I bought a Nancy Drew book - specifically A Nancy Drew Files(TM) mass-market paperback from 1991 , #60 in the series , " Poison Iv- " , uh , " Pen " - Yeah , that's right , " Poison Pen " , by good ol' Carolyn Keene ?

  What do you have to say about these type books and similar ? Nancy Drew and the Hardy boys , I guess , are Btas/Super- of the old-school kind .

  There's the somewhat more himorous/sitcom-y type perhaps typified by Beverly Clearly's HENRY HUGGINS and spinoff RAMONA THE PEST series...and , there's more modern ones as well !!!!!!!!!

  To a certain extent , we , as kids , tended to buy and read comic books INSTEAD OF Nancy/Hardies fare - Gee , what was it gonna be , the Justice League vs. the Lord of Time of the Hardies finding out who smashed the display case in the Dullsville , new England home town ????????? - However , I liked the more , perhaps that's a little putdownish but , Cleary-type books a lot .

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  • ...There's a quite peculiar Earth-1/Earth-2...um , Bronze Age , New Earth , whatever between different versions - and publishers !!!!!!!!!!! of Nancy and the Hardies that maybe jumping straight to Wikipedia to look up the details about rather than ask me to rewrite it would be a better path to follow - However , it happened because/in the wake of the late Seventies ABC Nancy/Hardies Shaun Cassidy series making the copyrights an especially choice item at the times , you )perhaps) will not be suprised to hear !!!!!!!!!!!

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