"Gang War"


Written by Erica Schultz | Art and Cover by Sergio Davila

12158951293?profile=RESIZE_400x12311359469?profile=RESIZE_180x18012311359485?profile=RESIZE_180x180GANG WAR TIE-IN!

Elektra Natchios, former assassin turned Daredevil, has been recruited by  Spider-Man to stop New York City from tearing itself apart from gang rule as every mobster and super villain in town go to war! And Elektra is the only thing standing in the way of Hell’s Kitchen’s annihilation at the hands of a dangerous new gang — the HEAT — whose violent schemes from the pages of DAREDEVIL unfold!

  • So is Elektra full time now? And not a killer? And if so, where's Matt Murdock?
  • "Gang War" continues this week in LUKE CAGE: GANG WAR #2 and MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #13.

"Dark Droids" continues this week in STAR WARS: BOUNTY HUNTERS #41.

"Fall of X" continues this week in DARK X-MEN #5 (OF 5) and X-MEN RED #18.


Story:Al Ewing | Art: Martín Cóccolo | Cover: Alex Ross

12228012096?profile=RESIZE_400x12311366870?profile=RESIZE_180x18012311366880?profile=RESIZE_180x180Today on Marvel’s original podcast series “This Week in Marvel,” host Angélique Roché spoke with mastermind writer Al Ewing about his hit run of IMMORTAL THOR! Coming this December, IMMORTAL THOR #5 will hit stands with incredible art by Martín Cóccolo and a stunning cover by Alex Ross.

In the upcoming issue, fans are introduced to the all-new Thor Corps! Toranos has returned — and to face him, the King of Asgard has gathered his army. But if even an army of storm gods could not stop the Elder God of Thunder ... what then? This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR ... and the battle that will define him.

On writing another Immortal story, Ewing said, “I had it in my head for a while that I wanted to do a second Immortal title because I wanted another swing at something that was that big and meaningful.” He continued, “I was also looking to do something a bit more optimistic. Hulk is a very horror-based character, and I was writing a lot of heavy emotional stuff in there. … I think Thor, in his nature, is a high fantasy character … so you sort of write that from a position of hope. That’s nice — it’s nice to have a little hope!”

On the reveal of the all-new Thor Corps in issue #5, Ewing points fans to the cover, saying, “Well, let’s talk about that cover … it’s basically everyone – well, not everybody because Eric Masterson is sadly no longer with us — but, a whole bunch of people who have previously been Thor are Thor again ... to back up Thor. The main Thor!”

Fans can listen to the full conversation on today’s episode of “This Week in Marvel” wherever they subscribe to podcasts. 

It's a Thor-a-palooza! A Thornucopia! A thurfeit of Thors!


Story: Jed Mackay | Art: Alessandro Cappuccio | Cover: David Finch | Variant: Greg Capullo



The Battle of the Mount reaches an explosive conclusion, and all that stands in the way of the Black Spectre's scheme of annihilation is Moon Knight. But can Moon Knight triumph against the odds arrayed against him, or will the Mount stand as his tombstone? With all hope of resurrection gone, Moon Knight's life hangs on the line along with Manhattan!

Jed MacKay and Alessandro Cappuccio’s hit run of MOON KNIGHT is gearing up for a radical transformation! In MOON KNIGHT #30. Marc Spector will reach an untimely end at the hands of Black Spectre, but the Midnight Mission lives on in January’s VENGEANCE OF THE MOON KNIGHT #1, where an all-new Moon Knight rises! Bathed in mystery, this dark new era of the character promises to be a monumental turning point for the Moon Knight mythos and superstar artist Greg Capullo is here to ring it in with new variant covers!

The legendary artist, known for his prolific work throughout the industry, returned to Marvel Comics this year. With a multitude of variant covers ahead, fans can look forward to seeing Capullo bring their favorite Marvel characters to life in his iconic style. Also available as virgin variant covers, Capullo’s new covers for MOON KNIGHT #30 and VENGEANCE OF THE MOON KNIGHT #1 gives readers a final look at Marc Spector’s classic costume before the new, more brutal Moon Knight emerges to take his place!

"We're thrilled to bring the next chapter of this saga to uneasy life as the Midnight Mission reels from a recent loss ... and yet, Moon Knight still stalks the night time streets? Despite the apocalyptic events of MOON KNIGHT #28-30, we have plenty left to tell in the story of the Moon Knight, and I'm excited for readers to join us!" MacKay said.

  • Don't worry, kids, a new Moon Knight title starts next month!



Story: Melissa Flores | Art: Enid Balám | Cover: David Nakayama | Variants: Elizabeth Torque, Peach Momoko


Get caught in the twisted web of Earth-65’s Gwen Stacy in an all-new SPIDER-GWEN limited series! Announced at San Diego Comic-Con, the newly titled SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH will be written by Melissa Flores (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Women of Marvel) and drawn by Enid Balám (Kate Bishop: Hawkeye).  One of the Spider-Verse’s biggest stars, Gwen Stacy, the superhero known as Ghost Spider, will return to her native dimension for an action-packed music tour gone wrong! On the road, Gwen and fans alike will meet awesome new Earth-65 versions of popular heroes including music legends Dazzler and Lila Cheney, encounter deadly new villains, and more!

The Mary Janes are off on a four-city tour as the opening act to one of Earth-65’s biggest rock bands! Gwen has promised the band that this big break will be all about the music. No web-slinging, just drums. But when a mysterious assassin targets the headliner, Gwen begins to wonder how she got this gig in the first place.

"I am having the time of my life writing this limited series!” Flores shared. “Getting to explore Gwen Stacy's musical side as she goes on tour with the Mary Janes in her home dimension is a utter delight. Not only will the limits of Spider-Gwen's aka Ghost Spider's powers be tested against some unexpected new enemies, but so will her relationships. There isn't an escape portal to another world when things get uncomfortable inside a tour bus!"

