Are you ready for more Superman and Batman origin stories? Granted, I'll certainly read anything Johns and Frank put together. Something tells me that, although we're starting with Clark and Bruce, the real Earth One books will work to introduce the other members of the DC universe to a population that will then, hopefully, buy movie tickets and video games. This seems to be the first salvo from the new DC Entertainment wing of Warner Bros.
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OK DC, good luck with that, but it ain't Earth One.
Am I the only person sick of having the origins told again and again? We're not even through the current retelling of Superman's and they're announcing another? The mainstream knows the origins, just tell great new stories.
Good luck to them. These look like good ideas in a number of ways:
1) They're done-in-one, continuity-free stories for the bookstore market. Sort of what we expected the All-Star line to be when they were announced.
2) They're original graphic novels, which is an important step for DC... or any major comics company. And not just an occassional OGN, but a line of them. (I hope they're in paperback and not HC.)
I applaud both things. But I doubt I'll be buying these. They're pretty clearly for new readers, not old fans.
Once they get to doing other stores with the characters, I'd be interested in hopping on board. As an old fan, I think I'll be able to fill in the blanks on anything I missed by skipping the origins.
So to answer you're question, Mart, I guess I'm not sick of having these origins told again and again... I'm just kinda sick of reading them. (Superman: Secret Origins might be my last hurrah in that regard.. if/when I pick up the trade.)
I think they're looking to capture old fans and new readers. After all, all old fans were once new readers.
Didio mentioned having new lines focusing on different Earths back at the ind of I-Cri, so I doubt this is specifically related to the corporate juggling. JMS has also stated in the past that he would love to write Superman.
I suspect the origin re-telling in these will be more of a short recap-style origin instead of being the entirety of each fist volume
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx
Check out theSecret Headquarters(my store) website! It's a pretty lame website, but I did it myself, so tough noogies
Listen, it's the future of rock-n-roll!
"This is probably one of the most often told and re-told stories in comics history, so you have to be careful to preserve what's established while trying to find areas where you can bring a fresh approach," Straczynski said. "In the case of Superman, you take all those elements that work, and infuse them with a modern sensibility, how it would be written today, this minute, if it had just been created for the first time."
Johns explained "'Batman: Earth One' is more in line with the European idea of releasing chapters of an ongoing series in graphic novel form. We’re planning on doing two novels a year and set in this new universe, we’re getting unlimited creative freedom that we couldn’t have in current continuity."
Bingo on this possibly being what the All-Star line was originally intended to be, especially in Batman's case. Plus, it might free DC up to keep Dick as Batman for a while longer since we'll soon have Bruce Wayne Batman in this universe and the First Wave universe.
Am I the only person sick of having the origins told again and again? We're not even through the current retelling of Superman's and they're announcing another? The mainstream knows the origins, just tell great new stories.
1) They're done-in-one, continuity-free stories for the bookstore market. Sort of what we expected the All-Star line to be when they were announced.
2) They're original graphic novels, which is an important step for DC... or any major comics company. And not just an occassional OGN, but a line of them. (I hope they're in paperback and not HC.)
I applaud both things. But I doubt I'll be buying these. They're pretty clearly for new readers, not old fans.
Once they get to doing other stores with the characters, I'd be interested in hopping on board. As an old fan, I think I'll be able to fill in the blanks on anything I missed by skipping the origins.
Didio mentioned having new lines focusing on different Earths back at the ind of I-Cri, so I doubt this is specifically related to the corporate juggling. JMS has also stated in the past that he would love to write Superman.
I suspect the origin re-telling in these will be more of a short recap-style origin instead of being the entirety of each fist volume
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx
Check out the Secret Headquarters (my store) website! It's a pretty lame website, but I did it myself, so tough noogies
Listen to, it's the future of rock-n-roll!
"This is probably one of the most often told and re-told stories in comics history, so you have to be careful to preserve what's established while trying to find areas where you can bring a fresh approach," Straczynski said. "In the case of Superman, you take all those elements that work, and infuse them with a modern sensibility, how it would be written today, this minute, if it had just been created for the first time."
Johns explained "'Batman: Earth One' is more in line with the European idea of releasing chapters of an ongoing series in graphic novel form. We’re planning on doing two novels a year and set in this new universe, we’re getting unlimited creative freedom that we couldn’t have in current continuity."