I really liked the art style of Guillem March in this week's issue of Batman. Who is this person? The Prodigy joke by Alfred was a bit dated, but I still chuckled.
Xombi is back and full of fantastic ideas, great monsters, and horrible-awesome puns. This is a great companion book to iZombie, even though Xombi is a DC proper book and not Vertigo. I enjoyed Rozum's Midnight, Mass from a few years ago and this is in the same vein.
But, hokey-smokes, this week's Amazing Spider-Man was...amazing! I know that Marcos Martin isn't fast enough for a monthly, but anytime he can do an issue I will buy it immediately. Great moments with JJJ, Night Nurse, and the NYPD. Spidey has a new costume for a great story reason and a renewed effort to protect as many people as he can...even the villains. Pete's new motto seems to be taken from Chris Eccleston's Doctor "Everybody lives". If you've ever been a Spidey fan, this is the best the book has been since the Lee-Ditko-Romita-Conway-Andru days.
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I read some really good comics this week and a few amazing ones.
Spike, a doomed monthly because the license is about to change companies, continues to be a favorite of mine. Willow crossing over from Buffy just adds to the fun. The surprise ending of this issue is going to have some major, major ramifications.
I wrote about Ruse elsewhere but it bears repeating that this is a great re-boot.
Avengers Academy guests stars, as far as I know, every active Avenger but still manages to focus on the kids. Again, this issue will have major ramifications down the line.
G.I. Joe: Infestation wasn't much of a zombie story but was still a good horror/thriller story.
The Lone Ranger & Zorro: The Death of Zorro was a lot of set-up for the story to come but did actually include the death of Zorro. I'm certainly looking forward to the next issue.
Doctor Who is part one of a three parter and seems to be headed towards greatness. The art is beautiful, no doubt.
Also worth mentioning is one of my son's titles, Darkwing Duck. It's a fun story in the first place but I love looking for the "Easter eggs" that Boom! seems to love putting in this title.
That's not all we bought this week but the others weren't as good. Not bad, mind you. Just not as good.
Just a great week of comics for me. That Amazing Spider-Man was awesome (Martin never disappoints), and Xombi was the best debut issue I've seen in years. Knight & Squire, Ruse, and Adventure Comics -- all great stuff. I still haven't gotten around to Unwritten yet, but so far the only disappointment for me was Superman, which I picked up on a whim and a knee-jerk Barry Allen completist reflex. And even with that, I enjoyed the art, and the silver-agey mystery in the first half.
Picked up books for this week and last week. All I've read so far was Fear Itself: Book of the Skull by Ed Brubaker. It's the one-shot set up for the Fear Itself event next month. It was a solid story.
I read some really good comics this week and a few amazing ones.
Spike, a doomed monthly because the license is about to change companies, continues to be a favorite of mine. Willow crossing over from Buffy just adds to the fun. The surprise ending of this issue is going to have some major, major ramifications.
I wrote about Ruse elsewhere but it bears repeating that this is a great re-boot.
Avengers Academy guests stars, as far as I know, every active Avenger but still manages to focus on the kids. Again, this issue will have major ramifications down the line.
G.I. Joe: Infestation wasn't much of a zombie story but was still a good horror/thriller story.
The Lone Ranger & Zorro: The Death of Zorro was a lot of set-up for the story to come but did actually include the death of Zorro. I'm certainly looking forward to the next issue.
Doctor Who is part one of a three parter and seems to be headed towards greatness. The art is beautiful, no doubt.
Also worth mentioning is one of my son's titles, Darkwing Duck. It's a fun story in the first place but I love looking for the "Easter eggs" that Boom! seems to love putting in this title.
That's not all we bought this week but the others weren't as good. Not bad, mind you. Just not as good.
It's out of print? I have it in a trade, from years ago.
Doc Beechler said: