
  • Hi! I am JefftheRaelian, here to say it's very lonely over on the "Dark Shadows (alternate version)" thread. No one ever comes to visit me! I get that very few people here are familiar with Dark Shadows (or even Ultraman, for that matter), and I don't expect many views of those threads, but we are here ostensibly to discuss comic books, and the purpose of the "Dark Shadows (alternate version)" thread is to look at Dark Shadows comic books. (Yes, I know I have it posted to the "Movies & TV" forum.) I get that there are fewer people here interested in the Dark Shadows comic book than the Dark Shadows TV show, but, as a public service announcement, I feel constrained to point out that this discussion should appeal to all fans of bad comics, especially the posts linked to reviews of those comics posted by Danny Horn to his blog "Dark Shadows Every Day" (such as the one to #5, which I just posted). My thread comprises summaries of the comics written by Jeff Thompson and links to reviews by Danny Horn. The comics themselves feature mummies, gangsters, a phantom pirate ship, pod people, vampires, Vikings, time travel and even a love interest for Barnabas in one of them. The reviews by Horn are very funny, and even the summaries by Thompson give an idea of how absolutely bonkers the Gold Key comics were. (And one need not even be familiar with the show to enjoy "Dark Shadows Every Day"; start from the beginning.) I post this notice here in hope of attracting the attention of someone who might be interested but may not see it otherwise. And who knows? You might even develop a new interest.

    --Posted as a public service announcement brought to you from Earth-J.

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