  • Spider-Gwen (2015-present) has now been around as many years as the original Gwen Stacy (1965-1973). Will the original become a forgotten footnote in comics history?




"Titans: Beast World"


Story: Tom Taylor | Art/Cover: Ivan Reis, Danny Miki | $4.99

12308741677?profile=RESIZE_180x18012308742279?profile=RESIZE_180x18012308742484?profile=RESIZE_180x18012308742864?profile=RESIZE_180x180THE STATUS QUO-SHATTERING TITANS CROSSOVER CONTINUES!

With beasts rampaging through the streets and a world conqueror in the sky, the Titans must do all they can to save humanity. But as heroes and villains alike are infected, will the team stay clear of the spores or become part of the threat? And as the world rages, can Raven discover a way to save Beast Boy?

  • "Titans: Beast World" continues this week in TITANS: BEAST WORLD TOUR — GOTHAM #1 ONE-SHOT.


John Constantine, Etrigan and Bloodwynd guest star in ACTION COMICS #1060.


Story: Jim Starlin | Art: Jim Aparo, Mike Decarlo | Cover: Mike Mignola | $4.99


What if one of the darkest hours in Batman's crime-fighting career never happened? Thirty-five years ago, fans voted on Jason Todd's fate after his brutal encounter with The Joker, which set Jason on the path to becoming the gun-toting vigilante Red Hood. But suppose fans had voted differently ...?

DC Comics transports you back in time with this special faux-simile edition of Batman #428 in which Robin lives! Featuring pages reconstructed from artist Jim Aparo's alternate art boards — which have been plucked from the DC vault and fully restored and remastered — this reedited version of A Death in the Family, Book Three turns the Dark Knight's greatest tragedy into a moment of triumph. Adding to the immersive authenticity of this alternate-history comic book, this version includes all the ads from the original 1988 edition plus a rewritten letters column.

  • I admit to some morbid curiosity.



Art: Stanley Artgerm Lau, Frank Cho, Adam Hughes, Chuma Hill, others | Cover: David Nakayama | $5.99

12308740474?profile=RESIZE_400x12308741066?profile=RESIZE_180x180The Birds of Prey get the Uncovered treatment with this epic edition showing off the best variant covers for this epic, face-breaking series!

  • A series of covers without a narrative does not interest me. But my tastes aren't universal.



Story: Natalie Abrams, Michael W. Conrad, Josh Trujillo, Ethan Sacks, Zipporah Smith, Rob Levin, Sholly Fisch, and Jillian Grant | Art:  Marcus Smith, Gavin Guidry, Andrew Drilon, Soo Lee, Juan Bobillo, others | Cover: Ben Caldwell | $9.99

12308741500?profile=RESIZE_180x18012308741664?profile=RESIZE_180x180'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a ... Bat-Mite?! Join all your DC favorites as they take on eight classic holiday stories! From Constantine and Lex Luthor's Dickensian tale to Batwoman's puzzling Hanukkah hijinks to your classic cocoa-swilling Christmas romance switch with Harley and Amethyst, this book is a perfect companion for cookies by the fire and extra sour cream on your latkes. So pull up a sled and get ready for plenty of ho-ho-holiday hope to get you in the spirit of the season!

  • Finally, someone figured out how to use Bat-Mite correctly, as a seasonal joke!





Story: Simon Birks | Art: Willi Roberts | Letters: Lyndon White | Cover: Willi Roberts | Variant: Lyndon White | Teen+ | $3.99

12219559258?profile=RESIZE_400x12219559266?profile=RESIZE_180x180THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST. It's Christmas Eve. Hannah is seven years old and looking forward to spending the holidays with her father, but when she wakes on Christmas morning, things don't seem right. Jerome is acting suspiciously; the windows are showing the same scenes over and over again, and someone, or something, is waiting for her on the other side of the wall …

Thanks to the overwhelming fan excitement and positive critical response to Top Cow Productions’s latest sci-fi adventure series, Antarctica by Simon Birks (Hexes, Gone, Robyn) and Willi Roberts (Black in the Dark, Remothered). Marc Silvestri, Top Cow CEO and Image Comics co-founder, has greenlit the popular science-fiction story for an ongoing publication schedule beyond the originally solicited five-issues.

Though Antarctica has been a unique blend of Stargate and His Dark Materials, the second arc will throw readers back to a time before Hannah's father, Jerome, disappeared. The creators will continue to deliver twists and turns, introduce new characters — both good and bad — and the excitement and mystery will continue to play out against the backdrop of snow and ice.

“From the beginning, Top Cow has been known to be a boutique art shop, and Antarctica certainly fits what Marc Silvestri intended back in the '90s … to support creators who take a gamble on their own creations and make comics that take readers to a place that they never knew that they wanted to go," said Matt Hawkins, President at Top Cow. "Simon Birks, Willi Roberts and Lyndon White are shining examples, and no wonder the fans and critics responded.”

Since the series only just launched in July, Birks remained tight lipped to avoid spoilers, but added: “If readers already love the first two issues of volume one, they're going to love this new arc as we get the chance to delve deep into the previous events surrounding the Fracture and explore the Hannahs’ stories. We're thrilled to once again be working with the team at Top Cow. Not only have they been professional, but they've really taken the time to get to know us, and I'm delighted they love the book as much as we do. Antarctica takes no prisoners, and I'm excited to share our adventure with the readers. Willi and I have created something exceptional; an incredible experience full of unique twists and turns to keep everyone guessing right up until the end. As if one married The Fugitive with The Cabin in the Woods.”

The Antarctica creators can now expand the story and Roberts added: “There was a lot of content in my head that I wanted to share with our readers, from material to design…characters, structures, costumes and many others that will be revealed over time. So, don't doubt that everything will get bigger and more complex. This is a story that you will remember and will make you question your own reality.”

