"I can't pinpoint an issue, but at one point Marvel tried to say that the Howling Commandos made their reputation in the Invasion of Grenada (1983) to counteract the military coup that had happened. The war lasted two or three days!"
"Brian Cronin said (on CBR):
There's nothing wrong at all with a ten-year age gap. I don't even think there's anything necessarily wrong about dating a woman you first met when she was 12 and you were in your 20s, but it's still a weird visual.…"
"I said in the past that Cassandra (pushed to murder as a child) taking over as Batgirl was a good thing and that Barbara Gordon should have remained as Oracle. Healing her paralysis could have still happened* but she should have remained as…"
The colors making up the map are flags. The yellow with three horizontal red stripes is the South Vietnamese flag. The magenta and blue (should be red and blue) was the Viet Cong flag. The North…"
"To answer Jeff’s question, I do recommend this omnibus, which is roughly the first half of the series. Being under the Comics Code, there is no swearing and, instead of the grunt terminology of “cherry” or “FNG,” they use the silly substitute of…"
"Doug Murray, who wrote the majority of stories for The ‘Nam, was a Vietnam veteran. So was Don Lomax*, who finished the series. I have the impression that the forced enclosure of The Punisher into the series caused Murray to bail on it. It looks…"
"In 2012 we are talking about Diamond. Chances are they distributed all they had. Bad PR not to tell this to the shops ordering it. If there was an overwhelming demand, maybe DC would have done a new print run. I know that at Marvel then, upper…"
Hey Richard, if you've got the first Tales of Suspense Atlast Masterworks, with the corrected table of contents, how about photocopying it for me and mailing it to me? My copy reprints the table of contents for the first Tales to Astonish volume in error. I'd like a copy of the correct list (all of 3-4 pages, I would think) to fold and store with the volume.
If you do, could you mail it to: Kirk Groeneveld, 105 Second St., Athens, OH 45701
Just copied my comment to the Captain's column as requested, Richard!
Managing my add-ons seems to have helped and I can add to my Invaders project again.