Comics Guide for week of Sept. 23, 2024




AVENGERS ANNUAL #1 ($4.99): The ninth and final chapter of the "Infinity Watch" story is here! Finally! The stone-bearers are assembled (that's them on Cover D), and I assume a climax of some sort will happen. But the story involves Thanos, and it's not written by Jim Starlin, so I know of at least one Legionnaire who won't be reading it.

I guess make that two, because I'm not reading it, either. I feel like everything that can be said about pursuit of the Infinity Stones has been said already. 



Here's a preview:



DEAD X-MEN TP ($17.99): I suspect none of them are dead any more.

NYX #3 ($3.99): I think this is an homage to the final panel in Uncanny X-Men #132:


NYX GALLERY EDITION HC ($50.00): If you were hankering to read the original NYX stories, here's a gallery edition reprinting NYX #1-7 (2003) and NYX: No Way Home #1-6 (2008).

PHOENIX #3 ($3.99): I'm just going to start calling this "the fat Balder layout."




"Absolute Power" Week 13

ABSOLUTE POWER: ORIGINS #3 (OF 3, $3.99): I suspect this series will play into Waller's ultimate downfall somehow. Otherwise, why stretch it out to three issues? Besides money, I mean -- after all, someone in a costume would proably sell better. Anyway, this is the final issue of Waller's origin story, which should take us from the founding of the Suicide Squad to the present.


ABSOLUTE POWER: TASK FORCE VII #7 (OF 7, $3.99): Here's the final issue of this miniseries, spotlighting Global Guardian, the Martian Manhunter Amazo. Which raises another question about the Amazo power-siphons: Would they take J'onn's shapeshifting ability and telepathy? Aren't all baseline Martians capable of shapeshifting and communicating mentally? Flight, Martian vision, Martian breath, invisibility, super-strength -- these are all abilities J'onn J'onzz has that ordinary Martians don't, presumably due to Earth's atmosphere or the teleportation process. I'd expect them to go. But not native Martian abilities. Unless Amazos reduce everyone to Homo Sapiens baseline, as Rob suggested. It will be interesting to find out.



GREEN ARROW #16 ($3.99): It's Team Arrow vs. Bright, a being from a parallel world who really hates Green Arrow. I assume it's an alternate Oliver Queen full of self-loathing, but they're playing it like it's a big mystery, so maybe they'll surprise me. 


Elsewhere at DC:

LOBO CANCELLATION SPECIAL #1 (ONE-SHOT, $5.99): Feetal's gizz! I guess some people can't get enough of this bastich!


ACTION COMICS #1069 ($4.99): The Lois Lane three-part backup is over, but this issue has something called "Lois & Clark: In Love. At Work." I don't know if it's a one-off, or the beginning of a backup series. Action goes weekly beginning next week (and presumably "All In"), so maybe. If so, I'll be adding Action to my pull list.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN TP ($16.99): Avoiding this, thanks to board reviews.

ALL NEW COLLECTOR’S EDITION #54 FACSIMILE EDITION ($14.99): This is Superman vs. Wonder Woman, drawn by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, first published in 1977. If you haven't read it, you should.

BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #17 ($7.99): One of the three stories in this issue stars Lois Lane, too.

BATMAN: THE LAST HALLOWEEN #1 (OF 10, $4.99): Jeph Loeb goes back to the well again. Since Tim Sale has died, Eduardo Risso has picked up the art chores. I realllly like Risso's art, so no complaints here.

DETECTIVE COMICS #1089 ($5.99): I believe this is Ram V's final issue as writer, clearing the way for, presumably, a new "All In" team.

FLASH #13 ($3.99): A Barry Allen one-off, before returning to Wally stories in October. That might be an "All In" launch, too.

ZATANNA: BRING DOWN THE HOUSE #4 (OF 5, $5.99) guest stars John Constantine. I'm tradewaiting this, as it's Black Label.



CREEPSHOW VOL 3 #1 ($3.99): This series is overseen by Greg Nicotero (producer/director/special make-up effects artist of The Walking Dead TV show), and based on Nicotero's Shudder TV seriers of the same name. This issue has work by Chip Zdarsky (Batman), Kagan McLeod (Kaptara), and James Stokoe (Godzilla). Covers are by Martín Morazzo and Chris O’Halloran, Stokoe and Steve Beach.

