"Last night I saw my last episodes for a while; I'll be off to Scotland for a little more than a week. But I've seen through episode 1091.Maggie's been bit! That's the big news. And it wasn't Barnabas! And I suspect it wasn't the prime suspect being…"
"That's not a criticism of the story itself; it's a metatextual criticism of the circumstances surrounding the story.
The actual ending of both series is: "And they lived happily ever after.""
"I've seen though episode 1089 now. Gerard has now hypnotized Liz into doing his bidding, and keeping the kids in the house. The kids immediately snuck out of the house and stoof on Gerard's grave at midnight, learning his was still around, and angry…"
"Thanks for adding the photos, Cap, and for fixing that ad! I took out a lot of white space when I posted, but I must have missed that!I'll be picking up Wonder Woman and Gorilla World, since I've got the JSA stories in Archive form. Gorillas speaks…"
"It just occured to me that with Alan Moore wanting nothing to do with DC and DC wanting nothing to do with Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison has become the de facto British author that DC can actually publicize!
I expect more Morrison trades soon!"
"Here are some more books of interest (mainly compact and omnibus collections)
Written by MARK WAID
"I added some art to Rob's post (and took out what was an ad from his original source that didn't translate to my CMS -- it looked like a big block of white space).
"I'm sorry but the wedding of Diana to Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman #329 is just as bittersweet as the reunion of Barry and Iris Allen in The Flash #350. They're supposed to be happy endings but they were momentary joy before the actual ending of two…"
"Though I'm curious about the Wonder Woman volume, from what I can recall, the series didn't end on a high note.
I disagree. [SPOILER] "The skies above are clear now... as if a passing storm had paused, retreating for a time before gathering its…"
"Though I'm curious about the Wonder Woman volume, from what I can recall, the series didn't end on a high note.
I'll get the second All-Star volume. I have the Archives too but you have to encourage more Golden Age volumes.
Definitely getting…"
"JSA: I've got the archives so I'll pass on the DCF.
WONDER WOMAN: I have The Legend of Wonder Woman #1-4 and the last four issues of the main series leading into Crisis but that's it. I'm in for this one.
Rob, now maybe, with your godlike powers of moderation, you can help me with something.
As I typically do, when I post one column for approval, I go back to the previous one, correct all the errors/typos which escaped all of my prior proofreading, and submit that previous one for (re)approval.
When I posted my current Deck Log Entry (the Legion Quiz), I also reposted the previous "Mars or Bust!" entry, after cleaning it up. Usually the reposted column gets approved at the same time the new one is.
But for some reason, the "Mars or Bust!" column is still waiting approval. I don't know who the system decides what moderator gets what stuff to approve, but if you can give me an inkling on how to get "Mars or Bust!" reapproved, I'd appreciate it.
Rest easy, friend . . . you didn't screw anything up. The culprit is a peculiarity in the function of the system. Saving an article as a draft---which should send it to my blog list only---will also send it to a mod for approval. I imagine some reason was imagined for requiring drafts to be approved by mods, but it's inconvenient because, once a mod approves the draft, it appears in the "Latest Activity" column on the home page.
That means folks can access it before I'm ready to publish it.
The reason it became more of a problem this time is because I had to deviate from my normal routine. Typically, once I've written and proofed my article on Word and collected all the art I'm going to use into a file, then I go the the blog page, cut-and-paste the article, add the art, give it one last proofing (not that that ever gets all the bugs out), and then send it over to a mod for publishing.
During that evolution, I usually save it as a draft twice---once to make sure I have it, in case of a power failure or something, and nearly every time I add the art, a glitch in the hyperlink system forces me to save it a second time.
Because I usually do it all---save the draft and proof it and publish it---in one session, the mod approval of the draft usually isn't a problem.
But "Mars or Bust" I had to do differently. I had to edit some of the art two or three times, and I saved it as a draft each time. (I found one piece of art I had to edit, then saved the draft, then found something else that needed fixing, and so forth.) Even so, that wouldn't have been a problem---except that I ran out of available time to proof the article again. So I had to keep it in draft status until I can get to it this morning. (Actually, right after I finish this note to you.)
Apparently on the moderator's end, nothing indicates that it's a draft one is approving, vice an article ready for publication. And because it was only drafts you approved this time (and no follow-on final article for publishing which usually happens), it didn't publish.
Thanks for the welcome! I've been 'lurking' and reading many a thread for quite a while!
How's that?
Rob, now maybe, with your godlike powers of moderation, you can help me with something.
As I typically do, when I post one column for approval, I go back to the previous one, correct all the errors/typos which escaped all of my prior proofreading, and submit that previous one for (re)approval.
When I posted my current Deck Log Entry (the Legion Quiz), I also reposted the previous "Mars or Bust!" entry, after cleaning it up. Usually the reposted column gets approved at the same time the new one is.
But for some reason, the "Mars or Bust!" column is still waiting approval. I don't know who the system decides what moderator gets what stuff to approve, but if you can give me an inkling on how to get "Mars or Bust!" reapproved, I'd appreciate it.
Commander B
Rest easy, friend . . . you didn't screw anything up. The culprit is a peculiarity in the function of the system. Saving an article as a draft---which should send it to my blog list only---will also send it to a mod for approval. I imagine some reason was imagined for requiring drafts to be approved by mods, but it's inconvenient because, once a mod approves the draft, it appears in the "Latest Activity" column on the home page.
That means folks can access it before I'm ready to publish it.
The reason it became more of a problem this time is because I had to deviate from my normal routine. Typically, once I've written and proofed my article on Word and collected all the art I'm going to use into a file, then I go the the blog page, cut-and-paste the article, add the art, give it one last proofing (not that that ever gets all the bugs out), and then send it over to a mod for publishing.
During that evolution, I usually save it as a draft twice---once to make sure I have it, in case of a power failure or something, and nearly every time I add the art, a glitch in the hyperlink system forces me to save it a second time.
Because I usually do it all---save the draft and proof it and publish it---in one session, the mod approval of the draft usually isn't a problem.
But "Mars or Bust" I had to do differently. I had to edit some of the art two or three times, and I saved it as a draft each time. (I found one piece of art I had to edit, then saved the draft, then found something else that needed fixing, and so forth.) Even so, that wouldn't have been a problem---except that I ran out of available time to proof the article again. So I had to keep it in draft status until I can get to it this morning. (Actually, right after I finish this note to you.)
Apparently on the moderator's end, nothing indicates that it's a draft one is approving, vice an article ready for publication. And because it was only drafts you approved this time (and no follow-on final article for publishing which usually happens), it didn't publish.
So you didn't goof up, Rob. I just broke routine.
Commander B
We shall not see his like again...