Check out this exchange between Newsarama interviewer Chris Arrant and Evan Dorkin, in the new interview about Beasts of Burden:

Nrama: This might sound like an odd question, but as comics fans we’ve come to expect it – chances of any other crossovers with Beasts of Burden?

Dorkin: I don't see it. True, I didn't see this one, but I think this is it. Unless we can get DC’s Arsenal in there and perhaps address his cat problem. And horse problem, ha ha. Comics are hilarious.


Oooh! Sick burn!

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  • I love Evan Dorkin...
  • Poor Arsenal. Its a wonder the don't just call him The A£$e and be done with it.

    I've just read the Justice League story where Hawkgirl says Carter's name at a key moment.

  • Dude, he started life with the superhero name Speedy...and he had no speed powers. They even make fun of him in Tiny Titans for that.
  • Really -- I've never been particularly fond of him, but these last few years have really made him my least favorite DC character.
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