“It’s amazing to see how much Antarctica is resonating with readers. I’m thrilled people are taking a chance on us and are coming along for the ride,” said letterer Lyndon White. “As a letterer, there’s a lot to play with here. Plus, there are some amazing action sequences coming up, and I got to create some dynamic sound effects.”

Birks, Roberts and White have created a visually rich world with a diverse cast of characters, incredible set pieces and dialogue that fans can get lost in. To set the mood further, the creators created a Spotify playlist that accompanies the visuals they have so passionately created.

Birks added: “We can't wait to take everyone back to Antarctica.”

  • I bet the real Antarctica is a really boring place. Did you know it's the world's largest desert? Antarctica has received only 0.04 inches of rain in the last 30 years.


Story: Charles Soule | Art: Jiménez Alburquerque | Cover: Will Sliney | Variants: Jiménez Alburquerque, Will Sliney

12224775060?profile=RESIZE_400xThe #1 New York Times bestselling author Charles Soule (Hell to Pay, Eight Billion Genies) teams up with superstar artist Alberto Jiménez Alburquerque (Letter 44, The Amazing Spider-Man, Web of Venom: Funeral Pyre) for an all-new tale of thrilling terror in the upcoming The Bloody Dozen. This six-issue miniseries will join Hell to Pay as the newest installment of Soule and Will Sliney’s supernatural horror/adventure saga “The Shrouded College,” and is set to launch in December from Image Comics.

In The Bloody Dozen, three down-and-out astronauts are tasked with the ultimate heist: springing a clan of deadly vampires from a space prison orbiting the Sun. Apollo 13 meets Blade in this killer thriller!

The Bloody Dozen is the second Shrouded College story, which can be read independently of the first (Hell to Pay), but builds on the overarching narrative that will be told across the seven planned stories in the Shrouded College universe,” said Soule in an exclusive scoop on the announcement at Popverse.“The Bloody Dozen — like all the Shrouded College stories — is inspired by horror-action of the ’90s and ’00s—films like Blade or Event Horizon or Prophecy. The ‘just smart enough’ stories which build off a kickass hook and then deliver great action and adventure and scares. The basic premise of the Shrouded College is that ordinary people are given magic abilities and then tasked to complete supernatural ‘impossible missions’ — and The Bloody Dozen gives us a doozy. I’m particularly excited to be reunited with my Letter 44 collaborator Alberto Jimenez Alburquerque for the interior art — no one draws space terror better!”

The debut issue of The Bloody Dozen will feature cover art by Hell to Pay artist/co-creator Sliney, as well as a special 1:50 variant cover that comes with its own individually-numbered, limited-edition “challenge coin,” designed by Sliney in the style of a NASA mission patch.

“It's class to see the Shrouded College universe expand with The Bloody Dozen,” said Sliney. “Alberto's pages are fun, gorgeous and when they need to be, terrifying. While Charles and Alberto are up in space with Bloody Dozen, I'm hidden away in a secret location working on another installment. In fact, you can see our road map here with these interlinked coins.”

Series artist Alberto Jiménez Albuquerque said of joining the Shrouded College universe for this mission: “It’s been years since Charles and I started talking about this project. Ever since, it has changed and evolved in several ways but my commitment to work with Charles again has remained intact since we finished Letter 44. And it’s paid off! This series has it all. Magic, space travel, steampunk and, of course, vampires. I have to thank Charles and Will for including me in this saga and allowing me to create and expand on their universe. I’m going to give it my all and it’s going to be epic!”

Soule and Sliney’s “The Shrouded College” is an interconnected set of seven adventure/horror stories that will be published in comic and graphic novel formats over the next several years. Taken together, they tell the stories of various characters enlisted to become secret agents fighting a supernatural cold war on the side of the Shrouded College, a down-and-out organization on the edge of destruction. An exclusive scoop via DEADLINE announced that “The Shrouded College is in the works as a TV series after Seth MacFarlane’s Fuzzy Door and UCP secured the rights. The project is set up at Peacock … [Soule and Sliney] will exec produce the project alongside MacFarlane, Erica Huggins and Rachel Hargreaves-Heald for Fuzzy Door.”

  • I guess I'll wait for the TV show, since I'm probably already paying for the streamer.




The Richard Corben library continues with DEN VOL 2: MUVOVUM HC. Which sounds like "move ovum," which doesn't make any sense.

MACBETH: A TALE OF HORROR TP: I never thought of the Scottish play as a "tale of horror," but I guess there is a lot of murder and such. 

DOCTOR MOEBIUS & MISTER GIR HC ($29.99) collects Numa Sadoul's  interviews with Jean "Moebius" Giraud. 

THE ART OF MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE: ORIGINS AND MASTERVERSE HC & DELUXE EDITION is $100 worth of behind-the-scenes look at the production of the Masters of the Universe figures. Here's a PREVIEW.


Story: Jody Houser | Art: Ryan Kelly | Colors: Jordie Bellaire | Letters: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou | Cover: Anna Steinbauer | $3.99

12227972071?profile=RESIZE_180x180The Assassin’s Apprentice continues with Assassin’s Apprentice II #1! The comics adaptation of Robin Hobb’s epic fantasy adventure continues after the success of Series I (six issues, now collected in The Assassin’s Apprentice Volume 1 TPB). Now, we see Fitz take his first true steps into life as an Assassin. The legendary world of the Farseer Trilogy is brought to the comics page by an A-list creative team including writer Jody Houser (Stranger Things, Critical Role: Vox Machina), interior artist Ryan Kelly (Stranger Things, Star Wars), colorist Jordie Bellaire (Rebels,The Massive) and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (The Witcher: The Ballad of Two Wolves, All Eight Eyes), with cover art provided by Anna Steinbauer.

Spring comes to the Six Duchies, and with it, the fearsome menace of the Red-Ship Raiders. As the danger creeps ever closer to Buckkeep, Fitz is given his first true mission from Chade, to infiltrate the estate of a nobleman and look for any signs of treason. But an assassin’s job is far from simple, and the fate of the realm may depend on if Fitz can take a life, or spare one instead.