I'm reading Creepshow sporadically. I've also been reading Oni's EC reboot, Epitaphs from the Abyss and Cruel Universe, pretty consistently. Horror anthologies are a dime a dozen, says I, so pick the ones with a pedigree.

If I'm being honest, I'd say the Oni books are somewhat better. The first story by Zdasky and McLeod was just so-so; it wasn't a twist ending so much as general progression, with just passable art. The story written and drawn by James Stokoe is better on both counts, and is on a par with the Oni books. 

Here's the description: "Writer Chip Zdarsky and artist Kagan McLeod bring you the terrifying tale of a repressed housewife who decides to take matters into her own hands and rescue her daughter from a local psychedelic cult … but the true terror is not what anyone expects! Then, James Stokoe introduces a chilling mystery of a severed human hand, and the lengths one writer will go to discover the truth, learning that perhaps he is not the author of this story."



GIANT GENERATOR FIRST ISSUE SAMPLER VOL 1 (MR, $9.99): Giant Generator is Rick Remender's studio, and this collection reprints first issues from his various Image series, including  Deadly Class #1, Black Science #1, The Scumbag #1, A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance #1, The Sacrificers #1, Death or Glory #1 and Low #1.

HORIZON EXPERIMENT: THE MANCHURIAN (ONE-SHOT, MR, $3.99) is one of five unrelated one-shots overseen by writer Pornsak Pichetshote (The Good Asian), each with different creative teams, and each "featuring original protagonists from marginalized backgrounds set in a popular genre and inspired by pop culture icons, where each character’s unique background allows the stories to go into new directions." The five stories are:

  • A Chinese James Bond
  • A Muslim John Constantine
  • A family of werewolves with East African descent
  • An Evil Dead for black nerds
  • A reverse Indiana Jones

I'm not sure what a "reverse Indiana Jones" would be, but from the cover I'm going to say "Black female archaeologist." But that's four books in the future. The first issue is written Pichetshote with art by Terry and Rachel Dodson (Adventureman, Harley Quinn), and features a Chinese superspy in the vein of James Bond. 

I have mixed feelings about The Manchurian. On the one hand, Calvin Low is very good at what he does (he's a Manshu/Manchurian: a guardian angel for people spying on the U.S. for China), he's very James Bond (lies easily, enjoys the company of beautiful women, wins desperate hand-to-hand fights, sneaks into places cleverly) and his adventures are drawn by Terry Dodson, whose art I love. On the other hand, he's the bad guy. He's working for a country that would be delighted to see the U.S. burned to the ground, and has long-term plans in place to achieve that. That hand, the right, wants Low to fail in his clever, competent adventures -- but he doesn't. In short, the left hand is thriled by a good spy story, but the right hand is horrified that the bad guys are handily winning. 

I'm not the sort of guy who usually enjoys the adventures of bad guys. I haven't enjoyed DC's various attempts at a Joker series. I tolerated Super-Villain Team-Up because the bad guys fought each other, and I hoped both would kill each other. I grind my teeth when mass murderers do face turns and I'm expected to forget years of gleeful murder and solemnly accept the likes of Magneto and Mystique into the ranks of white hats. And so on. Maybe I'm just too limited in my perspective, and others will enjoy The Manhcurian for the sake of a good spy story. And for all the bonus expo dumps explaining how Chinese espionage works. Your call.

“I’m fascinated with taking popular genres, like horror and noir, and seeing what they’d look like from diverse perspectives — I explored this in my Image Comics books Infidel and The Good Asian. But, I’ve been limited to my own experiences. So, for The Horizon Experiment, I decided to use the same mentality but open it up to other people, inviting some of the most talented people I know to work on it," said Pichetshote. “Each one-shot is the equivalent of a pilot for a new creator-owned series, with the potential of continuing should there be demand for more. Each team of creators have had different approaches — all of them have knocked me out, and I couldn’t be more proud that the end result is five very unique books, all connected by the same ambitious spirit.” 


Here are the five connecting covers by Tula Lotay:


KNIGHTS VS SAMURAI #1 ($2.99) is written by David Dastmalchian -- yes, the actor in such genre fare as Suicide Squad and Happy. He has also written comics, or at least one that I'm aware of: Count Crowley, which I quite enjoy.

