This is the shortest-URLd of several posts I saw regarding the " Governator " comic-book and cartoon project , involving Stan Lee and Arnold Schwarznegger , that's been involved .
Other posts give more details , but I suppose it's all listed from this coming week's Entertainment Weekly , which puts it on its cover .
There being yet another non-Marvel project Stan is somewhat connected with , too...
...lets it join up with all these projects that are announced that Stan's name is linked to...that never seem to reach fruition/be seen anywhere !!!!!!!!!
Honestly , how many of these have there been ?
Striperella , this Ringo Starr as a superhero project , These " Stan Lee Meets " Spider-Man , The Thing , etc. one-shots for Marvel , these Boom! titlse , StanLee.Net , this project for the NHL that apparently involved giving every present NHL player
a super-hero name , Those " Stan Lee's " Who Wants To Be A Superhero ? " and "...Real Superhumans " TV shows , some direct-to-video movie(s) for Disney done before the Marvel buy , at least one co-written prose SF novel and an " unauthorized autobiography " , those " Stan Lee....DC Universe " thingers , and I think there's mor- Yeah , what a year ago was going to be " Stan Lee's Super Seven " for Archie to be written by Tom DeFalco but is now " a top secret Stan Lee " project in a more recent interview wuth the head of Archie !
Oh , and the Spider-Man newspaper strip...
...IS one piece of " real " contemporary work by Stan , that gets seen (somewhere)...It is now publically announced that Roy Thomas takes a script assist position on it , and in a letter I have from it he says that he has done so since 1999/2000 , though he also emphasizes that " Stan works on every strip " or similar language...
In a waay , that diversion above takes this line away from the direction I intend for it , casting doubt on the degree of Stan's authorship on these projects isn't , really , the point here and besides , when you read the small print/credits on them , it is generally stated how much Stan " really " writes them...
The concpt of an Ahh-nuld-based 'toon , about his-post-Sacremanto activities (Perhaps hoping to reverse the extremely low approval rate he left " Sacremenna " with !!!!!)...
...well<wink>...........Remember 90s-era toon series based upon
M.C. Hammer ?
Roseanne Barr ?
and Bruce Willis ?
( Was the male foil in the Rosey one based upon John Goodman or Tom Arnold ? )
Exactly .
Perhaps I should be grateful that the Arnold one mentions a " comic book " to go with the series - and a funnybook , too , not a " graphic novel ":-) ! However , a comment that " they were rushing it to get it ready for San Diego " is maybe not the best sign...Perhaps , on later looking , that refrred only to the prototype comic book...So that's all the " four-color " version of it there will be ? :-(
...Okay , in the spirit of thread conservation , I am adding onto this , as a look for the seperate thread I put up about STAN LEE'S SUPER SEVEN is not on the first page when I searched for it straightforwardly .
I bought SLS7 #1 at my LCSthe last time , I had ordered it , from Stan Lee Comics/Archie - the Captain did promote it here , so he took notice of it !!!!!
I saw a Yahoo! story about it , so it is getting some publicity , anyway...
Those among you who claim to yearn for " good old-fashioned 70s-80s innocent fun " , well.........