“I have really enjoyed working with Dark Horse to bring Fitz's story to this medium,” says author Robin Hobb. “I've been very impressed with their integrity and respect for the original material.”   

Writer Jody Houser states, "I'm excited to continue telling Fitz's story in comics form. An epic fantasy classic and a dream art team... what's not to love?"

Praise for The Assassin’s Apprentice:

“Fantasy as it ought to be written.” — George R.R. Martin

“Assassin's Apprentice accomplished an impressive amount … and I'm genuinely excited to see where Fitz's epic adventure goes next." —

Assassin's Apprentice #1 has the difficult task of adapting a novel to comic book form but does so with great skill and interpretation thus far.” — Major Spoilers

“Ryan Kelly's characters all look distinctive and have unique appearances, which is surprisingly rare in most of the fantasy comics I've read … this is a must-read for all fantasy fans.” — Kabooooom


Story: Neil Gaiman | Art: P. Craig Russell | Dark Horse | 448 pages | $124.99

11210140477?profile=RESIZE_400x11210155281?profile=RESIZE_400xNeil Gaiman’s 2017 bestselling book, Norse Mythology, has been adapted into an 18-issue comic series spanning three separate hardcover volumes. Now, Dark Horse Books will collect the entire series for the first time into one oversized, deluxe collection! The Complete Norse Mythology will include Volumes 1-3 of the comic series, adapted by P. Craig Russell, the Eisner award-winning writer, illustrator, and Hall of Fame Inductee who has adapted Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, Only the End of the World Again, Coraline, and others.

Each short story in the series features art by different artists, including: Mike Mignola, P. Craig Russell, Jerry Ordway, David Rubín, Piotr Kowalski, Jill Thompson, Matt Horak, Mark Buckingham, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, Sandy Jarrell, Galen Showman, and Colleen Doran. Dave Stewart and Lovern Kindzierski provide colors, with Galen Showman lettering. This deluxe edition also features cover art by David Mack, a sketchbook section, and a cover gallery.

In Norse Mythology Volume 1, learn about the creation of the Nine Worlds to the epic origin and adventures of Thor, Odin, and Loki.

In Volume 2, explore the origins of poetry — good and bad — in this tale of malicious dwarfs, suspicious giants, and the wise god Kvasir, whose eventual fate leads to the creation of a powerful mead that many will fight and die for.

And in Volume 3, various Norse myths are brought to life, including a wild quest where Thor and Tyr face a multiheaded giantess, fire-breathing sea serpents, and more bizarre mythological creatures; the journey of Odin to the end of the world, and finally we reach the end of the world Ragnarok: the final destiny of the gods.

Praise for Neil Gaiman and P. Craig Russell’s Norse Mythology:

“Norse Mythology is as if a classic storybook from your childhood crept up and hid itself on your bookshelf only for it to find you years later.” — AIPT Comics

“Neil Gaiman’s “Norse Mythology” treads familiar ground but never comes off as trite, and is instead charming, funny, and an altogether cozy read.” — Multiversity Comics

“Neil Gaiman's retelling is one not to miss and now that it has taken the form of a comic book, it is even more wonderful to pick up.” — Comic Watch

“This is a finely made comic and a worthy gift to gods of Asgard.” — Kabooooom!

“There simply is no better way to experience the foundation of Norse Mythology.” — DC Comics News

  • I so want this gorgeous book. But I've already got the three HC collections. I must be strong ... and ... resist ...!
  • It is good stuff. Here's a PREVIEW.


Story: Brian Nathanson, Neil Gibson | Art: Piotr Kowalski | Colors: Brad Simpson | Letters/Design: Saida Temofonte |136 pages | $24.99

11117848652?profile=RESIZE_710xEvery year, the circus comes to town. However, "The Black Top" isn't like any circus you've seen before — its performers were once dead. They’ve been resurrected by their fearsome ringmaster, Azlon, who commands that they do his bidding. Among them, Barnaby James, a young gravedigger, requests that Azlon resurrect the love of his (former) life, Delilah. Time and time again, his pleas are rejected. Frustrated, Barnaby decides to steal Azlon’s magic wand and bring back Delilah himself. On his desperate journey to find her, Barnaby must overcome murderers, cannibals and sex slavers — not to mention the full fury of Azlon — or he might just find himself dead … again.

Phillip Kobylanski, President of Gale Anne Hurd’s Valhalla Entertainment (“The Walking Dead,” The Youtube Effect), shepherded the development of the novel with T-Pub. Valhalla has also partnered with Dark Horse on an adaptation of the novel that will bring the story to the screen.

The Many Deaths of Barnaby James is a thrilling tale of love and innocence lost that answers the question: What are the fairy tales that monsters tell each other on sleepless nights? It’s exactly the type of soulful and subversive storytelling that I grew up loving in horror comic books,” stated Gale Anne Hurd.

Praise for Neil Gibson and Piotr Kowalski:

“A refreshing change of pace from rote horror comics, Gibson’s work scores on the strength of its relatable humanity, much of which casts a dour reflection on its audience.” — Publishers Weekly, Twisted Dark

“Piotr Kowalski brings Starks' script to life with an appropriate level of grit. The monsters are all visually distinctive and the action of the story is well-paced, with even the simple scenes of characters speaking to one another conveying a dark undercurrent of menace.” — Kabooooom, Where Monsters Lie

“Kowalski has a wonderfully unique and visually thrilling art style that drew me in and kept me invested in the world and these characters.” — The Super Powered Fancast, Where Monsters Lie

  • Wait! The lead character is already dead? That kinda takes some of the urgency out of the story, doesn't it?