In this series, a knight, a giant, a host of warriors and two clerics travel to a mysterious island in the Far East to destroy savage monsters believed to have ambushed some English missionaries. Our sympathies are with our lead knight, who is brave and true, and is called "Dragon Butcher" for his instrumental efforts in depopulating the sea monster population around whatever place he hails from. (Likely an England analog.) We get lots of medieval court intrigue throughout the first issue, and learn not to trust certain members of the crew. The promised fight-fight with samurai doesn't happen in the first issue, as the required Japanese warriors don't appear until the last page. I'm not sure the fight ever will occur, as I'm guessing the samaurai are on the island for the same reason as the knights: To kill monsters. Of course, their aims for the island itself will likely not align.

It's interesting, but on the whole I'd rather be reading Count Crowley. We'll see if later issues fire my interest better.





OLD DOG OPERATIONS (ONE-SHOT, $7.99) is by writer Declan Shelvey and artists Charles Soule, Leonardo Romero, Matias Bergara, Alex Paknadel and more, in an anthology in the world of Old Dog. Old Dog was a six-issue miniseries that came out in 2022 that I have not read.

"Creating Old Dog at Image has been the highlight of my professional career," said Shalvey. "Not just the opportunity to fully tell stories of my own, to develop and experiment with my craft, but also now to have established a sandbox where I can invite other creators to play in. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have such accomplished storytellers joining me to tell some Old Dog tales."







VIOLENT FLOWERS #1 (MR, $3.99): I said last week that I pick up anything by Maria Llovet these days, and this certainly qualifies.

Remember in The Old Guard when Quinn was thrown into the ocean in an iron coffin during the middle ages, because she was immortal and the locals couldn't think of any other way to kill her? Something similar opens this book, where a vampire is treated that way. And just like Quinn, I assume we can expect to see this vampire again. (Her name, which has more diacritical marks than I care to use, is Erzebet, or a similar analog of Elisabeth.)

Then we fast-forward to the present. A major vampire has died -- a sentinel, we are told, whose charge it is to watch over all supernatural creatures, not just vampires -- and a funeral of sorts is held by the immediate "family." (I'm not really sure of the actual relations here, but it appears to be more of an hierarchy than actual, ahem, blood relations.) We meet these vampires, who might as well have "major character" signs hanging over the heads, as well as our lead character, Carnelia, who is impulsive and emotional. Maybe she's just upset about the dead guy, but I get the impression she's always a little out of control. For one thing, we learn that she abstains from blood and "lives behind wrinkles" most of the time. (She gets young and hot when she has a sip, which is useful for the sex scenes.) She is determined to get revenge for the death of her "brother" -- which may be a real relation, or a metaphor -- but is saddled by the vampire queen with a mortal familiar whom Carnelia hates on sight. (I expect that to change.) 

To my disappointment, not much more happens, and even the occasional sex is pretty restrained (by Llovet standards). I hope the second issue gets more into the meat of the story. 

“I’m really excited about this project! I’ve conceived the world of Violent Flowers as a series of self-contained stories that talk about the same group of characters through the ages. So this miniseries is only the beginning!” said Llovet.

Continued Llovet: “One of the themes I’m really eager to discuss in this series as a whole, is the idolization of youth and beauty in our society, and why the main character, who can stay young and beautiful forever, usually chooses to stay old and wrinkled. Also ADDICTION to blood: in vampire fiction, we’re used to seeing how characters struggle with their urges, but what if they were actually addicted to blood? I find the idea fascinating!"








MAGIC ORDER V #1 ($4.99): Is this really the fifth Magic Order series? I pretty much ignore Mark Millar books, so I haven't been counting. The solicits say this is the finale, so there won't be a volume 6, but it'll probably show up Netflix.

Hey, look: another The Boys #1 homage:




MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE/TMNT: TURTLES OF GRAYSKULL #1 ($3.99): I don't follow either of these franchises, but perhaps you do. The art's nice.

“As inevitable as a meet up between He-Man and the Turtles has felt, it took some time getting done! And now that it's here, I have a huge pile of newly purchased figures, and a bunch of pages for what is one of the most awesome comics I've ever gotten to work on,” said writer Tim Seeley (Masters of the Universe: Forge of Destiny, Masters of the Universe: Masterverse). “To say Freddie and I approached this Dark Horse series with some screaming-our-heads-off-style enthusiasm is underselling it a bit. I can't wait until you get to read this."

