
  • That link I posted above continues to be updated with new product. I have just taken stock of everything offerd and compared it against what I have in my collection. As far as the dailies are concenred, essentially every thing from 1933-1942, 1954-1965 and 1974-1998 is currently available (in four separate series) with more on the way. [In addition, I have in my personal collection the years 1946-1949 from Kitchen Sink Press.] Plus, the harcover Sunday series covers 1934-1944, and the softcover sunday series 1976-1987. Alley Oop Meets Julius Caesar (1949-1950) is the first of a new, oversize (10" x 13") softcover series featuring both dailies in b&w and Sundays in color.

    My reading of Alley Oop from the beginning has stalled... several times. It's not the the material is bad (in fact, even in comparison to other strips of the day it is quite good)... it's just that I know that better lies ahead. I have already mad up my mind that the next time I try to get back into this strip, I will start with The First Time-Travel Adventures - 1939-1932.


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