Avengers: Marvel Masterworks sequencing question

As a long time Marvel Masterworks VARIANT cover buyer, I've got most of the silver age volumes that matter to me.

I seem to have missed the volume that covers Avengers #91-100 with the yellow Barry Windsor cover inside the golden frame.  Does anyone know how many of these were released, and how long ago?


Also, I note the next volume of ten issues has been issued (I got it) but it ends with issue #111 and Daredevil #99). 

Since The Avengers-Defenders war picks up in #115-119 or so, and doesn't cover a full ten issues, does anyone know how Marvel is going to handle this?  I know a trade collecting only the War has been issued... but i wondered if they were going to try to position that as the next volume for Masterworks, or not.

Does anyone know?


(PS: I HATE the artwork that picks up about Avengers #111-112 or so, and so may not go any further with the series....hate to admit it.)

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  • MMW #137 (Avengers Vol. 10) reprints issues #89-100, first printing 2010. I don’t know how many of the “golden frame” trade dress were printed, but I can tell you that it’s considerably fewer than the standard black and silver, and once they’re gone, they’re gone. Your best bet tracking them down would be Amazon.com or e-Bay. My retailer orders one of each for the shelves and may have one left. I’ll check with him next week if you’d like, and if he has one I can put you in touch.

    I imagine MMW Avengers Volume 12 (when it’s released) will include the Defenders issues as well. That’s how they handled MMW #148 (Defenders Vol. 2), which included Defenders #7-16, Giant-Size #1 and Avengers #115-118. There’s some duplication if you collect both series (as I do), sure, but that way a reader who collects only one or the other will still get the full story. (I had the story in a Marvel Premiere Edition, too, but when MMW #148 came out, I traded it to someone else on this board.) Besides, sometimes I want to read the story from the Avengers’ POV, and sometimes the Defenders’.
  • Is there REALLY that much of a difference in approach to the Avengers-Defenders war, depending on which series you are following?

    I thought that was only done with Roger Stern's Avengers/Fantastic Four annuals where they link up at the end with the reverse cover scenes.

  • Kirk G said:
    Is there REALLY that much of a difference in approach to the Avengers-Defenders war, depending on which series you are following?

    Oh, YEAH! (Acually, no. I'm just weird that way.) I have the day off work tomorrow. I'm supposed to be getting the house in order for out of town guests, but I'll try to track down the issue I'm talking about.
  • I checked at my LCS over the weekend, Kirk, and I'm sorry to report that, although the variant editions of MMW Avengers Vols. 9 and 11 are in stock, MMW #137 is not. Sorry.
  • Crap!  I also skipped going to the mid-Ohio-Con this weekend, assuming that you'd come up with a copy. Durn.

    Plus, Roger Stern was not on the guest list this year, so I kinda skipped out on it anyway...





    (I might be willing to swap a copy of the lastest printing of the Variant Copy of Marvel Masterworks Spider-Man #22 (reprinting ASM 41-50 plus Spider-Man Annual with Spidey trying out for the Avengers) with the red ASM #50 cover in the frame).

  • Possible but you'd have to skip around a bit and try to forgoet plot points from the other series. That is, when reading the Avengers, skip the part where Dr. Strange tries to talk to the Black Knight that gets it started so you won't know what's going on, and the scene where the Silver Surfer tells him the Avengers are trying to stop them. When reading the Defenders, skip where Loki tells the Avengers that the Defenders are up to something evil so you won't know why the Avengers are trying to stop them, and the scene where the Avengers try to storm Doc's mansion and get tossed out which of course doesn't exactly make them trust him very much.  
    Jeff of Earth-J said:

    Kirk G said:
    Is there REALLY that much of a difference in approach to the Avengers-Defenders war, depending on which series you are following?

    Oh, YEAH! (Acually, no. I'm just weird that way.) I have the day off work tomorrow. I'm supposed to be getting the house in order for out of town guests, but I'll try to track down the issue I'm talking about.
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