"He-Man and the Ninja Turtles? Tim & I have been discussing potential plots and ideas for a few years, and he still surprised me with an even cooler (unique) way to connect these world, and reconnect and connect again … in this bending world hopping, time skipping approach," added artist Freddie Williams II (Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Injustice/Masters of the Universe). "This crossover has a long lineage- many of us fans have been bashing He-Man and the Ninja Turtles together since we were kids! And I’m honored and thrilled to draw it! I’m lucky to be working with Tim and Andrew (Dalhouse, series colorist). Can’t wait for everyone to check it out!"




SPINAL CORD GN ($24.99): A coming-of-age story involving heavy metal music. I didn't like coming of age when I was doing it, and have lost interest in such stories in my dotage. Although the heavy metal bit is a nice touch. One question: If they're going for a pun, shouldn't the band's name be "Spinal Chord"?




SURVIVAL STREET: RADICAL LEFT #1 ($3.99): Continuing the grim-n-gritty Sesame Street parody, in which I have no interest. The first four-issue miniseries ran in 2022.

“Survival Street started as the creative primal scream Jim in 2020 is probably the most enthusiastic reception of anything I’d done in 16 years of writing comics,” said co-writer James Asmus. “The idea of these colorful children’s television characters as our gritted heroes was not about shock value or cheap laughs. Volume 2 shifts focus to the thorny struggles that can cause friction or fractures among allies. Really, so much of the magic and success of the series stems from the incredible team who put their passion and skill into the pages. Our editor Daniel Chabon and the team there have kept that legacy alive with incredibly original books by so many of the most exciting creators in comics, we wear the Dark Horse as a badge of honor. We couldn’t be happier that Survival Street is part of their incredible legacy of truly original creator-owned comics.”

“James and I have always been drawn to satire because you can take a really big, really complex issue and use humor to make it accessible,” said co-writer Jim Festante. “When it’s not grounded in something you see every day (like anthropomorphic puppets), it’s easier to step back and say, wow, that’s pretty messed up – how can I address or fix that? We wanted people who don’t usually read comics to be excited for Survival Street. I imagine the sets of our little Venn diagram involve an awareness of politics, love of puppets, and a desire for catharsis in a world where tech bros pump out AI-driven nonsense for kids whose only goal is to keep little eyes glued to a screen. I am so unbelievably proud of the team that’s brought these books to life. Getting to make comics with Abylay Kussainov, Ellie Wright, and Taylor Esposito, and to collaborate with my favorite writer and friend James Asmus, it’s been such a joy to be a part of Survival Street.” 







MLP: STORM OF ZEPHYR HEIGHTS #1 ($3.99): A new series for the Bronies.



A QUICK & EASY GUIDE TO COMING OUT GN (Oni Press, $9.99): I doubt there's "one size fits all" in this situation, but I suppose this book could be helpful for those in those who are in that situation. I can't say I'm thrilled with the art, but I suppose its purpose is to educate more than entertain.



ABORTION PILL ZINE (Silver Sprocket, $4.99): Sadly, the people who need to read this, -- like politicians trying to outlaw mifeprestone -- won't. Once again, this looks more like education than entertainment.



AMAZING GRAPES TP/HC (Michael di Capua Books, $21.99/$29.99): By Jules Feiffer. If that isn't compelling, maybe this preview is:











Here's a complete story:



BEFORE 13TH GN (Amistad, $22.99): This story is told from the POVs of Frederick Douglass and Ida B. Wells, who had conflicting views on how to handle racism during the 1896 Chicago World's Fair. Another corner of history that wasn't covered in my Tennessee education. Wonder why?

The title, BTW, refers to the 13th Amendment.





BEST OF RICK AND MORTY SLIPCASE COLLECTION TP (Oni Press, MR, $29.99): Oni continues to cash in on its most lucrative franchise.

BLACK WHITE & BLOODSHOT #1 (Valiant, OF 4, MR, $4.99): This is neither "Resurgence" nor "Road to Resurgence." It's Valiant jumping on the black-white-and-red bandwagon. This is an anthology, with three unrelated stories in the first issue. Here's the KICKSTARTER with some art.


BLADE RUNNER: TOKYO NEXUS #3 (Titan, OF 4, MR, $3.99)


Here's a preview:






CHARLES BURNS FINAL CUT HC (Pantheon Books, $34.00): Four twentysomethings go to a cabin deep in the woods to make an 8mm horror movie. What could go wrong? You'd think fans of horror movies would know better than to do this.