Story: Brian Michael Bendis | Art/Cover: Alex Maleev | $3.99

12310929090?profile=RESIZE_180x18012310929466?profile=RESIZE_180x180From the Eisner award-winning creators behind Daredevil and Scarlet comes an all-new crime comic epic! Emma is a brilliant and driven 16-year-old. She has paid for school with her next level inventions and is well-known for her funny and honest webcomics. Then, one day, one of the most famous billionaires on the planet confronts her with the truth about her world. Emma discovers she is the only daughter of two of the greatest, most charismatic master criminals of all time. The suavest, most liked criminals ever. The criminal's criminal. The ones that wrote the rulebook. There are movies about them starring the biggest movie stars. Her parents were the authors of the greatest casino robbery of all time, the greatest museum heist of all time, and they took the world's most famous billionaire for a cool billion... before they disappeared never to be seen or heard from again. Ghosts. Zero Preston is the greedy billionaire her parents brilliantly ripped off before they disappeared. He has been looking for payback for years. He finds Emma... who clearly does not have his money. Zero threatens Masterpiece into pulling a grand, impossible job against his corporate enemy. This "Master of the Universe" will have his satisfaction. Masterpiece fashions a crew of her peers and her parents' old associates to pull off one of the greatest heists of all time. Among the cast of characters comes the return of the legendary criminal The Paragon. A Robin Hood for our times. This exquisitely well-dressed, long con master criminal returns to his calling when faced with the truth behind the sinister corporate forces of Zero.

  • Those are two pretty big names up to something creepy. I guess it's part of Jinxworld.
  • Here's a PREVIEW.


12208368263?profile=RESIZE_400x12208368274?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story: Kevin Smith | Art: Ahmed Raafat | Cover: Nate Gonzalez | $3.99

Dark Horse Comics and director/actor/producer/podcaster/author Kevin Smith (Clerks I, II and III, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob: Reboot, etc.) are over to the moon to return to the Askewniverse with the black-and-white anthology series Quick Stops ll! Joining Smith is Ahmed Raafat as series artist and Andrew Thomas as letterer. Don’t have a cow though, issue #1 will feature covers by Nate Gonzalez, Chogrin (Quick Stops), and Raafat (Secret Stash exclusive variant).

Unlike the first series of Quick Stops, Quick Stops ll will be a four-issue series, spanning one storyline in which readers learn the udder truth about an American icon when a young podcaster tries to milk Mooby creator Nancy Goldruff for the bovine’s beginnings, only to meat a cow tale so shocking, it turns her brain to hamburger!

“In Quick Stops I, we visited four small stories in the Askewniverse,” said Smith. “So for Quick Stops II, we did four issues of a massive story that spans a few decades to tell the tale of Mooby, the Golden Calf. And where that salacious story takes us is gritty, graphic and grotesquely grown up. I cannot wait to introduce you to Nancy Goldruff — who warranted merely a mention in 1999’s DOGMA, but gets a full-fledged secret origin story in Quick Stops II!”

Praise for Quick Stops:

“Like Stephen King’s novels, smith connects his masterpieces in subtle and clever ways, making the entire experience richer.” — AIPT Comics

Quick Stops is a fun little love letter to the View Askew-niverse, loaded with references to its various films. Definitely worth a read for any Jay & Silent Bob fans.” —

“Leave it to Kevin Smith to turn a solemn occasion like a funeral into an occasion for irreverent humor. Also, leave it to Smith to make it downright hilarious.” — Comicon

  • I want to love everything Kevin Smith does, because he's one of us. But the Clerks-related stuff doesn't really interest me.
  • Here's a PREVIEW.


Story/Art: Stan Sakai | Colors: Emi Fuji | Cover: Sweeney Boo | Variants: Agnes Garbowska, Jennifer L. Meyer | $4.99

12208300679?profile=RESIZE_400x12208300499?profile=RESIZE_180x18012208300859?profile=RESIZE_180x180The fan-favorite Usagi comic series — now in color!

The legendary rabbit ronin ventures into space once again in Space Usagi: Death and Honor #1 from Dark Horse Comics and Dogu Publishing! Explore Stan Sakai’s classic space-themed Usagi Yojimbo adventure like never before with new colors and cover art! Written, drawn, and lettered by Sakai, the series also features brand new colors by Emi Fuji and cover art by Sweeney Boo.

As a general of the Shirohoshi Clan’s space fleet, it's Usagi's responsibility to keep the lord and his heir safe. Now tasked with the education and protection of the lord's heir, Usagi must remain vigilant at all times to protect the heir from a murderous plot and an unexpected betrayal. The rabbit ronin's classic adventure in space — now in color!

Praise for Usagi Yojimbo:

“Stan Sakai has successfully brought to American comics a collection of Japanese fables well told in the American style. Usagi Yojimbo is an enduring work. Bravo.” — Will Eisner

“Sixteenth-century Japan is never so entertaining as in Stan Sakai’s tales of Miyamoto Usagi.” — NPR’s Best Books of 2014

“I don’t think there’s much that I could write about Stan Sakai’s masterwork series that hasn’t been said. ... You are going to fall in love with this world, with this storyteller who will keep you guessing and enthralled.” — Fanbase Press

  • Whoa! This is getting dangerously close to Roy Thomas' Jaxxon! Good thing Usagi's not a green rabbit.
  • Here's a PREVIEW.



The Big G's collections continue with GODZILLA: BEST OF GIGAN #1.

The video game star makes a holiday appearance in SONIC THE HEDGEHOG WINTER JAM ONE-SHOT #1.


Story: Leah Williams | Art: Juan Samu | Cover: Chynna Clugston Flores | Variant: Juan Samu | $5.99

12310919856?profile=RESIZE_180x18012310919865?profile=RESIZE_180x180Everyone's favorite spooky family is back! Spinning out from the popular animated movies, these all-new adventures of the Addams family are as mysterious and kooky as you've come to expect. When Wednesday Addams discovers a mysterious health club has opened up in her hometown, she's shocked to discover that the rest of her clan has already joined its ranks and has quickly assimilated to their program, surrendering their individual personalities in the process. Are the Addamses still lurking behind those empty eyes? And in our backup feature, a burglar breaking into the Addams Family's home discovers he might be the one losing everything when he stumbles on Gomez and Morticia!

