Reviews (896)

Review: 'Katana' #1

Katana #1

DC Comics, $2.99, color, 32 pages

Writer: Ann Nocenti

Artist: Alex Sanchez

It's early yet, but so far, so good.

The New 52 Katana shares her name and her possessed sword with her pre-New 52 predecessor, but that seems to be all. This new

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2 Replies
Views: 123

Review: 'Vibe' #1

Vibe #1

DC Comics, $2.99, color, 32 pages

Writer: Geoff Johns

Artists: Andrew Kreisberg, Pete Woods, Wean Parsons

Amazingly, it does not suck.

The new Vibe is kinda interesting. He's an earnest young man who is a double victim of Darkseid's invasio

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Views: 135
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