Actually, the blurb tells us that one of the males -- suffering from unrequited love for one of the females -- begins to blur reality and make-believe. It's by Charles Burns (Black Hole, Kommix), so it's more likely it'll be psychological weirdness than a slasher-movie scenario. 






'CLOSE TO HOME' 30TH ANNIVERSARY TREASURY: BEST OF 30 YEARS (Andrews McMeel, $19.99): Comic-strip collectors' alert! Amazon has a PREVIEW.

COMPLETE PEANUTS TP BOX SET 1991-1994 (Fantagraphics, $39.99): Comic-strip collectors' alert!

COMPLETE PEANUTS TP VOL 22 1993-1994 (Fantagraphics, $22.99): Comic-strip collectors' alert!

CONAN BARBARIAN #15 (Titan, MR, $3.99): Alas, Titan doesn't seem to be sending me review copies any more. But I did read the last issue, which has Conan, along with some Aesir allies, in a fight with some Vanir. A naked woman is watching, and we catch that she is the daughter of a god (or thinks she is) and selects Conan for some unspecified fate. I assume the father will be Crom. As to the daughter, whether she wants a mate, a slave or a meal is not yet revealed. Maybe all three. (OK, just made myself queasy.)




CORVUS #1 (Dead Sky Publishing, OF 6, MR, $4.99): Daryn Dall is whisked away from his job at a video game store into an adventure with monsters, aliens and, of course, video games. I wonder if any of us will ever see a copy of this. Here's a PREVIEW from Daily Dead that doesn't impress me very much.

DICK TRACY #5 (Mad Cave, $4.99): Dick Tracy alert!

DIRT WITCH (Blood Moon, ONE-SHOT, $6.99): A bullied teen plays a record backwards, and summons the titular character. "Now she is here and she must be fed." Well, that's not disturbing at all. Here's the KICKSTARTER with some art.

DIVIDE TP (CEX Publishing, $29.99): A timely story about family separation (due to immigration laws), with a sci-fi twist. The art's not great, but I never expect to see an issue from this small publisher anyway.



DR. SEUSS’ GRINCH TAKES A VACATION HC (Random House Graphic, $10.99): This isn't by Theodor Geisel, or even anyone trying to ape his style. It's just a random children's book using some of his characters. Color me disappointed.






GOOBERS #1 (Vault, $4.99): A grad student returns to his small town to discover it's being taken over by body-snatching alien bugs. Don't you hate it when that happens? CBR has a PREVIEW.


HALLS OF THE TURNIP KING HC (Pegamoose Press, $24.99) is ... D&D-style comedy? Looks juvenile to me, but Diamond provided has provided this preview so you can decide for yourself:



HELL'S HALF ACRE #1 (Magma Comix, $3.99): A weird Western set in 1904 Nashville. It's another book from another minor publisher that most of us will never see. But here's a nice preview to show us what we're missing:



HEROES OF OLYMPUS VOL 4: HOUSE OF HADES GN (Hyperion, $14.99): Here's a heads up if you're collecting Percy Jackson.

HOW TO STEAL AN ELECTION #1 (Black Mask Studios, MR, $4.99): A former cam-girl-turned-congresswoman gets doxxed, and thrown out of politics. But a Svengali from her cam-girl days turns up, leading to a "raucous and unhinged R-rated comedy about taking down the hypocrites, looking out for your friends, and toasting marshmallows as it all burns down." If only.

You'll have to make do with the covers, as I can't find a preview anywhere.



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  • But the story involves Thanos, and it's not written by Jim Starlin, so I know of at least one Legionnaire who won't be reading it.

    I wonder who that might be...? :)

    I feel like everything that can be said about pursuit of the Infinity Stones has been said already. 

    Infinity Gems. ;)

    Avoiding this, thanks to board reviews.

    You're welcome.

    This is Superman vs. Wonder Woman, drawn by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, first published in 1977. If you haven't read it, you should.

    A hardcover of this was released in 2020; it is also available in the Adventures of Superman - Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez collection (2013). Get the format that suits you best!

    Jeph Loeb goes back to the well again.

    I have never read any "Long Halloween" series. 

    CREEPSHOW VOL 3 #1: I'll give this one a look, but I've already put my eggs in the Oni Press basket.