  • Nothing will ever match the original Charles Addams cartoons for me. But here's a PREVIEW so you can decide for yourself.




 American Mythology strikes twice this week with SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT: KILLER SANTA #1, based on the 1984 slasher movie, and THE THREE STOOGES VS. CTHULHU #1, which is somewhat self-explanatory.

ARCHIE JUMBO COMICS DIGEST #346 (Archie,$9.99) has two new stories, one starring the Jaguar, and one starring Carla Teal, a fairly new character (who is blind).

Dave Lapham (Stray Bullets) returns with, what else, a heist story (albeit with a suggestion of the supernatural) in UNDERHEIST #1 (BOOM, $4.99). Here's a PREVIEW.

ETERNAL WARRIOR CLASSIC OMNIBUS VOL 1 HC (Valiant, $124.99) collects a series I remember enjoying, mostly for the occasional Barry Windsor-Smith artwork. 

Fantagraphics adds to its Disney library with WALT DISNEY’s SILLY SYMPHONIES HC 1935-1939 ($39.99). Here's a PREVIEW.

GOLDEN AGE CLASSICS: JUNGLE COMICS VOL 1 HC ($52.99) is a straggler from last week's PS Artbooks dump. Fiction House's Jungle Comics ran for a staggering 163 issues, and I don't know if even I can read that many, should they all be reprinted.

THE MICHAEL MOORCOCK LIBRARY: MULTIVERSE VOL. 1 HC (Titan Comics, $29.99) collects Michael Moorcock's Multiverse #1-6 from DC's short-lived Helix imprint. It was a 12-issue series, so I imagine there's a volume two in the future.

 Oni Press continues to print money with RICK & MORTY PRESENTS RICK IN A BOX #1 ($5.99) and RICK AND MORTY SPACE SHAKE SAGA PART 1 TP ($21.99).

WORM: A CUBAN AMERICAN ODYSSEY GN (Metropolitan Books, $29.99) is a memoir by political cartoonist Edel Rodriguez. He was on the Mariel boatlift, so you know he had an interesting life.

Blood Moon Comics has three first issues this week. HEXPAW: LEFT PAW OF DEVIL #1 ($4.99) features a thief who can turn into a giant cat-man. LOUP GAROU (ONE-SHOT, $4.99) is about a werewolf in Louisiana. VALLEY OF DEATH #1 ($4.99) is an "Usher of the Dead" story.

I don't think we have any Cinebook fans on the site, but just in case, the UK publisher has six books out this week, including HIGHLANDS VOL 1 (OF 2) GN (18th century, post-Jacobite Scotland), MICHEL VAILLANT, LEGENDARY RACES VOL 1: IN THE HELL OF INDIANAPOLIS GN (famous car races), OUTLAWS VOL 1: CARTEL OF THE PEAKS GN (manga-ish sci-fi), REDBEARD VOL 1: SHORT DROP & SUDDEN STOP GN (pirates), RIN TIN CAN VOL 1: MASCOT GN (humor) and U RAY GN (sci-fi).


Story: Evan K. Pozios | Art/Comics: Stefano Cardoselli | Scout Comics | $5.99

12311383858?profile=RESIZE_180x18012311383872?profile=RESIZE_180x18012311383886?profile=RESIZE_180x180For fans of Twisted Metal and Death Race! Welcome to "The Boneyard," folks! It's a racetrack from hell, revving its engines with death and destruction! The most ruthless of race car drivers have come to this unholy superspeedway to test their mettle. There are no limits, and there are no rules. But with each passing lap, the sadistic violence ratchets up another level — like a child burning ants with a flamethrower! Will anyone see the checkered flag? Can anyone survive ... the Blood Run?!


Writer/Artist: Norm Konyu | Publisher: Titan Nova | 48 pages | $12.99

12163763685?profile=RESIZE_180x180Even Cosmic Gods fear an unknown caller!

When Cthulhu, the Great Old One, receives a phone call in the middle of the night, he is not prepared for the conversation that is about to take place. Part comic book, part art book, part children’s storybook, A Call To Cthulhu is a fun, irreverent trip through the classic stories of H.P. Lovecraft, the influential horror writer, and a perfect introduction to his work for your little terrors.

"I'm really excited to get A Call to Cthulhu out to a wider audience with the help of Titan Comics,” Konyu said. “H.P. Lovecraft was a bit of a serious soul. So, after rediscovering his material many, many years after originally reading it, I had an enjoyable experience cooking his Cthulhu Mythos and other tales into an irreverent, pseudo-storybook. I hope readers enjoy the experience just as much!"

  • My guess is the call is coming ... from inside the house! Moo-hoo-ha-haaaaaa!



Story: Anthony Cleveland | Art: Andrea Mutti | Cover: Maan House | Mad Cave | Mature | $4.99

12311374853?profile=RESIZE_180x18012311375255?profile=RESIZE_180x180A dark entity made of fire, smoke, and ash-"The Fire Man"-blazes through a young girl's home, killing her entire family. Amy Durant swears she saw this supernatural creature, but no one ever believed her. Unfortunately, these past fears reignite a decade later as her city goes up in flames. With no one else to rely on, Amy is forced to battle both past trauma and the face of the inferno.

  • I like the covers.
  • Here's a PREVIEW.
  • Mad Cave has three other first issues this week. (Did someone pull a plug somewhere?) In HUNT KILL REPEAT VOL 1 TP ($17.99) features an invasion of Earth by the Greek gods, except Artemis takes the side of humanity. VOYAGE DE GOURMET GN ($14.99) is about a globe-spanning cooking competition. YOU’VE BEEN CANCELLED TP ($17.99) is about a reality show where bounty hunters murder individuals society has voted to "cancel" following heinous actions or offenses.


