
  • Just buy it! Actually, I don't have to ask, I know where that's from! I hope everyone had a great Independence Day and enjoys their holiday weekend!

    -- MSA

  • I'm guessing that's from the Cap Bicentennial Treasury, which I read (albeit in b&w) courtesy of one of the ESSENTIAL CAP volumes.

  • The sad part is that they eventually DID go with the concept...and tried to introduce some version of him throughout history. What was he called, the Spirit of Liberty? Was he in the Invaders at one point?  I'm trying to forget...

  • Is that another vote for an issue-by-issue Invaders  thread...?

    Kirk G said:

    The sad part is that they eventually DID go with the concept...and tried to introduce some version of him throughout history. What was he called, the Spirit of Liberty? Was he in the Invaders at one point?  I'm trying to forget...

  • Who besides Jack Kirby could have come up with something like this? The outfit seems to fit the 18th century perfectly, and it's a cool idea for the shield design. Too bad Jack didn't get a second issue to present short stories of each of the alternate Caps he came up with. I remember there was also a future Cap in space.

  • The Hessianazi?  What an endless well of delights that man's mind was.

  • Secretly plotting to take over England for Germany once he stops these "upstart" colonists.

    Can even Captain America save Ichabod Crane from the Headless Horseman?

    After a lifetime of reading his material I am still fascinated by this guy's never ending supply of ideas. Shame they didn't just let him do whatever he wanted.

  • Ron M. said:

    Secretly plotting to take over England for Germany once he stops these "upstart" colonists.

    They kinda already had it. George III was the third consecutive German to sit on the British throne, apparently the first to speak English as his first language.

  • He was also somewhat screwy because of inbreeding according to my history professor. I believe George I got in because he was the closest living relative of the previous king, and he married his cousin.

    The Skull would probably be a relative of George III then, so it would be easier for him to take over if something happened to him, whereas it would have been a lot more difficult to replace Hitler.

    I can also see Cap and the Skull as WWI aces trying to shoot each other down.

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