    I'm not sure what a "reverse Indiana Jones" would be...

    Sound like a sexual position.

    CHARLES BURNS FINAL CUT HC: I bought and enjoyed Burns' Kommix a few weeks ago (and that didn't even have a story!), so I'll definitely give this a look. (I'm more likely to buy this than Creepshow v3 #1 truth be told.)

    This isn't by Theodor Geisel, or even anyone trying to ape his style. It's just a random children's book using some of his characters. Color me disappointed.

    I can't imagine myself buying this under any circumstances.


  • By golly, I forgot the rest of the list!


    THE MICHAEL MOORCOCK LIBRARY: ELRIC: THE MAKING OF A SORCERER HC (Titan, MR, $29.99): This is called an "untold" story in the description, but it has been told before. This collects the 2007 four-issue miniseries from DC Comics, written by Michael Moorcock and drawn by Walt Simonson. Somehow Titan wrangled the rights. And, with a creative team like that, it ought to be pretty good. Here's the preview, with loads of lovely Simonson art:





    MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/USAGI YOJIMBO #1 (BOOM, $7.99): Another two franchises I don't follow. But I'm pretty sure there are some Usagi Yojimbo fans on the board.





    MISSIONARY #1 (DSTLRY Media, MR, $8.99) is by writer Ryan Stegman (Venom, Superior Spider-Man, X-Men, Vanish) and artist Jason Howard (Batman, Trees, Big Girls, Astounding Wolf-Man) so, as usual, DSTLRY has some big names attached to a new book. This one is about a man who loses his faith, and welcomes possession by a demon so he can learn to be bad. Unfortunately for him, the demon in question is tired of being bad and is trying to learn to be good. There's no preview I could find, here are the covers.




    MY BAD ESCAPE FROM PECULIAR ISLAND #5 (Ahoy, OF 5, MR, $3.99): Ahoy Comics alert!

    NEMESIS THE WARLOCK DEFINITIVE EDITION VOL 2 TP (Rebellion / 2000AD, $32.99): UK comics alert! 

    REALLY COMPLETE PARADISE TOO TP (Abstract Studios, $39.95): Terry Moore alert! This book collects all of Moore's cartoons, sketches and comic strips before he made the big time with Strangers in Paradise.

    REVOLUTION 9 #1 (Mad Cave, OF 4, $4.99): If you're going to name a book after a Beatles song, it had better be good. And all I know is from this preview.

    Our protagonist seems to be an assassin for a religious cult. She has a twin sister on Chekov's mantel. The cult leaders think she doesn't have enough faith, so I assume she will turn against them and have to battle their other assassins. That's a lot of speculation, of course, and I'm not impressed with the pedestrian art. But it's likely to be another book I'll never see, so I guess it doesn't matter.






    RICK AND MORTY: RICK OR TREAT HALLOWEEN SPECIAL #1 (Oni Press, MR, $9.99): See "Oni continues to cash in" above.

    SHAME VOL 6 GN: CRADLE'S END (Renegade Arts, OF 9, MR, $12.99): The description says this is Book 6 of an ongoing fantasy series. but I've never noticed it before. It's written by colorist-turned-writer Lovern Kindzierski and illustrated by fan-favorite John Bolton, so maybe there's something here. Here's a preview:



    SHERLOCK HOLMES: DARK DETECTIVE #1 (IPI Comics, OF 4, MR, $4.99): This horror take on the famous detective was first published by Caliber Comics in 2016. 

    SUBZERO VOL 1 (Oni Press, $24.99): Originally a Webtoon

    VERONICA #28 FACSIMILE EDITION (Archie, $3.99): I have a feeling I know why this was selected for the facsimile treatment.




    WALT DISNEY'S DONALD DUCK: VACATION PARADE HC (Fantagraphics, $19.99): by Fréderic Brémaud and Federico Bertolucci. No preview. 

    WOODSTAKE #1 (SHP Comics, OF 6, MR, $4.99): A vampire is loose at Woodstock. Here's a PREVIEW.

    What would you sacrifice to save your family? How far would you go to protect your people? For Clove, the last princess of a near-extinct Dragon cla…
  • I just now realized that the style of Nyx's penciler, Francesco Mortarino, is a lot like Carmine Infantino's.  It gave me a bit of a 1970s "Nova" flashback.

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