Story: Jeehyung Lee | Art: Jeehyung Lee & Nabeste Zitro | Cover: Jeehyung Lee | Variants: Peach Momoko, Sozomaika, Ben Oliver | Titan | 48 pages | $4.99

12222686086?profile=RESIZE_400x12222685881?profile=RESIZE_180x180Titan Comics is proud to announce that it will be publishing Jeehyung Lee’s neo-noir series, GUMAA: THE BEGINNING OF HER. After gaining popularity on Kickstarter, this seven-part thriller will finally be available in comic shops from December 2023. GUMAA: THE BEGINNING OF HER marks the original comic debut of superstar cover artist Jeehyung Lee, who has worked for the likes of Marvel Comics and DC.

GUMAA: THE BEGINNING OF HER takes place in a 1980s, crime-ridden Hell. When young KHALIDA attempts to escape from an influential and sinister drug syndicate, she discovers an ancient blade in a long-abandoned temple. Using its power, Khalida becomes the GODDESS OF THE CITY, controlling the citizens through dark magic and fear.

But events are being manipulated against her from the shadows, targeting Khalida. A final action-packed confrontation will reawaken the ancient war and change the balance of power between HEAVEN AND HELL … FOREVER.

GUMAA: THE BEGINNING OF HER is perfect for fans of edgy, supernatural stories. From its short time on Kickstarter, the series has already picked up a loyal and enthusiastic fanbase. Among them is multi-Eisner winning comic writer James Tynion IV (Joker War, Something is Killing the Children, The Department of Truth), who calls GUMAA: THE BEGINNING OF HER “an urban fantasy, laced with horror and noir, brought to incredible life with Jeehyung’s phenomenal artwork”.

Jeehyung Lee himself promises readers a series with both depth and excitement:

“When you’re reading GUMAA, I hope you’re thinking about the choices these characters make, and whether you might do things the same way or do things totally different. The way these characters navigate their path through these horrific events is what makes them who they are”.

  • It's creepy art, that's for sure.
  • Here's a PREVIEW.



Story/Art: Kirsten Thompson | Rocketship Entertainment | $24.99

12310907692?profile=RESIZE_180x180I Am Hexed is a supernatural political thriller. There's magic, mystery, personal drama, and an accidentally carnivorous plant. Witches have been a part of the political fabric of Washington D.C. since it was founded. It's only since the 1960s that witches stood together and fought to take back the word "Hexed". A movement was ignited when witches came out of the shadows and proudly showed off their broomsticks. The witch-hunt for Charlie, Jaya, and Florence continues as they find themselves on the run from malevolent forces both inside and outside the government. The three witches must harness their powers to defend themselves while unraveling a mystery that could save the entire witching community.

  • A glance at the cover and I thought "lesbian coming-of-age story." The blurb tells a different story, but there could still be some lesbians coming of age! You never know! 


12219512688?profile=RESIZE_180x180Story: Max Allan Collins | Hard Case Crime (Titan Comics) | 272 pages | $34.99

The next incredible instalment in the case books of Ms. Tree, private detective, from famed Hard Case Crime author Max Allan Collins (Road to Perdition)! Fans of pulp noir and hard-boiled detective crime fiction will love this seminal collection of classic comics.

From the minds of award-winning author Max Allan Collins and artist Terry Beatty, comes the fifth collection of classic Ms. Tree stories, collected together for the first time Join Michael Tree, the six-foot, 9mm-carrying private detective on her thrilling adventures. No case is too small, no violence too extreme, just as long as it gets the job done.

"Muerta Means Death"

"Right to Die"

"Prisoner Cell Block Hell"

"Heroine Withdrawal"

"The Other Cheek"

  • Never cared for the art on this feature. YMMV.



Story: Sarah Vaughn, Niki Smith | Art: S. W. Searle | First Second Books | $28.99

12311374672?profile=RESIZE_180x180For fans of Bridgerton comes a Regency-era graphic novel about the unexpected passion that blooms when two desperate strangers are rushed into an arranged marriage. The whole town is whispering about how Catherine Benson lost her virtue, though they can never agree on the details. Was it in the public garden? Or a moving carriage? Only a truly desperate man would want her now-and that's exactly what Andrew Davener is. His family's estate is in disrepair, but Catherine's sizeable dowry could set it to rights. After the two wed, Catherine finds herself inexplicably drawn to Andrew. But could falling in love with her husband tear her marriage apart?

  • I don't watch Downton Abbey, Bridgerton, Gilded Age, et al, but those shows seems pretty popular with the mundies.


Writer: Kelly Thompson, Danielle Paige | Art: Veronica Fish, Andy Fish, Veronica Johnson | Colors: Matt Herms | Letters: Jack Morelli | Cover: Veronica Fish | Variant: Laura Braga | $3.99

12229999097?profile=RESIZE_400x12311405065?profile=RESIZE_180x180Celebrate the winter solstice with Sabrina Spellman in this special holiday one-shot that returns to the acclaimed world of the Sabrina the Teenage Witch series! First, in “The Longest Night,” at Sabrina’s magic boarding school, she and her friends work together on the longest night of the year to save their friend enthralled by a dark and clever Beast, impossible to kill in his own world, and difficult to kill in our own. Then, in “A Very Spellman Solstice,” a flash backstory shows young Zelda and Hilda breaking tradition to go to a school dance, but when Hilda joins forces with one of the ghosts of Solstice past, it curses their night out. Writer Kelly Thompson and artists Veronica and Andy Fish return for another bewitching Sabrina story, along with the team of writer Danielle Paige and artist Veronica Johnson for a festive flashback story!

