she was attended to swiftly and the prognosis is positive. There's nothing like a Christmas miracle."
"I collected Next Men, which can easily be read as John Byrne's way of doing the X-Men "right," in his mind. Here, at least, he was putting real effort into his work."
Thanks, ClarkKent_DC I am very excited to be here. I just found you by chance googling some comic related stuff and it seemed like a really good crew chatting on here. Looking forward to catching up with everyone!
Thanks for having me….the site is great and brings back many great memories.
Thank you ClarkKent, I look forward to the future.
Thanks, ClarkKent_DC I am very excited to be here. I just found you by chance googling some comic related stuff and it seemed like a really good crew chatting on here. Looking forward to catching up with everyone!
Another church with almost the same name apparently did something similar in Cambridge, Ontario:
(Sorry. My original post had the wrong link
The church is Wesley-Knox United Church in London, Ontario. They drew a sizable crowd to Chaney's Phantom.
I have some links below. You'd have to contact them for further information:
Best wishes.