Archie Comics invites you to come home to Greendale for the holidays with the release of an all-new SABRINA THE TEENAGE WITCH HOLIDAY SPECIAL this December! The one-shot comic marks a long-awaited return to the world of the smash-hit 2019 SABRINA comic book series, including a new story by its creative team, writer Kelly Thompson (Captain Marvel) and artists Veronica and Andy Fish (Spider-Woman), with a backup tale by writer Danielle Paige (Dorothy Must Die) and artist Veronica Johnson.

"It's a total joy to return to Sabrina's world, and doing it with Veronica is the only way I would have wanted to come back," Thompson said. Veronica Fish added, “Going back to Sabrina's world, getting to work with Kelly and the Archie team is truly something special. These kinds of opportunities are rare, and I'm very grateful for them.”

The 2019 series by Thompson and Fish featured a modernized take on Archie's classic witch characters, and put Sabrina in the lead as a magical girl learning to use her fantastic powers and protect her small town from the dangers of dark magic and those who wield it. The SABRINA HOLIDAY SPECIAL picks up those threads, as Sabrina and her friends at boarding school have to stop an otherworldly monster on the Winter Solstice, one of the most important winter holidays, especially to witches!

“It’s a pleasure to return to the world of SABRINA THE TEENAGE WITCH," said Archie Comics Senior Director of Editorial Jamie L. Rotante. "And what better time to do so than the Solstice, a time of rebirth and celebration? I’m so excited to dive back into the beautiful world Kelly Thompson and Veronica and Andy Fish created for Sabrina, this time taking her to a new school and witnessing a new chapter in her life. I know the rest of the world will be as excited to spend some quality holiday time with Sabrina as I am. 'Tis the season for bewitching!”

And as a treat for longtime Sabrina fans, the special backup story by Paige and Johnson is a rare glimpse of Sabrina's aunts Hilda and Zelda in their younger days, breaking the rules of their coven to go to a school dance on the longest night of the year. "I’ve always been obsessed with Sabrina’s aunts, the witches that helped shape her into the character that we love so much," Paige said. "So, stepping back in time and getting to see a young Hilda and Zelda making magic and maybe a little trouble was truly an honor for me as a writer and a forever fan."

"This is our first time working with artist Veronica Johnson," Rotante added, "and we're so excited to bring her into the fold and see her take on the Sabrina universe. Veronica is doing a bewitching job on her designs of Hilda and Zelda at Sabrina's age!"

Sabrina the Teenage Witch debuted in 1962's ARCHIE’S MAD HOUSE #22, in a story by George Gladir and Dan DeCarlo. She went on to captivate fans for decades with magical adventures in comics, TV animation, a hit sitcom, and the blockbuster Netflix streaming series, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, starring Kiernan Shipka. That series was inspired by an Archie Horror comic of the same name by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Robert Hack. The 2019 Thompson/Fish series served to update the character but with more fantasy elements than horror.

  • Fun!



Story: Laurie Halse Anderson, Emily Carroll | Art/Cover: Emily Carroll | Square Fish | $17.99

12311384861?profile=RESIZE_180x180The critically acclaimed, award-winning, modern classic Speak is now a stunning graphic novel. "Speak up for yourself — we want to know what you have to say." From the first moment of her freshman year at Merryweather High, Melinda knows this is a big fat lie, part of the nonsense of high school. She is friendless — an outcast — because she busted an end-of-summer party by calling the cops, so now nobody will talk to her, let alone listen to her. Through her work on an art project, she is finally able to face what really happened that night: She was raped by an upperclassman, a guy who still attends Merryweather and is still a threat to her.

  • Yikes.


Story/Art: Agustin Graham Nakamura | Fairsquare Comics | $16.99

12310914689?profile=RESIZE_180x180Two detectives from Buenos Aires, Mosca and Maia, come to a small town in Patagonia, at "the end of the world". What is commonly known as Antarctica. They meet Joel, the suspect of an apparently common bank robbery case, who can't recall his own name and keeps drawing confusing symbols pointing towards "the South". They immediately acknowledge that something far more intriguing is at play here. As they'll drive towards Antarctica, they'll uncover secrets kept hidden for hundreds of years, holding the future of human kind at stake.

  • Antarctica again! 


Story: Benjamin Legrand | Art: Jean-Marc Rochette | Translator: Edward Gauvin | Titan Comics | Cover: Jean-Marc Rochette  | 160 pages | $29.99

12164252271?profile=RESIZE_400xTitan Comics will publish the long-awaited sci-fi epic graphic novel THE TRIBUTE from critically acclaimed Snowpiercer creators Benjamin Legrand (Snowpiercer: The Explorers) and artist Jean-Marc Rochette (Snowpiercer: The Escape), translated by Edward Gauvin.

Twenty-six years after its French release, Titan Comics is delighted to be bringing this epic adventure to English language audiences for the first time. Mixing classical and experimental comics forms, THE TRIBUTE tells the story of a team of scientists and soldiers who land on an alien planet with the hope they will find a new source of energy. The expedition is vital for the survival of humankind as an intergalactic war is raging, and the team must battle a hostile climate and protective, indigenous species to unravel the mysteries of this extraordinary planet before it’s too late.

“I'm so excited that Titan Comics is going to be publishing another genre classic from the creators of Snowpiercer. Rochette's artwork is so unique and raw, there's nothing else like it and I can't wait for readers to experience it.” says Titan Comics’ Group Editor, Jake Devine.

Titan Comics have published all the original Snowpiercer graphic novels: The Escape, The Explorers and Terminus — for English-language audiences.

In 2013, celebrated director Bong Joon Ho brought the classic Snowpiercer graphic novel to life in a major motion picture with Hollywood actors Chris Evans and Tilda Swinton. In 2020, a new TV adaptation of Snowpiercer starring Jennifer Connelly (A Beautiful Mind) and Daveed Diggs (Hamilton, “Black-ish”), aired in the U.S. on TNT and internationally on Netflix.

















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